Carry-over effects of food supplementation on recruitment and breeding performance of long-lived seabirds
2015-01-01 Vincenzi, Simone; Hatch, Scott; Merkling, Thomas; Kitaysky, Alexander S.
Determining Individual Variation in Growth and Its Implication for Life-History and Population Processes Using the Empirical Bayes Method
2014-01-01 Vincenzi, Simone; Mangel, Marc; Crivelli, Alain J.; Munch, Stephan; Skaug, Hans J.
Direct and indirect effects of environmental factors on dietary niches in size-structured populations of a wild salmonid
2015-01-01 Musseau, Camille; Vincenzi, Simone; Jesenšek, Duš; Cantera, Isabel; Boulêtreau, Stéphanie; Santoul, Frédéric; Crivelli, Alain J.
Eco-evolutionary dynamics induced by massive mortality events
2014-01-01 Vincenzi, Simone; Crivelli, A. J.; Satterthwaite, W. H.; Mangel, M.
Efficiency of attack strategies on complex model and real-world networks
2014-01-01 Bellingeri, Michele; Cassi, Davide; Vincenzi, Simone
Epidemiological modelling for the assessment of bovine tuberculosis surveillance in the dairy farm network in Emilia-Romagna (Italy)
2015-01-01 Rossi, Gianluigi; De Leo, Giulio A.; Pongolini, Stefano; Natalini, Silvano; Vincenzi, Simone; Bolzoni, Luca
Evolution of serotiny in maritime pine (Pinus pinaster) in the light of increasing frequency of fires
2014-01-01 Vincenzi, Simone; Piotti, Andrea
Extinction risk and eco-evolutionary dynamics in a variable environment with increasing frequency of extreme events
2014-01-01 Vincenzi, Simone
Food abundance, kittiwake life histories, and colony dynamics in the Northeastern Pacific:implications of climate change and regime shifts
2014-01-01 Vincenzi, Simone; Mangel, Marc
Food availability affects onset of reproduction in a long-lived seabird
2013-01-01 Vincenzi, Simone; S., Hatch; M., Mangel; A., Kitaysky
InSTREAM-Gen: Modelling eco-evolutionary dynamics of trout populations under anthropogenic environmental change
2016-01-01 Ayllón, Daniel; Railsback, Steven F.; Vincenzi, Simone; Groeneveld, Jürgen; Almodóvar, Ana; Grimm, Volker
Linking food availability, body growth and survival in the Black-legged Kittiwake Rissa tridactyla
2013-01-01 Vincenzi, Simone; M., Mangel
Rapid estimation of potential yield for data-poor Tapes philippinarum fisheries in North Adriatic coastal lagoons
2014-01-01 Vincenzi, Simone; G. A., De Leo; C., Munari; M., Mistri
Review of: A Computational Approach to Statistical Arguments in Ecology and Evolution by George F. Estabrook
2013-01-01 Vincenzi, Simone
Robustness of empirical food webs with varying consumer’s sensitivities to loss of resources.
2013-01-01 M., Bellingeri; Vincenzi, Simone
Trade-offs between accuracy and interpretability in von Bertalanffy random-effects models of growth
2016-01-01 Vincenzi, Simone; Crivelli, Alain J; Munch, Stephan; Skaug, Hans J; Mangel, Marc
Within- and among-population variation in vital rates and population dynamics in a variable environment
2016-01-01 Vincenzi, Simone; Mangel, Marc; Jesensˇek, Dusˇan; Garza, John C; Crivelli, Alain J.