Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
NA - Nord America 7.425
EU - Europa 2.096
AS - Asia 938
AF - Africa 14
SA - Sud America 11
OC - Oceania 7
Continente sconosciuto - Info sul continente non disponibili 5
Totale 10.496
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 7.309
IT - Italia 628
SG - Singapore 291
AT - Austria 281
VN - Vietnam 232
SE - Svezia 199
CN - Cina 183
UA - Ucraina 172
DE - Germania 151
FI - Finlandia 140
GB - Regno Unito 129
IE - Irlanda 120
CA - Canada 108
ES - Italia 88
CH - Svizzera 58
NL - Olanda 48
MY - Malesia 38
ID - Indonesia 36
JO - Giordania 36
FR - Francia 31
HK - Hong Kong 29
BE - Belgio 25
IN - India 20
IR - Iran 15
TR - Turchia 14
PH - Filippine 12
JP - Giappone 10
KR - Corea 8
MX - Messico 8
BR - Brasile 7
RU - Federazione Russa 7
BJ - Benin 6
EU - Europa 5
IL - Israele 5
AU - Australia 4
CI - Costa d'Avorio 4
EC - Ecuador 4
HU - Ungheria 4
DK - Danimarca 3
NZ - Nuova Zelanda 3
AE - Emirati Arabi Uniti 2
BG - Bulgaria 2
CZ - Repubblica Ceca 2
NG - Nigeria 2
PK - Pakistan 2
PL - Polonia 2
RO - Romania 2
CY - Cipro 1
EG - Egitto 1
HR - Croazia 1
MA - Marocco 1
NO - Norvegia 1
PT - Portogallo 1
QA - Qatar 1
RS - Serbia 1
SA - Arabia Saudita 1
TH - Thailandia 1
TW - Taiwan 1
Totale 10.496
Città #
Fairfield 1.173
Woodbridge 685
Ashburn 559
Houston 537
Santa Clara 493
Seattle 486
Chandler 485
Wilmington 480
Cambridge 419
Ann Arbor 366
Vienna 277
Milan 198
Singapore 195
Boardman 167
Dearborn 150
Lawrence 125
Medford 123
Dublin 119
Jacksonville 108
Ottawa 99
Dong Ket 97
Málaga 83
San Diego 67
Beijing 64
Des Moines 51
Helsinki 41
Bern 37
New York 37
Amman 36
Jakarta 35
Petaling Jaya 35
Amsterdam 34
London 29
Brussels 25
Redwood City 25
Shanghai 23
Washington 20
Redmond 19
Norwalk 17
Lappeenranta 14
Miami 14
Los Angeles 13
Auburn Hills 11
Mountain View 11
Arcene 10
Central 10
Rome 10
Tradate 10
Brescia 9
Lausanne 9
Verona 9
Istanbul 8
Frankfurt am Main 7
Hong Kong 7
Indiana 7
Cotonou 6
Munich 6
Paris 6
Princeton 6
Solbiate Olona 6
Turin 6
Vanves 6
Berkeley 5
Hangzhou 5
Hefei 5
Hounslow 5
Nanjing 5
Tokyo 5
Wuhan 5
Zhengzhou 5
Abidjan 4
Bareggio 4
Budapest 4
Changsha 4
Cologno Al Serio 4
Davao City 4
Falkenstein 4
Ho Chi Minh City 4
Karlsruhe 4
Kilburn 4
Kunming 4
Orange 4
Sha Tin Wai 4
Torino 4
Trieste 4
Xian 4
Alzano Lombardo 3
Americana 3
Auckland 3
Delft 3
El Pueblito 3
Florence 3
Guangzhou 3
Jinan 3
Madrid 3
Manila 3
Marburg 3
Mettenheim 3
Nanchang 3
Naples 3
Totale 8.366
Nome #
An approach to output-feedback MPC of stochastic linear discrete-time systems 205
Shaping accessible public spaces for visually impaired people: The BUDD-e research experience = Dar forma a spazi pubblici accessibili per le persone con limitazioni visive: L'esperienza di ricerca BUDD-e 198
Stochastic linear Model Predictive Control with chance constraints - A review 136
A probabilistic approach to Model Predictive Control 135
Block-wise discretization accounting for structural constraints 127
A Two-Layer Stochastic Model Predictive Control Scheme for Microgrids 127
A control theory approach to clock steering techniques 120
An iterative algorithm for simulation error based identification of polynomial input-output models using multi-step prediction 114
Two-layer predictive control of a micro-grid including stochastic energy sources 113
Distributed MPC: A Noncooperative Approach Based on Robustness Concepts 113
An observer for mass-action chemical reaction networks. 111
Regulation of hSos1 activity is a system-level property generated by its multi-domain structure 110
Distributed Predictive Control of stochastic linear systems with chance constraints 109
Computational challenges of tumor spheroid modeling 108
A hierarchical multi-rate MPC scheme for interconnected systems 107
An MPC algorithm for offset-free tracking of constant reference signals 106
Fault detection and isolation of bearings in a drive reducer of a hot steel rolling mill 106
MPC-based control architecture of an autonomous wheelchair for indoor environments 104
Polynomial NARX Model Identification: a Wiener–Hammerstein Benchmark 103
A Robust MPC Algorithm for Offset-free Tracking of Constant Reference Signals 103
Realization issues, tuning, and testing of a distributed predictive control algorithm 102
Life lessons from and for distributed MPC – Part 1: Dynamics of cooperation 102
Positive systems: discretization with positivity and constraints 101
A distributed fault detection and isolation algorithm based on Moving Horizon Estimation 101
Design of Aggregators for the Day-Ahead Management of Microgrids Providing Active and Reactive Power Services 100
A Control-Inspired Iterative Algorithm for Memory Management in NUMA Multicores 99
Application of distributed predictive control to motion and coordination problems for unicycle autonomous robots 98
Black box model identification of nonlinear input-output models: a Wiener–Hammerstein benchmark 98
Output Feedback Model Predictive Control: a probabilistic approach 97
Formation control and collision avoidance of unicycle robots with distributed predictive control 96
A multi-rate Model Predictive Control algorithm for systems with fast-slow dynamics 96
Robust predictive control with data-based multi-step prediction models 96
Learning-based predictive control for linear systems: A unitary approach 96
Decentralized predictive control for tracking constant references 95
A multi-layer control scheme for microgrid energy management 95
Modeling and control of a floating wind turbine with spar buoy platform 92
Assessment and comparison of distributed model predictive control schemes: Application to a natural gas refrigeration plant 92
