Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
NA - Nord America 9.919
EU - Europa 3.993
AS - Asia 1.246
AF - Africa 136
OC - Oceania 17
SA - Sud America 14
Continente sconosciuto - Info sul continente non disponibili 9
Totale 15.334
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 9.632
IT - Italia 989
UA - Ucraina 729
DE - Germania 481
SG - Singapore 438
SE - Svezia 361
FI - Finlandia 314
AT - Austria 292
CA - Canada 281
CN - Cina 263
VN - Vietnam 259
GB - Regno Unito 243
IE - Irlanda 201
CI - Costa d'Avorio 112
ES - Italia 86
FR - Francia 76
JO - Giordania 60
NL - Olanda 58
BE - Belgio 50
ID - Indonesia 47
KR - Corea 46
IN - India 28
JP - Giappone 24
TW - Taiwan 17
CH - Svizzera 16
AU - Australia 14
DK - Danimarca 12
HK - Hong Kong 12
RU - Federazione Russa 12
PT - Portogallo 11
TR - Turchia 10
EU - Europa 9
GR - Grecia 9
LU - Lussemburgo 9
SK - Slovacchia (Repubblica Slovacca) 9
IR - Iran 8
TN - Tunisia 8
PH - Filippine 7
PK - Pakistan 7
RO - Romania 7
AL - Albania 6
MY - Malesia 6
NO - Norvegia 6
MU - Mauritius 5
PE - Perù 5
PL - Polonia 5
BR - Brasile 4
AE - Emirati Arabi Uniti 3
BJ - Benin 3
CY - Cipro 3
KG - Kirghizistan 3
MX - Messico 3
NZ - Nuova Zelanda 3
BG - Bulgaria 2
CL - Cile 2
CO - Colombia 2
HR - Croazia 2
LB - Libano 2
LT - Lituania 2
MA - Marocco 2
ME - Montenegro 2
NG - Nigeria 2
RS - Serbia 2
AN - Antille olandesi 1
AR - Argentina 1
DZ - Algeria 1
EG - Egitto 1
GH - Ghana 1
IL - Israele 1
KZ - Kazakistan 1
LV - Lettonia 1
PA - Panama 1
PR - Porto Rico 1
TH - Thailandia 1
ZA - Sudafrica 1
Totale 15.334
Città #
Fairfield 1.047
Woodbridge 970
Santa Clara 828
Wilmington 661
Houston 646
Chandler 630
Ann Arbor 622
Ashburn 596
Jacksonville 442
Cambridge 388
Seattle 363
Singapore 339
Dearborn 335
Vienna 283
Boardman 280
Ottawa 267
Lawrence 244
Dublin 192
Milan 180
Beijing 132
Medford 132
Princeton 125
Abidjan 112
Dong Ket 106
Des Moines 94
Helsinki 89
Málaga 77
San Diego 63
Amman 60
New York 44
Brussels 43
Jakarta 41
Redwood City 37
Norwalk 30
Saluzzo 30
San Francisco 29
London 26
Rome 24
Shanghai 20
San Donato Milanese 19
Amsterdam 17
Fremont 16
Hefei 15
Auburn Hills 14
Seongnam 14
Munich 13
Verona 13
Wuppertal 13
Los Angeles 11
Washington 11
Frankfurt am Main 10
Mountain View 10
Nanjing 10
Seoul 10
Taipei 10
Wuhan 10
Bergamo 9
Guangzhou 9
Lisbon 9
Portland 9
Redmond 9
Civitanova Marche 8
Grumo Appula 8
Modena 8
Utrecht 8
Florence 7
Košice 7
Berlin 6
Bologna 6
Catanzaro 6
Erlangen 6
Hino 6
North York 6
Tokyo 6
Ascoli Piceno 5
Gunzenhausen 5
Lucca 5
Maiori 5
Nanchang 5
Phoenix 5
Torino 5
Véry 5
Xian 5
Atlanta 4
Bernate Ticino 4
Bochum 4
Brescia 4
Centro 4
Chantepie 4
Chicago 4
Davao City 4
Frederiksberg 4
Hong Kong 4
Lima 4
Limerick 4
Naritanishi 4
Paris 4
Parma 4
Saronno 4
Turin 4
Totale 11.089
Nome #
Barriers and Drivers in the Adoption of Advanced Wastewater Treatment Technologies: a Comparative Analysis of Italian Utilities 236
Governmental and independent venture capital investments in Europe: A firm-level performance analysis 161
External private equity financing and the growth of new technology-based firms: The chicken and egg problem revisited 153
Human capital of entrepreneurial teams in nascent high-tech sectors: a comparison between Cleantech and Internet 148
Government, venture capital and the growth of European high-tech entrepreneurial firms 124
Industrial policy and the financing of young innovative companies: evidence from the Italian Startup Act 122
Venture capital in Europe: social capital, formal institutions and mediation effects 121
Determinants of the price response to residential water tariffs: meta-analysis and beyond 119
Entrepreneurship policy and the financing of young innovative companies: Evidence from the Italian Startup Act 119
Do Public Subsidies Affect the Performance of New Technology-Based Firms? The Importance of Evaluation Schemes and Agency Goals 116
Energy-efficient innovation: a response to market-based incentives? 112
Cherry-picking or Frog-kissing? A Theoretical Analysis of how Investors Select Entrepreneurial Ventures in Thin Venture Capital Markets 112
The energy-efficient transformation of EU business enterprises: Adapting policies to contextual factors 109
On Growth Drivers of High-tech Start-ups: Exploring the Role of Founders’ Human Capital and Venture Capital 106
Financial and Institutional Reforms for an Entrepreneurial Society 105
Price elasticity of residential water demand and water scarcity 104
