Sfoglia per Autore
Bevk Perović, un profilo: nuovi architetti in un nuovo paese
2008-01-01 Skansi, Luka
Towards a Generation without Masters
2008-01-01 Skansi, Luka
Gino Valle: Deutsche Bank Milano
2009-01-01 Skansi, Luka
L'eccezione e la regola
2009-01-01 Skansi, Luka
Prostor in mesto. Opombe k tradiciji v slovenski arhitekturni kulturi – Space and City. Notes to Tradition in Slovenian Architectural Culture
2010-01-01 Skansi, Luka
Vsi odtenki zelene = All shades of green
2010-01-01 Robbins, Edward; Kučan, Ana; Skansi, Luka
Bridges in Venice - Architectural and structural engineering aspects
2010-01-01 De Miranda, M.; Pogacnik, M.; Skansi, L.
Brief considerations on the Accademia Bridge in Venice
2010-01-01 Barbisan, U.; Pogacnik, M.; Skansi, L.
Gino Valle
2010-01-01 Croset, PIERRE ALAIN; Skansi, L.
La responsabilità di un landmark. Cino Zucchi Architetti e Park Associati: Complesso Salewa, Bolzano
2011-01-01 Skansi, Luka
Myron Goldsmith e lʼItalia (1953-1955)
2013-01-01 Skansi, Luka
Giovanni Donadon e la "palazzina" italiana
2013-01-01 Skansi, Luka
Exodus, or the Voluntary Prisoners of Architecture, di Rem Koolhaas, Madelon Vriesendorp, Elia e Zoe Zenghelis
2013-01-01 Skansi, Luka
What is artistic form? Munich - Moscow 1900-1925
2013-01-01 Skansi, Luka
Monumento alla Terza Internazionale di Vladimir Tatlin
2013-01-01 Skansi, Luka
Ristrutturare lo stile italiano = Renovation, Italian style
2013-01-01 Skansi, Luka
"Staffa delle nuvole" di El Lissitzky ed Emil Roth
2013-01-01 Skansi, Luka
Semplici telai: la costruzione a telaio in Italia tra realismo e astrazione
2014-01-01 Skansi, Luka
Più di un museo, più di una fabbrica = More than a museum, more than a factory.
2014-01-01 Skansi, Luka
The remnants of a miracle
2014-01-01 Skansi, Luka
"Un gesto d'amore e di amicizia" = "A gesture of love and friendship"
2014-01-01 Skansi, Luka
Gino Valle
2014-01-01 Croset, PIERRE ALAIN; Skansi, Luka
Manfredo Tafuri and the critique of realism
2014-01-01 Skansi, Luka
Il tempo in una piccola casa
2015-01-01 Skansi, Luka
Il sublime resto di un recente passato
2015-01-01 Skansi, Luka
Hoffmann and Loos in Italy between 1930 and 1970
2015-01-01 Skansi, Luka
Esportando architettura = Italy builds abroad
2015-01-01 Skansi, Luka
Insegnare architettura = Teaching architecture: Nikolaj Ladovskij: “spazio”, corso base al Vchutemas, Mosca 1920 = “space”, the basic course at Vchutemas
2015-01-01 Skansi, Luka
A single house for three architects
2015-01-01 Skansi, Luka
Kroatische Inseln. Baukultur über Jahrhunderte / Croatian Islands. Centuries of Architectural Heritage
2015-01-01 Skansi, Luka
The “Restless Allure” of (Architectural) Form: Space and Perception between Germany, Russia, and the Soviet Union
2015-01-01 Skansi, Luka
La linea analitica: Dardi, lʼarte e lʼesposizione
2016-01-01 Skansi, Luka
Erigere solide case con i materiali: Provino, Gino e Nani
2016-01-01 Skansi, Luka
Reconstructing Italy: the Ina-Casa neighborhoods of the postwar era, by Stephanie Zeier Pilat, Farnham, Ashgate, 2014
2016-01-01 Skansi, Luka
Streets and neighbourhoods: Vladimir Braco Mušič and large scale architecture
2016-01-01 Skansi, Luka
Collective forms, Collective Spaces. The Manifold Origins of Vladimir Braco Mušič's Design Principles; Working Methodology and Authorship of the Neighbourhoods; Bežigrad Neighbourhood BS-7 Ljubljana; Bratislava-Petržalka
2016-01-01 Skansi, Luka
Atlas talijanske arhitekture 50-ih i 60-ih godina = An atlas of Italian architecture of the 1950ʼs and 1960ʼs.
2016-01-01 Skansi, Luka
A Renovation Model that is Difficult to Repeat
2017-01-01 Skansi, Luka
Learning from Ljubljana
2017-01-01 Skansi, Luka
Notes on Playfulness / Opombe o igrivosti
2017-01-01 Skansi, Luka
The Myth of a Palace’s Renovation / Mit o obnovi palače
2017-01-01 Skansi, Luka
Modern and Site Specific. The Architecture of Gino Valle 1946-2003
2018-01-01 Croset, PIERRE-ALAIN; L., Skansi; Skansi, Luka
Architettura come “oggetto trascurabile”. Note a margine di una discussione di Manfredo Tafuri su realismo e utopia
2018-01-01 Skansi, Luka
Pot / Journey
2018-01-01 Skansi, Luka
Moisej Ginzburg. Ritam u arhitekturi; Stil i epoha
2018-01-01 Skansi, Luka
Tadao Ando and Italy
2018-01-01 Skansi, Luka
Unity in Heterogeneity: Building with a Taste for Structure
2018-01-01 Skansi, Luka
Moisej Ginzburg. Ritam u arhitekturi; Stil i epoha
2018-01-01 Skansi, Luka
Koji se plaši od socijalističkiot grad
2018-01-01 Skansi, Luka
Fortifications of the Rapallo border and their role as co-creators of space
2018-01-01 Skansi, Luka
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