An optimization procedure of the start-up of combined-cycle power plants 92
Model predictive control of linear systems with multiplicative unbounded uncertainty and chance constraints 91
A hierarchical optimization-based scheme for combined Fire-tube Boiler/CHP generation units 91
Model predictive control of voltage profiles in MV networks with distributed generation 90
Distributed predictive control: A non-cooperative algorithm with neighbor-to-neighbor communication for linear systems 90
Molecular and computational analysis of regulation of hSos1, the major activator of the proto-oncoprotein Ras 89
Development of a Control-Oriented Model of Floating Wind Turbines 88
Some convergence properties of multi-step prediction error identification criteria 87
Distributed moving horizon estimation for nonlinear constrained systems 87
Reducing false alarm rates in observer-based distributed fault detection schemes by analyzing moving averages 87
Forecasting peak air pollution levels using NARX models 87
Scalable monitoring of interconnected stochastic systems 86
An MPC-based reference governor approach for offset-free control of constrained linear systems 86
Results towards identifiability properties of biochemical reaction networks 85
Microgrids aggregation management providing ancillary services 85
A moving horizon scheme for distributed state estimation 85
A hybrid frequency/power based method for industrial load shedding 84
Learning multi-step prediction models for receding horizon control 84
Life lessons from and for distributed MPC – Part 2: Choice of decision makers 84
Distributed non-cooperative MPC with neighbor-to-neighbor communication 83
Iterative distributed fault detection and isolation for linear systems based on moving horizon estimation 83
An approach to distributed predictive control for tracking: Theory and Applications 82
Steering a timescale by the application of the theory of control 81
An output feedback distributed predictive control algorithm 81
A solution to the tracking problem using distributed predictive control 81
Plug-and-play state estimation and application to distributed output-feedback model predictive control 80
Distributed predictive control for tracking constant references 79
An optimal control of start-up for nonlinear fire-tube boilers with thermal stress constraints 79
Identification of Polynomial Input/Output Recursive Models with Simulation Error Minimisation Methods 77
Distributed state estimation for independent linear systems with relative and absolute measurements 77
Identification of biochemical reaction networks: An observer based approach 76
Modular model of TNFα cytotoxicity 76
A hierarchical MPC scheme for coordination of independent systems with shared resources and plug-and-play capabilities 76
Two-layer model predictive control of systems with independent dynamics and shared control resources 76
State estimation for large-scale partitioned systems: a moving horizon approach 75
Simulation error minimization identification based on multi-stage prediction 75
A hierarchical MPC scheme for interconnected systems 75
Model Predictive Control Design for Dynamical Systems Learned by Echo State Networks 75
Distributed MPC for large-scale systems 74
Distributed predictive control of continuous-time systems 73
Distributed moving horizon estimation for nonlinear constrained systems 73
Tube-based robust sampled-data MPC for linear continuous-time systems 73
Distributed Moving Horizon Estimation for Linear Constrained Systems 73
Stochastic Distributed Predictive Control of Independent Systems with Coupling Constraints 72
Plug-and-play model predictive control based on robust control invariant sets 71
An optimal hierarchical control scheme for smart generation units: an application to combined steam and electricity generation 71
Distributed moving horizon estimation for sensor Networks 70
Convergence properties of an iterative prediction approach to nonlinear SEM parameter estimation 70
A Note on Discretization of Sparse Linear Systems 70
Learning-based predictive control of the cooling system of a large business centre 70
Environmental Over-Threshold Event Forecasting using NARX Models 70
Plug-and-Play Decentralized Model Predictive Control for Linear Systems 70
Plug and play decentralized model predictive control 69
Control of clock signals 68
Moving-horizon partition-based state estimation of large-scale systems 68
Model Predictive Control of an autonomous wheelchair 68
Approximate SEM identification of polynomial input-output models 67
Plug and play partition-based state estimation based on Kalman filter 67
VBL: Virtual Biophysics Lab 65
Moving horizon estimation for distributed nonlinear systems with application to cascade river reaches 65
Optimal Training of Echo State Networks via Scenario Optimization 64
Suboptimal Distributed LQR Design for Physically Coupled Systems 63
A Multirate Hierarchical MPC Scheme for Ensemble Systems 62
Totale 8.982
Categoria #
all - tutte 39.945
article - articoli 19.147
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 18.927
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 248
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 1.623
Totale 79.890

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/20201.326 0 0 0 0 0 0 333 245 289 156 175 128
2020/20211.538 113 82 155 87 74 89 84 126 118 198 122 290
2021/20221.030 89 129 65 58 59 63 56 62 72 62 120 195
2022/20231.325 139 95 43 86 143 185 17 99 213 128 107 70
2023/2024874 45 155 57 83 64 120 56 78 15 45 27 129
2024/20251.055 21 58 66 66 456 359 29 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 10.696