Service quality in electricity supply: the customer’s costs 100
To what extent do young innovative companies take advantage of policy support to enact innovation appropriation mechanisms? 96
Energy-efficient innovation: a response to market-based incentives? 95
New Technology-based Firms in Europe: Market Penetration, Public Venture Capital, and Timing of Investment 95
Why do entrepreneurs refuse venture capital? 94
Government venture capital And the growth of European high-tech start-ups: A firm-level panel data analysis 93
Entrepreneurial team formation dynamics: Mind the sector 93
Venture Capital in Europe: Social Capital, Formal Institutions and Mediation Effects 91
Venture capital investor type and the growth mode of new technology-based firms 91
A longitudinal analysis of venture capital financing and the growth of new technology based firms: a longitudinal analysis 90
ICT services and small businesses' productivity gains: an analysis of the adoption of broadband Internet technology 90
Funding gaps? Access to bank loans by high-tech start-ups 89
Energy-Efficient Innovation and Firm Size: How Different Firms Respond to Different Institutional Pressures 89
Founders' human capital and the growth of new technology-based firms: A competence-based view 87
Econometric evaluation of public policies for science and innovation: a brief guide to practice 87
Why do entrepreneurs refuse venture capital? 87
Venture Capital Financing and the Growth of New Technology-Based Firms: Correcting for Sample Self-Selection 86
A Capital Partnership: How Human and Venture Capital Affect the Growth of High-tech Start-ups 86
High-tech Entrepreneurship in Europe: a Heuristic Firm Growth Model and Three “(Un-)easy Pieces” for Policy Making 86
Service quality in the electricity industry: The role of privatization and managerial behavior 86
R&D subsidies and the performance of high-tech start-ups 86
Ownership structure, corporate governance and service quality in the electricity industry 84
Founders' human capital and the growth of new technology-based firms 84
Management Discretion and Political Interference in Municipal Enterprises. Evidence from Italian Utilities 83
The effects of international R&D alliances on the performance of high-tech start-ups: a longitudinal analysis 82
The effects of human and infrastructural capital on the entry rates of new-technology based firms at the local level 82
Self-selection of entrepreneurial firms in thin venture capital markets: Theory and empirical evidence 81
Incentives to water conservation: comparing price and reward effects through stated preferences 80
The Imprinting of Founders’ Human Capital on Entrepreneurial Venture Growth: Evidence from New Technology-Based Firms 80
Do the rules of the game determine who is playing? Institutional Change, Entrepreneurship and Human Capital 80
Sowing the Seeds of the Future: Policies for Financing Tomorrow’s Innovations 80
Special tariffs to promote fixed telephony penetration: reflections from the UK experience during the 1990s 79
L'allargamento dei ranghi manageriali nelle giovani imprese: il caso delle start-up ad alta tecnologia 79
Effects of international R&D alliances on performance of high-tech start-ups: a longitudinal analysis 79
Independent venture capital vs. corporate venture capital: which type of investor fosters growth of new technology-based firms? 78
Venture Capital Enters Academia: An Analysis of University-Managed Funds 78
Price elasticity of water demand considering scarcity and attitudes 78
In search of complementary assets: The determinants of alliance formation of high-tech start-ups 77
The role of institutional pressures in the introduction of energy‐efficiency innovations 77
Supporting High-tech Start-ups: Lessons from Italian Technology Policy 76
Supporting high-tech start-ups: lessons from Italian technology policy 76
Direct public subsidies and the productivity of high-tech start-ups: exploring the governmental 'build efficiency' function 76
When the going gets tough, do the tough get going? The pre-entry work experience of founders and high-tech start-up survival during an industry crisis 76
The differential impact of public and private venture capital investments on new technology-based firms' growth: a European analysis 76
Cherry picking or frog kissing? The matching process between venture capital and high-tech entrepreneurial ventures 76
