Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
NA - Nord America 11.148
EU - Europa 3.616
AS - Asia 1.108
AF - Africa 286
SA - Sud America 54
Continente sconosciuto - Info sul continente non disponibili 6
Totale 16.218
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 10.944
IT - Italia 915
DE - Germania 584
UA - Ucraina 466
SE - Svezia 464
SG - Singapore 420
VN - Vietnam 283
FI - Finlandia 281
CM - Camerun 238
CN - Cina 225
CA - Canada 202
GB - Regno Unito 192
AT - Austria 178
IE - Irlanda 168
ES - Italia 159
JO - Giordania 65
FR - Francia 59
BE - Belgio 48
BR - Brasile 43
NL - Olanda 38
IN - India 28
ID - Indonesia 24
KR - Corea 19
RO - Romania 16
CI - Costa d'Avorio 15
CH - Svizzera 12
BJ - Benin 9
MU - Mauritius 9
PE - Perù 9
TR - Turchia 8
GR - Grecia 7
RU - Federazione Russa 7
EU - Europa 6
HK - Hong Kong 6
NO - Norvegia 5
PH - Filippine 5
SA - Arabia Saudita 5
IR - Iran 4
JP - Giappone 4
MA - Marocco 4
NG - Nigeria 4
AL - Albania 3
PL - Polonia 3
BD - Bangladesh 2
CZ - Repubblica Ceca 2
DK - Danimarca 2
EE - Estonia 2
EG - Egitto 2
ET - Etiopia 2
HU - Ungheria 2
LA - Repubblica Popolare Democratica del Laos 2
MX - Messico 2
MY - Malesia 2
AM - Armenia 1
BO - Bolivia 1
EC - Ecuador 1
HR - Croazia 1
IL - Israele 1
IQ - Iraq 1
LK - Sri Lanka 1
LV - Lettonia 1
PK - Pakistan 1
PT - Portogallo 1
SC - Seychelles 1
TG - Togo 1
TW - Taiwan 1
ZA - Sudafrica 1
Totale 16.218
Città #
Fairfield 1.567
Woodbridge 963
Ashburn 893
Wilmington 839
Chandler 800
Houston 714
Santa Clara 701
Seattle 644
Ann Arbor 587
Cambridge 562
Jacksonville 287
Singapore 239
Dearborn 234
Boardman 220
Milan 200
Ottawa 185
Lawrence 173
Dong Ket 168
Dublin 168
Vienna 167
Medford 151
Málaga 142
Council Bluffs 140
Helsinki 116
Beijing 115
San Diego 94
Columbus 73
Des Moines 69
Amman 64
Brussels 48
Hamburg 48
Redwood City 40
Falkenstein 36
New York 35
Princeton 35
Grafing 30
Shanghai 27
Turin 26
Amsterdam 25
Bresso 25
Nuremberg 24
Jakarta 23
Washington 22
Munich 20
Frankfurt am Main 19
London 19
Norwalk 18
Mountain View 17
Crema 16
Abidjan 15
Dallas 14
Horia 14
Rome 13
Verona 12
Los Angeles 11
Nürnberg 11
Hefei 10
Cortenuova 9
Lima 9
Auburn Hills 8
Cotonou 8
Guangzhou 8
Kilburn 8
Mcallen 8
Miami 8
Seongnam 8
Berlin 7
Duncan 7
Montréal 7
Reston 7
São Paulo 7
Trieste 7
Dalmine 6
Kunming 6
Lappeenranta 6
Nanjing 6
Phoenix 6
Manila 5
North York 5
Portland 5
Redmond 5
Sesto San Giovanni 5
Tostedt 5
Vedano al Lambro 5
Bergamo 4
Bern 4
Binasco 4
Catania 4
Chicago 4
Florence 4
Garbagnate Milanese 4
Garching 4
Hong Kong 4
Hyderabad 4
Istanbul 4
Jeddah 4
Jinan 4
Leawood 4
Meda 4
Messina 4
Totale 12.173
Nome #
1 cm^2 and 3 cm^2 Multi-Linear Silicon Drift Detectors for 2D X-Ray Spectroscopic Imaging and Compton Scattering 522
MariX, an advanced MHz-class repetition rate X-ray source for linear regime time-resolved spectroscopy and photon scattering 179
DSSC Prototype Ladder Operation and Performance Study at PETRA III / P04 167
First results of a novel Silicon Drift Detector array designed for low energy X-ray fluorescence spectroscopy 160
Biosensors and Molecular Imaging 156
Bio-sensors and Molecular Imaging 145
Development of the DEPFET Sensor with Signal Compression: a Large Format X-Ray Imager With Mega-Frame Readout Capability for the European XFEL 145
Analysis and Characterisation of the Confining Mechanism of the Controlled-Drift Detector 141
Longitudinal Profile of the Charge Cloud at High Charge Levels in Multi-Linear Silicon Drift Detectors for Position-Sensing Applications 139
Detailed mapping of the interstrip response in Double Sided Silicon Strip Detectors in front and back injection by means of IR laser irradiation 136
Commercial CMOS image sensors as X-ray imagers and particle beam monitors 135
Mapping the Amplitude and Position Response of Double Sided Silicon Strip Detectors with Monochromatic Single Protons 133
A 3-D Simulation Code of Electron-Hole Transport and Signal Formation with Coulomb Repulsion and Thermal Diffusion in 2-D Semiconductor Detectors 132
Architecture of the FARCOS detection system and first beam experiments 132
2-D response mapping of Multi-Linear Silicon Drift Detectors 128
2-D Mapping of the Response of SDD Cells of Different Shape in Monolithic Arrays for XRF Spectroscopy 125
