Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
NA - Nord America 4.648
EU - Europa 1.819
AS - Asia 474
AF - Africa 41
Continente sconosciuto - Info sul continente non disponibili 6
OC - Oceania 4
SA - Sud America 3
Totale 6.995
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 4.525
UA - Ucraina 439
IT - Italia 309
SG - Singapore 248
DE - Germania 245
SE - Svezia 219
FI - Finlandia 137
GB - Regno Unito 131
AT - Austria 122
CA - Canada 121
VN - Vietnam 102
CN - Cina 90
IE - Irlanda 79
ES - Italia 45
FR - Francia 35
CI - Costa d'Avorio 33
NL - Olanda 28
BE - Belgio 13
IN - India 13
CH - Svizzera 8
EU - Europa 6
ID - Indonesia 5
KR - Corea 5
TR - Turchia 5
AU - Australia 4
DZ - Algeria 4
RU - Federazione Russa 4
TW - Taiwan 3
BR - Brasile 2
HR - Croazia 2
NO - Norvegia 2
ZA - Sudafrica 2
CR - Costa Rica 1
HK - Hong Kong 1
IQ - Iraq 1
JP - Giappone 1
MA - Marocco 1
ME - Montenegro 1
MU - Mauritius 1
MX - Messico 1
VE - Venezuela 1
Totale 6.995
Città #
Fairfield 490
Woodbridge 450
Houston 382
Chandler 347
Ashburn 322
Santa Clara 322
Wilmington 296
Ann Arbor 268
Jacksonville 240
Singapore 198
Seattle 194
Dearborn 176
Cambridge 165
Vienna 122
Ottawa 117
Boardman 108
Lawrence 97
Medford 83
Dublin 76
Dong Ket 61
Beijing 47
Helsinki 40
San Diego 35
Abidjan 33
Milan 32
Málaga 27
Amsterdam 26
Des Moines 24
New York 23
Duncan 14
Princeton 14
Norwalk 13
Brussels 12
Kyiv 12
Washington 12
Auburn Hills 10
Guangzhou 10
San Lorenzello 10
Redwood City 9
Verona 9
Bareggio 8
London 8
Mountain View 8
Rome 7
Segrate 7
Berlin 6
Grenoble 6
Jinan 6
Los Angeles 6
Ávila 6
Jakarta 5
Mottalciata 5
Seongnam 5
Bern 4
Hefei 4
Izmir 4
Kunming 4
Napoli 4
Redmond 4
Alicante 3
Falkenstein 3
Frankfurt am Main 3
Fuzhou 3
Miami 3
Nanchang 3
Nedumangad 3
Portland 3
Shanghai 3
Taipei 3
Urgnano 3
Albacete 2
Bellinzago Lombardo 2
Bologna 2
Buffalo 2
Chicago 2
Dallas 2
Gunzenhausen 2
Idaho Falls 2
Indiana 2
Johannesburg 2
Mavelikkara 2
Melegnano 2
Monza 2
Munich 2
Nürnberg 2
Paris 2
Pavia 2
Perth 2
Perugia 2
Pullman 2
Quartucciu 2
Salerno 2
San Lazzaro Di Savena 2
Sesto San Giovanni 2
Sydney 2
Zagreb 2
Zanica 2
Alcalá De Henares 1
Ankara 1
Atlanta 1
Totale 5.123
Nome #
A new formulation of line voltage drop in unbalanced and distorted systems 137
Dynamic Analysis of Electromechanical Converters by means of the Wavelet Transform 133
Influence of PQ disturbances on dynamic stability of isolated system 127
Dynamic analysis of electromechanical converters by means of the wavelet transform 126
A systematic, mathematically and physically sound approach to the energy balance in three-wire, three-phase systems 123
Dynamic Electromechanical model of a High Speed Train 120
A Physical Decomposition of Three-Phase Variables into Common and Differential Mode Quantities 119
On the meaning of the Park power components in three-phase systems under non-sinusoidal conditions 119
A Distributed-Constants Model of Three-Phase Induction Drives for Conducted Emission Studies 115
Study on Far-Field Radiation From Three-Phase Induction Machines 113
Wavelet analysis of line current for a four-quadrant AC locomotive 110
A Radiation Model of Three-Phase Induction Machines 109
An approach to the non-active power concept in terms of the Poynting-Park vector 106
A systematic, mathematically and physically sound approach to the energy balance in three-wire, three-phase systems 105
A Laplace-Clarke Distributed HF Model of Asynchronous Machines 101
Topological transition from magnetic networks to the electric equivalent ones when iron losses are present 101
A Park-Vector Approach to Displacement and Distortion in Three-phase Systems: the Role of the Power Factor and the Imaginary Power 100
