Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
NA - Nord America 389
EU - Europa 260
AS - Asia 69
AF - Africa 5
SA - Sud America 4
Continente sconosciuto - Info sul continente non disponibili 1
Totale 728
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 383
IT - Italia 157
SG - Singapore 29
FI - Finlandia 28
DE - Germania 20
CN - Cina 14
IE - Irlanda 13
SE - Svezia 10
VN - Vietnam 10
GB - Regno Unito 8
CA - Canada 6
JO - Giordania 6
CH - Svizzera 5
AT - Austria 4
BG - Bulgaria 3
CI - Costa d'Avorio 3
FR - Francia 3
TR - Turchia 3
BE - Belgio 2
BJ - Benin 2
BR - Brasile 2
ES - Italia 2
HK - Hong Kong 2
JP - Giappone 2
CL - Cile 1
DK - Danimarca 1
EU - Europa 1
HR - Croazia 1
ID - Indonesia 1
IR - Iran 1
PH - Filippine 1
PT - Portogallo 1
RO - Romania 1
RU - Federazione Russa 1
UY - Uruguay 1
Totale 728
Città #
Chandler 72
Milan 69
Fairfield 32
Ashburn 29
New York 29
Helsinki 25
Wilmington 23
Woodbridge 20
Singapore 18
Houston 15
Boardman 14
Turin 12
Seattle 11
Cambridge 10
Dublin 9
Washington 9
Lawrence 8
Medford 8
Ann Arbor 7
Amman 6
Redmond 6
San Diego 6
Bern 5
Forlì 4
Messina 4
Redwood City 4
Abidjan 3
Bologna 3
Cantu 3
Fucecchio 3
Lappeenranta 3
Palermo 3
Rome 3
State College 3
Vienna 3
Albano Laziale 2
Berlin 2
Brussels 2
Cotonou 2
Erlangen 2
Genoa 2
Liverpool 2
London 2
Montreal 2
Munich 2
Málaga 2
Nagano 2
Norwalk 2
Portland 2
Springfield 2
Americana 1
Ancona 1
Bergamo 1
Boulder 1
Braunschweig 1
Busto Arsizio 1
Cardiff 1
Catania 1
Central District 1
Cincinnati 1
Cinisello Balsamo 1
Cluj-napoca 1
Cologno Monzese 1
Columbia 1
Core 1
Dortmund 1
Ebersberg 1
Eden Prairie 1
Forest City 1
Hong Kong 1
Istanbul 1
Jakarta 1
Karlsruhe 1
Loures 1
Menlo Park 1
Merone 1
Miami 1
Montechiarugolo 1
Montevideo 1
Monza 1
Odense 1
Rovigo 1
Santa Clara 1
Santiago 1
Spoltore 1
Subbiano 1
São Paulo 1
Taranto 1
Troy 1
Urbino 1
Vancouver 1
Varese 1
Vigolzone 1
Vimodrone 1
Wellington 1
Winchester 1
Totale 558
Nome #
Model-driven Risk Analysis for the Design of Safe Collaborative Robotic Applications 111
Formal Verification of Human-Robot Interaction in Healthcare Scenarios 109
Statistical Model Checking of Human-Robot Interaction Scenarios 69
A Model-driven Approach for the Formal Analysis of Human-Robot Interaction Scenarios 67
A Deployment Framework for Formally Verified Human-Robot Interactions 67
Formally-based Model-Driven Development of Collaborative Robotic Applications 64
Model-Driven Development of Formally Verified Human-Robot Interactions 50
Formal Modeling and Verification of Multi-Robot Interactive Scenarios in Service Settings 37
Teaching Formal Methods to Software Engineers through Collaborative Learning (Short Paper) 32
Analyzing the impact of human errors on interactive service robotic scenarios via formal verification 23
Towards Better Trust in Human-Machine Teaming through Explainable Dependability 23
Explainable Human-Machine Teaming using Model Checking and Interpretable Machine Learning 21
Specification, stochastic modeling and analysis of interactive service robotic applications 18
Model-Driven Development of Service Robot Applications Dealing with Uncertain Human Behavior 17
A Conceptual Framework for Explainability Requirements in Software-Intensive Systems 15
Towards Verifiable Multi-Agent Interaction Pattern Specification 9
Architecting Explainable Service Robots 9
Data-Driven Energy Modeling of Machining Centers Through Automata Learning 6
Model-Driven Development of Formally Verified Human-Robot Interactions 5
Totale 752
Categoria #
all - tutte 4.304
article - articoli 1.475
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 2.795
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 34
Totale 8.608

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2020/2021156 0 0 13 64 4 12 11 6 5 6 7 28
2021/2022124 7 7 2 23 36 6 6 7 7 6 7 10
2022/2023222 26 21 29 24 19 16 4 6 30 20 16 11
2023/2024219 9 30 9 20 16 38 20 20 1 17 0 39
2024/202531 6 8 17 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 752