A change in granularity: measure space utilization through smart technologies
2021-01-01 Tagliaro, C.; Zhou, Y.; Hua, Y.
A Proposal for Measuring In-Use Buildings’ Impact through the Ecological Footprint Approach
2021-01-01 Pomè, Alice Paola; Tagliaro, Chiara; Ciaramella, Gianandrea
Are workspaces gender neutral? A literature review and a research agenda
2022-01-01 Migliore, Alessandra; Rossi-Lamastra, Cristina; Tagliaro, Chiara
Between process and form: Hybridisation of knowledge in the coworking project
2021-01-01 Migliore, Alessandra; MANZINI CEINAR, Irene; Tagliaro, Chiara
Changing academics’ ways of working: towards a distributed university campus
2022-01-01 Migliore, Alessandra; Tagliaro, Chiara; Ciaramella, Andrea
Co.Co.Co: Continuare il Coworking con Covid-19?
2020-01-01 Tagliaro, Chiara; Ciaramella, Gianandrea
Collaborative spaces: organizational, spatial and relational crossover for new ways of working
2020-01-01 Migliore, Alessandra; Tagliaro, Chiara
Experiencing smart working: a case study on workplace change management in Italy
2016-01-01 Ciaramella, Gianandrea; Tagliaro, Chiara
Is Digitalization Worth the Hassle? Two cases of Innovation Building Operation and Maintenance
2023-01-01 Pomè, A. P.; Tagliaro, C.; Celani, A.; Ciaramella, G.
Networked “bubbles”: study workgroups’ spatial adjacency preference using social network analysis methods
2021-01-01 Zhou, Yaoyi; Tagliaro, Chiara; Hua, Ying
Pandemic-Driven Evolution: The Reshaping of Coworking Spaces in the (Post) COVID-19 Era
2024-01-01 Orel, Marko; Demir, Ferhat; Tagliaro, Chiara; Rus, Andrej
R.E. property meets technology: cross-country comparison and general framework
2021-01-01 Tagliaro, C.; Bellintani, S.; Ciaramella, G.
Room for diversity: a review of research and industry approaches to inclusive workplaces
2023-01-01 Tagliaro, Chiara; Migliore, Alessandra; Mosca, Erica Isa; Capolongo, Stefano
Technology “like a fork”. How PropTech shapes real estate innovation
2024-01-01 Tagliaro, C.; Pomè, A. P.; Migliore, A.; Danivska, V.
The key-role of Public Authorities in the Social Housing Process. The Viennese model as good practice in Europe.
2014-01-01 Tagliaro, Chiara
Transforming work environments: Unveiling the dynamics and impacts of coworking spaces Working beyond boundaries: Redefining work modes and spaces across geographies dossier editorial
2023-01-01 Tomaz, E.; Henriques, C.; Tagliaro, C.; Stankov, U.
Who talks about collaborative spaces, how, and why
2018-01-01 Ciaramella, A.; Rossi-Lamastra, C.; Rovelli, P.; Tagliaro, C.
Work Activity Pattern and Collaboration Network: New Drivers for Workplace Space Planning and Design
2022-01-01 Tagliaro, C; Zhou, Yy; Hua, Y
“Covid-working”: what to keep and what to leave? Evidence from an Italian company
2021-01-01 Tagliaro, Chiara; Migliore, Alessandra