Elettrotecnica - Mutuo Induttore Tempo Invariante 99
A Form-Wound Induction Machine Model for the Study of Three-Phase Surge Propagation 97
On the analysis of three-conductor transmission lines using Park transformation 96
Analysis of Physically Symmetrical Lossy Three-phase Transmission Lines in Term of Space Vectors 94
On the use of the Current and Flux state variables in the Dynamic Analysis of Magnetoelectric Networks 94
Three-Phase Distributed Constants Model of Induction Machines for EMC and Surge Propagation Studies 94
Dynamical Model of a High Speed Train: Electromechanical Analysis of Short Circuit Torques 93
Faults Analysis Theory and Schemes of Four-Phase Power Systems 90
Topological Considerations on the Symmetrical Components Transformation 89
Three-phase distributed model of high-voltage windings to study internal steep-fronted surge propagation in a straightforward transformer 89
Evaluation of Line Voltage Drop in presence of Unbalance, Harmonics and Interharmonics: Theory and Applications 88
Analysis of Nonlinear Coupled Thermo-Magnetic Problem by Means of Equivalent Thermal Network Approach 87
Symmetrical and Clarke-Park Transformations for Four-Phase Systems 87
Symmetrical Components and Space-Vector Transformations for Four-Phase Networks 86
Sensorless Evaluation of Asymmetric Hysteresis Loops of Ferromagnetic Materials 86
Three-Phase Distributed Constants Model of Induction Machines for EMC and Surge Propagation Studies 83
About fields-circuit theory transition 83
Electric Circuit Representation Of A Magnetic Circuit With Hysteresis 82
Park's equations for distributed constants line 82
On The Use Of The Current And Flux State Variables In The Dynamic Analysis Of Magnetoelectric Networks 80
Park Three-Phase Approach To Electric Arc Dynamic Analysis 80
Use of Morlet Wavelets Technique for Dynamic Analysis of Traction Converters 80
Instrument Transformers: a Different Approach to Their Modeling 80
Dynamic Analysis of Electric Arcs Based on Energetic and Clarke Approach 79
About the role of the Park imaginary power on the three-phase line voltage drop 79
A Poynting Vector Approach to the Study of the Steinmetz Compensator 79
Analysis of Three-phase Transmission Line Radiation by means of The Park Transform 79
Lossy three-phase transmission Line Transient Analysis by Park Approach 76
Multiresolution analysis of time-variant electrical networks 75
Evaluation of Line Voltage Drop in presence of Unbalance, Harmonics and Interharmonics: Theory and Applications 75
An HF Model of Asynchronous Machines based on Space-Vectors 72
Baum-Perrine diagram under non sinusoidal and unbalanced condition 71
An analytical tool for the calculation of rotating hysteresis in induction machines based on d-q theory and on the virtual works principle 71
Dynamic Analysis of a High Speed Train 71
Adolfo Bartoli e la pressione di radiazione 69
Electric Circuit Representation Of A Magnetic Circuit With Hysteresis 69
Ingegneria degli azionamenti polistella. Parte I: fondamenti metodologici 68
Dynamic Analysis of Electric Arc: From the Single-phase State Approach to the Three-Phase Clarke Approach 68
A new formulation of resonance condition for nonlinear, time-variant and hysteretic circuits 66
The use of Park Trasform to Develop an Improved Model, including radiation, of a three-phase power line system 64
Power Quality Effects on Ferroresonance 64
Il rapporto tra strumenti e teorie nell’Ingegneria Elettrica in Italia e nel contesto internazionale tra ottocento e novecento. Dal trasformatore e dal teorema di Poynting alla teoria delle macchine elettriche e delle reti di G. Giorgi ed E. Bottani 61
