A Lower Estimate for the Distance of an Attracting Fixed Point to the Boundary of its Basin via Univalence Radius
2004-01-01 Gumenyuk, Pavel
Angular and unrestricted limits of one-parameter semigroups in the unit disk
2014-01-01 Gumenyuk, P.
Angular extents and trajectory slopes in the theory of holomorphic semigroups in the unit disk
2021-01-01 Contreras, M. D.; Díaz-Madrigal, S.; Gumenyuk, P.
Boundary regular fixed points in Loewner theory
2015-01-01 Bracci, F.; Contreras, M. D.; Diaz-Madrigal, S.; Gumenyuk, P.
Carathéodory convergence of immediate basins of attraction to a Siegel disk
2009-01-01 Gumenyuk, P.
Chordal Loewner chains with quasiconformal extensions
2017-01-01 Gumenyuk, P.; Hotta, I.
Chordal Loewner Equation
2016-01-01 del Monaco, A; Gumenyuk, P
Contact points and fractional singularities for semigroups of holomorphic self-maps of the unit disc
2016-01-01 Bracci, F.; Gumenyuk, P.
Geometry Behind Chordal Loewner Chains
2010-01-01 Contreras, M. D.; Diaz-Madrigal, S.; Gumenyuk, P.
Infinitesimal generators of semigroups with prescribed boundary fixed points
2020-01-01 Contreras, M. D.; Diaz-Madrigal, S.; Gumenyuk, P.
Local duality in loewner equations
2014-01-01 Contreras, M. D.; Diaz-Madrigal, S.; Gumenyuk, P.
Loewner chains in the unit disk
2010-01-01 Contreras, M. D.; Diaz-Madrigal, S.; Gumenyuk, P.
Loewner Theory for Bernstein Functions I: Evolution Families and Differential Equations
2024-01-01 Gumenyuk, P.; Hasebe, T.; Perez, J. -L.
Loewner theory in annulus I: Evolution families and differential equations
2013-01-01 Contreras, M. D.; Diaz-Madrigal, S.; Gumenyuk, P.
Loewner Theory in annulus II: Loewner chains
2011-01-01 Contreras, M. D.; Diaz-Madrigal, S.; Gumenyuk, P.
Matching univalent functions and conformal welding
2009-01-01 Grong, E.; Gumenyuk, P.; Vasil'Ev, A.
Non-diffeomorphic Reeb foliations and modified Godbillon-Vey class
2022-01-01 Bazaikin, Ya. V.; Galaev, A. S.; Gumenyuk, P.
On existence of Becker extension
2022-01-01 Gumenyuk, Pavel
On the squeezing function for finitely connected planar domains
2022-01-01 Gumenyuk, P.; Roth, O.
Parametric Representation of Univalent Functions with Boundary Regular Fixed Points
2017-01-01 Gumenyuk, P.