A novel position and time sensing Active Pixel Sensor with field-assisted electron collection for charged particle tracking and electron microscopy 123
A new Architecture of the Controlled-Drift Detector: Design and Characterization 122
Characterization and diagnostics of fast X-ray imaging detectors for X-ray free electron laser sources 121
The FARCOS project. First characterization of CsI(Tl) crystals of the FARCOS array using charged particle beams at LNS 120
Experimental investigation of the Impact of Inter-strip Incidence on the Signal Shape in Double Sided Silicon Strip Detectors for Particle Identification 117
"A method for doping fluctuations measurement in high resistivity silicon". 116
A 3D In Vitro Cancer Model as a Platform for Nanoparticle Uptake and Imaging Investigations 115
Study of Systematic and Statistical Uncertainty in Offset, Noise, and Gain Determination of the DSSC Detector for the European XFEL 114
2-D Energy-Resolved Imaging of Gold Nanoparticle Distribution at Concentrations Relevant for In-Vitro Studies 112
Application of Controlled-Drift Detectors to Spectroscopic X-Ray Imaging 112
X-Ray 2-D Position-Sensing With Multilinear Silicon Drift Detectors 110
256-channel differential to single ended antialiasing filter for pulse shape analysis in nuclear physics experiments 110
Bio-sensors and Molecular Imaging 109
"The controlled-drift detector". 109
Past and future detector arrays for complete event reconstruction in heavy-ion reactions 108
Fast, Low-Noise, Low-Power Electronics for the Analog Readout of Non-Linear DEPFET Pixels 106
2 GeV full-scale energy range charge preamplifier for Pigmy Dipole Resonance study in 68 Ni nuclei 105
A novel scatter detector for high-resolution SPECT imaging with Compton telescopes 103
Development and tests of a new prototype detector for the XAFS beamline at Elettra Synchrotron in Trieste 102
A new architecture of the Controlled-Drift Detector: design and characterization 101
Conception and Design Criteria of a Novel Silicon Device for the Measurement of Position and Energy of X-Rays 101
Calibration Sources and Techniques for Large Format X-Ray Imagers at XFEL 100
Mapping of the response function of DePFET-based pixel sensors at different levels of charge injection 99
High-resolution Commercial CMOS Image Sensors as X-ray Imagers and Low-Intensity Particle Beam Monitors 99
Experimental evaluation of the dynamic range of the FARCOS microstrip frontend with a pulsed proton beam 99
An x-ray fluorescence imaging system for gold nanoparticle detection 99
A quantitative x-ray detection system for gold nanoparticle tumour biomarkers 99
A Demonstrator Prototype of Multi-Linear Silicon Drift Detector as Scatter Detector for Compton Imaging 99
Multi-channel Acquisition System for High-Resolution Position-Sensing Silicon Drift Detectors 98
Application of Controlled-Drift Detectors in Diffraction Enhanced Imaging of Tissues 97
Application of Naked Commercial CMOS Sensors to X-ray Fluorescence and X-ray Beam Monitoring 97
A New High Resolution X-Ray Imaging Detector With Fast Read-Out 97
First on-beam tests of the FARCOS frontend electronics 97
A Feasibility Study of a Single Event Spectrometer Based on Semiconductor Devices 95
Theranostics imaging of tumours labelled with gold nanoparticles: concept validation 94
Microsecond-scale X-ray imaging with Controlled-Drift Detectors 93
Design and Experimental Characterization of Multi-Linear Silicon Drift Detectors for 2D position-sensing operating at high drift fields 93
Campaign of measurements to probe the good performance of the new array FARCOS for spectroscopy and correlations 93
Mechanical structure and housekeeping system for the FARCOS Clusters 93
Present status of the FARCOS detection system 93
A 3-D Simulation Tool for Design and Data Correction of X-Ray Scatter Imaging Experiments 92
X-ray edge subtraction imaging of gold nanoparticle concentrations for biological imaging 92
Validation of Proton Tests in Air for Detector Calibration over a Wide Range of Charge Injection Levels 92
Self-Triggered Multi-Linear Silicon Drift Detectors 91
Particle gamma correlations in 12C measured with the CsI(Tl) based detector array CHIMERA 91
Experimental study of MOS Electron Injectors in Silicon Detectors 91
The FARCOS project — Status and perspective 91
