An extremely low-noise heralded single-photon source: A breakthrough for quantum technologies
2012-01-01 G., Brida; I. P., Degiovanni; M., Genovese; F., Piacentini; P., Traina; DELLA FRERA, Adriano; Tosi, Alberto; BAHGAT SHEHATA, Andrea; Scarcella, Carmelo; Gulinatti, Angelo; Ghioni, MASSIMO ANTONIO; S. V., Polyakov; A., Migdall; A., Giudice
Fully programmable single-photon detection module for InGaAs/InP single-photon avalanche diodes with clean and sub-nanosecondgating transitions
2012-01-01 Tosi, Alberto; DELLA FRERA, Adriano; BAHGAT SHEHATA, Andrea; Scarcella, Carmelo
Telecommunications-band heralded single photons from a silicon nanophotonic chip
2012-01-01 M., Davanco; J., Rong Ong; BAHGAT SHEHATA, Andrea; Tosi, Alberto; I., Agha; S., Assefa; F., Xia; W. M. J., Green; S., Mookherjea; K., Srinivasan
Time-Resolved Diffuse Optical Spectroscopy up to 1700 nm by Means of a Time-Gated InGaAs/InP Single-Photon Avalanche Diode
2012-01-01 Bargigia, Ilaria; Tosi, Alberto; BAHGAT SHEHATA, Andrea; DELLA FRERA, Adriano; Farina, Andrea; Bassi, Andrea; Taroni, Paola; DALLA MORA, Alberto; Zappa, Franco; Cubeddu, Rinaldo; Pifferi, ANTONIO GIOVANNI