Un postmaxwelliano: Oliver Heaviside 61
Analisi dinamica dell'azionamento di una locomotiva policorrente. L'impiego della trasformata Wavelet 60
Performance of Revenue Meters Under Non-Sinusoidal Conditions: Experimental Results 59
Un elettrotecnico tra due culture: Giuseppe Sartori 58
Elettrotecnica - Analisi di Reti in Regime Permanente 56
A sensorless method for the identification of asymmetric hysteresis loops of ferromagnetic materials 56
The influence of zero-sequence component on the line voltage drop 55
Use of An Equivalent Thermal Network For The Analysis of a Coupled Thermo-Magnetic problem 54
Una lettura postmaxwelliana dell’elettromagnetismo classico: Charles Proteous Steinmetz e la nascita della General Electric 53
From Volta's Pile to Ferraris motor: A History of Instruments 53
Sull'analisi del campo irradiato conseguente al contatto strisciante pantografo-catenaria in un sistema di trazione 52
Electromagnetic Field Radiated From Three-Phase Induction Machines 52
Reminiscenze elettriche in una città marchigiana: Fermo e l’elettrotecnica italiana, 51
Dual Electric And Magnetic Networks: Extension To Time-Varying And Hysteretical Conditions 50
James Clerk Maxwell e la cultura italiana 50
Electromagnetic and space-vector approach for the presentation of the unified theory of electrical machines 50
Effective numerical approach to transient phenomena induced in grounded transmission lines 49
Some topological considerations on symmetrical components transformation[Alcune considerazioni topologiche sulla trasformazione dei componenti simmetrici] 49
Notes on Ferroresonance 48
Per una storia della teoria delle reti elettriche 48
Elettrotecnica - Reti Campi. II Ed. Riveduta e Ampliata 46
Dynamic Analysis of Asymmetrical Faults using Lyon Transformation 46
Waves and Complex Power in Transmission Line 45
Dual Electric and Magnetic Networks: extension to the Time-Vaying and Hysteretical Conditions 45
Regime deformato e contatori per la misura di "energia reattiva": prove e risultati 44
Park equations for distributed costants line 44
An approach to the non-active power cocept in terms of the Poynting-Park vector 43
Regime deformato e contatori per la misura di "energia reattiva" 42
Exact full-wave model of Three-phase power line system 41
L'elettricità a Milano. L'istituzione elettrotecnica italiana Carlo Erba 37
Park imaginary power: a quantitative estimation of a physical phenomenon, or a qualitative index of non-ideal conditions? 33
Rassegna dei provvedimenti di filtraggio delle armoniche 31
On the unwanted Radiated Fields due to Sliding Contacts in a Traction System 29
Modello dinamico di un convoglio per l'alta velocità: analisi elettromeccanica delle coppie di corto-circuito 29
Ingegneria degli azionamenti polistella. Parte II: criteri di dimensionamento e confronto 29
On the radiation of a three-phase power line 28
Power Properrties of single-phase non-sinusoidal systems: the use of generalised rotating vector concept 21
Line Voltage Drop Calculation in Unbalanced and Distorted Systems 20
Totale 7.056
Categoria #
all - tutte 21.743
article - articoli 7.430
book - libri 605
conference - conferenze 11.819
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 1.889
Totale 43.486

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/20201.019 0 0 0 0 0 178 217 114 201 63 166 80
2020/2021979 108 51 91 19 112 60 92 87 61 122 57 119
2021/2022735 35 111 38 52 99 19 33 34 35 58 67 154
2022/2023787 150 49 19 112 59 108 12 45 107 40 64 22
2023/2024455 26 94 11 68 29 99 13 5 6 27 10 67
2024/2025673 8 131 39 17 372 106 0 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 7.056