DIPARTIMENTO DI BIOINGEGNERIA (attivo dal 01/01/1900 al 31/12/2012)  

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Titolo Data di pubblicazione Autori File
A 3-d kinematic analysis of canoeing on a simulator: differences between elite, intermediate and novice canoists 1-gen-2001 RODANO, RENATO +
A biomechanical comparison between racewalking and normal walking stance phase 1-gen-2006 PREATONI, EZIORODANO, RENATO +
A Methodological Study for the Multifactorial Assessment of Motor Adaptation: Integration of Kinematic and Neural Factors 1-gen-2010 MOLTENI, ERIKAPREATONI, EZIOCIMOLIN, VERONICABIANCHI, ANNA MARIAGALLI, MANUELARODANO, RENATO
A procedure for quantitative kinematic analysis in running on treadmill 1-gen-2000 RODANO, RENATO +
Assessment of the effects of an 8-weeks conditioning programme on muscular strength: comparison between whole body vibrations, conventional strength training or their combination 1-gen-2008 PREATONI, EZIORODANO, RENATO +
Assessment of whole body vibrations, conventional weights training or their combination: effects of an 8-weeks conditioning programme on jumping and isometric strength tests 1-gen-2008 PREATONI, EZIORODANO, RENATO +
Asymmetries in vertical jump: a support for functional motor evaluation? 1-gen-2005 PREATONI, EZIORODANO, RENATO +
Asymmetries in vertical jump: a support for functional motor evaluation? 1-gen-2005 PREATONI, EZIORODANO, RENATO +
Biovariability: a key factor for motor evaluation in sport exercises 1-gen-2004 PREATONI, EZIORODANO, RENATO +
Biovariability: the starting point for developing reliable motor feedback procedures in sports 1-gen-2005 PREATONI, EZIORODANO, RENATO +
Characterization of foot morphology through 3D optical measures 1-gen-2008 PREATONI, EZIORODANO, RENATOMAZZOLA, MARCOANDREONI, GIUSEPPEPEDOTTI, ANTONIO +
Coordination in track & field sprinters while performing the countermovement jump 1-gen-2009 PREATONI, EZIOANDREONI, GIUSEPPERODANO, RENATO +
Critical issues in applied sport biomechanics research 1-gen-2002 RODANO, RENATO
Electrical stimulation versus voluntary training of quadriceps muscles in soccer players 1-gen-2001 PEDOTTI, ANTONIORODANO, RENATO +
Functional principal component analysis (f-PCA) for the characterization of individual race walking performance strategies 1-gen-2008 PREATONI, EZIORODANO, RENATO +
Functional principal component analysis for motor skills characterisation in race walking 1-gen-2008 PREATONI, EZIORODANO, RENATO +
Innovative monitoring of individual motor performance through VJ exercises: robust analysis and representation 1-gen-2008 PREATONI, EZIORODANO, RENATO +
L’approccio bioingegneristico all’analisi del gesto sportivo: metodi e applicazioni 1-gen-2004 RODANO, RENATO
Motor adaptation: an integrated study combining kinematics and neural correlates 1-gen-2012 CIMOLIN, VERONICAMOLTENI, ERIKAPREATONI, EZIORODANO, RENATOGALLI, MANUELABIANCHI, ANNA MARIA
Nonlinear analysis of race walking gait: movement variability, entropy and motor skills assessment 1-gen-2008 PREATONI, EZIORODANO, RENATO