High-tech entrepreneurship in Europe: a heuristic firm growth model and three “(un-)easy pieces” for policy making 76
Institutional context and energy-efficient innovation: Are SMEs flying under the radar? 76
New technology-based firms in Europe: market penetration, public venture capital and timing of investment 76
Venture capital financing and the growth of high-tech start-ups: Disentangling treatment from selection effects 76
Governmental and independent venture capital investments in Europe: a firm-level performance analysis 74
Innovative start-ups and policy initiatives 74
Network externalities, incumbent's competitive advantage and the degree of openness of software start-ups 74
The diffusion of broadband-based applications among Italian small and medium enterprises 73
Service quality in electricity supply: the customer's costs 73
The creation of high-tech entrepreneurial ventures at the local level: The role of local competences and communication infrastructures 73
Municipal ownership and cost efficiency in utilities 72
The diffusion of broadband-based applications among Italian small and medium enterprises 72
Institutional Determinants of Venture Capital: Taking Informal Institutions Into a Front Seat 72
Does entrepreneurs’ human capital exert an imprinting effect on venture performance? An empirical test on new technology-based firms 71
High-tech entrepreneurship in Europe: a heuristic firm growth model and three “(un-)easy pieces” for policy making 71
Institutional Determinants of Venture Capital Activity: A Survey of the Literature and a Research Agenda 71
Incentives to water conservation under scarcity: Comparing price and reward effects through stated preferences 71
Selective subsidies, entrepreneurial founders' human capital, and access to R&D alliances 70
Entrepreneurs' human capital and the start-up size of new technology-based firms 69
Impact of Public and Private Venture Capital 69
Start‐up Act, the Human Capital of Entrepreneurs and the Start‐up size of Young Innovative Companies: Evidence from Italy 68
Governmental and Independent Venture Capital Investments in Europe: A Firm-Level Performance Analysis 67
Is there a relationship between public expenditures in energy R&D and carbon emissions per GDP? An empirical investigation 67
Public subsidies and the employment growth of high-tech start-ups: assessing the impact of selective and automatic support schemes 67
Accesso alla larga banda, applicazioni e relazione con la produttività 66
When things get though do the tough get going? Founders’ pre-entry work experience and young high-tech firm survival in turbulent markets 66
Are NTBFs keen on Having VC Financing? An Empirical Analysis on the Determinants of VC Seeking and Its Impact in Evaluating Performance 66
High-tech Start-up Access to Public Funds and Venture Capital: Evidence from Italy 66
Industrial policy and the financing of young innovative companies: evidence from the Italian Startup Act 66
Governmental and Independent Venture Capital Investments in Europe: A Firm-Level Performance Analysis 65
Go abroad or remain small: do foreign studying and working experiences impact the international vocation of entrepreneurs? 65
On growth drivers of high-tech start-ups: exploring the role of founders’ human capital and venture capital 64
Technology policy for the knowledge economy: public support to young ICT service firms 64
Supporting high-tech start-ups: Lessons from Italian technology policy 64
The creation of NTBFs at local level: the role of internal and external human capital networks 64
Institutional Determinants of Venture Capital: Taking Informal Institutions To a Front Seat 64
There Must be an Angel? Local Financial Markets, Business Angels and the Financing of Innovative Start-ups 64
Totale 8.562
Categoria #
all - tutte 50.227
article - articoli 19.928
book - libri 383
conference - conferenze 25.410
curatela - curatele 265
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 4.241
Totale 100.454

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/20202.260 0 0 0 0 0 383 472 236 374 159 465 171
2020/20212.229 234 82 240 85 285 138 179 202 128 210 139 307
2021/20221.718 87 228 85 77 164 62 51 115 101 173 162 413
2022/20231.732 325 118 70 153 177 203 24 113 286 109 124 30
2023/2024953 69 211 39 75 30 139 25 43 22 127 17 156
2024/20251.739 43 61 302 53 904 376 0 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 15.625