VME-Based Data Acquisition System for High-Resolution Position-Sensing Silicon Drift Detectors 90
Imaging gold nanoparticles in a novel tissue engineered 3d in vitro cancer model 90
Status and perspective of FARCOS: A new correlator array for nuclear reaction studies 90
Characterization of a NTD Double-Sided Silicon Strip Detector using a Pulsed Ion Beam 89
Integration of the GET electronics for the CHIMERA and FARCOS devices 89
The Controlled-Drift Detector: a new detector for fast frame read-out X-ray imaging 89
"Electron injection in semiconductor drift detectors" 87
Experimental Characterization of a Parallel Polycapillary Collimator for X-ray Scatter Imaging 87
FARCOS: a versatile and modular Femtoscopy Array for Correlations and Spectroscopy 87
Implementation and Qualification of the FARCOS Frontend Electronics 87
Time-Resolved X-ray Spectroscopic Imaging with Novel Silicon Drift Detectors 86
Novel topologies of Multi-Linear Silicon Drift Detectors for position sensing with energy discrimination 86
Proposal of a Novel Diffraction-Enhanced Imaging Setup Based on Polycapillary X-Ray Optics 85
Imaging Gold Nanoparticles in a Novel Tissue Engineered 3D in Vitro Cancer Model 85
Simulation and Experimental Qualification of the Response of Microstrip Detectors to Ion Beams 85
A bench-top K X-ray fluorescence system for quantitative measurement of gold nanoparticles for biological 85
Simulation of the 3-D Coulomb Explosion of the Electron-Hole Distribution at High Injection Levels in 2-D Semiconductor Detectors 85
Evaluation of Controlled-Drift Detectors in X-Ray Spectroscopic Imaging Applications 83
Silicon devices for low-energy X-ray detection: Comparison between the charge-coupled device and the semiconductor drift chamber 82
"Electron injection in semiconductor drift chambers" 82
Impact of Non Ideal Signal Transfer of On-Chip Source-Follower JFET on Silicon Drift Detector Noise Performance 81
Use of a novel controlled drift detector for diffraction enhanced breast imaging 81
Experimental Qualification of a Novel X-ray Diffraction Imaging Setup Based on Polycapillary X-ray Optics 81
256 Channel Antialiasing Filter with Selectable Parameters and Differential Input to be Coupled with the GET Frontend Electronics: Design and Performance 81
"Performance of the UA6 large-area silicon drift chamber prototype". 80
Improved Energy-Dispersive X-ray Scattering System Based on Polycapillary Collimation and a Silicon Drift Detector 80
Study of charge collection effects in the DSSC sensor 80
Calibration of the Non-linear Response of the First Ladder of the DSSC Camera with Soft X-rays at the European XFEL 79
Multiple-event sensitive DAQ for high-resolution position-sensing Silicon Drift Detectors: hardware, firmware and software architecture 79
Modified Poisson solver for the simulation of the silicon-oxide interface in semiconductor detectors 79
On-Chip Source-Follower Readout Performance With Sub-Picofarad Detector Capacitance 79
Polycapillary Parallel Collimators for X-ray Imaging: Experimental Characterization of the Energy and Angular Response Function 79
A new monolithic silicon detector telescope with bidimensional sensitivity for imaging applications 79
Determination of CsI(Tl) Scintillation Time Constants and Intensities by Direct Fitting of Digitized Waveforms in the CHIMERA 4π Multidetector 79
Germanium Drift Detectors: from the Idea to the Device 79
Performance at Cryogenic Temperatures of an Ultra Low Noise CMOS Front-end for Fano-limited X-ray Spectroscopy 79
Large Format X-Ray Imager with Mega-Frame Readout Capability for XFEL Based on the DEPFET Active Pixel Sensor 78
Totale 10.567
Categoria #
all - tutte 57.971
article - articoli 23.707
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 33.481
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 783
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 0
Totale 115.942

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/20201.547 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 341 454 258 366 128
2020/20212.256 208 103 231 112 201 134 178 200 147 236 144 362
2021/20221.601 85 135 87 77 210 81 64 75 243 87 151 306
2022/20232.035 248 151 38 171 185 313 13 146 339 197 131 103
2023/20241.345 75 202 144 120 83 214 99 106 8 111 24 159
2024/20251.711 34 45 61 65 748 392 187 179 0 0 0 0
Totale 16.417