An empirical analysis of process-oriented supply chain performance measurement systems
2014-01-01 Luzzini, Davide Giorgio Marco; Maccarrone, Paolo; Maestrini, Vieri
Effects of monitoring and incentives on supplier performance: An agency theory perspective
2018-01-01 Maestrini, Vieri; Luzzini, Davide; Caniato, Federico; Ronchi, Stefano
Effects of strategic supplier performance measurement systems on supplier performance: the role of supplier opportunism and goal congruence
2015-01-01 Maestrini, Vieri; Caniato, FEDERICO FRANCESCO ANGELO; Luzzini, Davide; Ronchi, Stefano
Measuring supply chain performance: a lifecycle framework and a case study
2018-01-01 Maestrini, Vieri; Luzzini, Davide; Caniato, Federico; Maccarrone, Paolo; Ronchi, Stefano
Measuring supply chain performance: a literature review and research agenda
2014-01-01 Luzzini, DAVIDE GIORGIO MARCO; Maccarrone, Paolo; Maestrini, Vieri
Supplier performance measurement system use, relationship trust, and performance improvement: a dyadic perspective
2021-01-01 Maestrini, V.; Patrucco, A. S.; Luzzini, D.; Caniato, F.; Maccarrone, P.
Supplier performance measurement systems: Communication and reaction modes
2018-01-01 Maestrini, Vieri; Maccarrone, Paolo; Caniato, Federico; Luzzini, Davide
Supply chain performance measurement system lifecycle
2015-01-01 Caniato, FEDERICO FRANCESCO ANGELO; Luzzini, D.; Maccarrone, Paolo; Maestrini, Vieri
Supply chain performance measurement systems: A systematic review and research agenda
2017-01-01 Maestrini, Vieri; Luzzini, Davide; Maccarrone, Paolo; Caniato, FEDERICO FRANCESCO ANGELO
The action research cycle reloaded: Conducting action research across buyer-supplier relationships
2016-01-01 Maestrini, Vieri; Luzzini, DAVIDE GIORGIO MARCO; Shani, ABRAHAM BARUCH; Canterino, Filomena
The benefits of supply chain finance: a value assessment model
2016-01-01 Caniato, FEDERICO FRANCESCO ANGELO; Gelsomino, Luca; Maestrini, Vieri; Moretto, ANTONELLA MARIA; Perego, Alessandro; Ronchi, Stefano
The cost of supply chain finance: a total cost of ownership approach
2016-01-01 Caniato, F.; Gelsomino, L. M.; Maestrini, V.; Moretto, A.; Perego, A.; Ronchi, S.
The impact of an Ambidextrous Supply Chain Governance on Supplier Performance: the role of Supplier Performance Measurement Systems
2016-01-01 Maestrini, Vieri; Luzzini, Davide; Caniato, FEDERICO FRANCESCO ANGELO; Maccarrone, Paolo
The impact of supplier performance measurement system use on supplier performance: the mediation effect of relationship trust
2016-01-01 Maestrini, Vieri; Caniato, FEDERICO FRANCESCO ANGELO; Luzzini, Davide; Maccarrone, Paolo; Ronchi, Stefano
The impact of supplier performance measurement systems on supplier performance: A dyadic lifecycle perspective
2018-01-01 Maestrini, Vieri; Luzzini, Davide; Caniato, Federico; Maccarrone, Paolo; Ronchi, Stefano
The relationship regulator: A buyer-supplier collaborative performance measurement system
2018-01-01 Maestrini, Vieri; Caniato, Federico; Martinez, Veronica; Neely, Andy; Luzzini, Davide; Maccarrone, Paolo
The value of SCF: an ambidexterity perspective
2017-01-01 Maestrini, V.; Gelsomino, L.; Moretto, A.; Caniato, F.; Perego, A.; Ronchi, S.