ACROMORFO study: gait analysis in a cohort of acromegalic patients
2024-01-01 Cimolin, V; Premoli, C; Bernardelli, G; Amenta, E; Galli, M; Donno, L; Lucini, D; Fatti, L M; Cangiano, B; Persani, L; Vitale, G
Biomechanical Insights into Ski Mountaineering: Kinematics and Muscular Activation in Uphill Movements
2025-01-01 Donno, L.; Francia, C.; Motta, F.; Lo Mauro, A.; Gorla, C.; Scaccabarozzi, D.; Tarabini, M.; Galli, M.
Cervical Range of Motion Assessment through Inertial Technology: A Validity and Reliability Study
2023-01-01 Palmieri, Martina; Donno, Lucia; Cimolin, Veronica; Galli, Manuela
Effect of Obesity on Knee and Ankle Biomechanics during Walking
2021-01-01 Capodaglio, Paolo; Gobbi, Michele; Donno, Lucia; Fumagalli, Andrea; Buratto, Camillo; Galli, Manuela; Cimolin, Veronica
Forward and Backward Walking: Multifactorial Characterization of Gait Parameters
2023-01-01 Donno, L.; Monoli, C.; Frigo, C. A.; Galli, M.
Loads on the Knee Joint Ligaments during Stair Climbing
2023-01-01 Frigo, C. A.; Grossi, M.; Donno, L.
The effects of a posterior cruciate ligament injury on the knee joint biomechanics during walking
2023-01-01 Donno, L.; Frigo, C. A.
The effects of anterior cruciate ligament sacrifice on the behavior of the knee joint, tested through the use of a musculoskeletal model Abstracts
2022-01-01 Donno, L.; Frigo, C. A.
The effects of external loads and muscle forces on the knee joint ligaments during walking: A musculoskeletal model study
2021-01-01 Frigo, C. A.; Donno, L.
The Simultaneous Assessment of Time and Motion Response during Dual Tasks
2023-01-01 Marrone, Flavia; Donno, Lucia; Lopreside, Antonia; Piccinini, Luigi; Tarabini, Marco; Galli, Manuela
Walking in the Absence of Anterior Cruciate Ligament: The Role of the Quadriceps and Hamstrings
2022-01-01 Donno, L; Sansone, V; Galluzzo, A; Frigo, Ca
Walking with a Posterior Cruciate Ligament Injury: A Musculoskeletal Model Study
2023-01-01 Donno, Lucia; Galluzzo, Alessandro; Pascale, Valerio; Sansone, Valerio; Frigo, CARLO ALBINO