Sfoglia per Autore
Caratterizzazione e classificazione di murature storiche in zona sismica mediante prova con martinetti piatti
2004-01-01 Binda, Luigia; Cantini, Lorenzo; Tiraboschi, Claudia
Complementarietà delle prove in situ ed in laboratorio: il castello di Avio
2004-01-01 Binda, Luigia; Cantini, Lorenzo; Lualdi, Maurizio; Tedeschi, Cristina; Saisi, ANTONELLA ELIDE; Zanzi, Luigi
Diagnostic investigation on the historical masonry structures of a castle by the complementary use of non destructive techniques
2004-01-01 Binda, Luigia; Cantini, Lorenzo; F., Fernandes; Saisi, ANTONELLA ELIDE; Tedeschi, Cristina; Zanzi, Luigi
Investigation procedures based on the complementarity of non destructive and slightly destructive on site tests: application to the two castles of Avio (Italy) and Pisece (Slovenia)
2005-01-01 Binda, Luigia; Cantini, Lorenzo; Lualdi, Maurizio; Tedeschi, Cristina; Saisi, ANTONELLA ELIDE; Zanzi, Luigi
Investigation on structures and materials of the castle of Avio, Trento
2005-01-01 Binda, Luigia; Cantini, Lorenzo; Lualdi, Maurizio; Tedeschi, Cristina; Saisi, ANTONELLA ELIDE; Zanzi, Luigi
On site and laboratory investigation on some churches hit by a recent earthquake, in order to assess the damages to materials and structures
2006-01-01 Binda, Luigia; Anzani, Anna; Cantini, Lorenzo; Cardani, Giuliana; Tedeschi, Cristina; Saisi, ANTONELLA ELIDE
The Façade and the rose-window of Troia Cathedral (Apulia)
2006-01-01 Binda, Luigia; E., Rizzo; G., Spera; A., Calia; Cantini, Lorenzo; A., Capriuoli; D., Liberatore; N., Masini; M., Mucciarelli; L., Nuzzo; V., Racina
Non-destructive techniques applied to the pillars of the Syracuse Cathedral in Sicily
2006-01-01 Binda, Luigia; Cantini, Lorenzo; Saisi, ANTONELLA ELIDE; Zanzi, Luigi
Investigation on the pillars of the Syracuse Cathedral in Sicily
2006-01-01 Binda, Luigia; Cantini, Lorenzo; Condoleo, Paola; Saisi, ANTONELLA ELIDE; Zanzi, Luigi
On site and laboratory investigation to assess material and structural damage on some churches hit by an earthquake
2007-01-01 Anzani, Anna; Binda, Luigia; Cantini, Lorenzo; Cardani, Giuliana; Saisi, ANTONELLA ELIDE; Tedeschi, Cristina
Prove con martinetti piatti e prove soniche per caratterizzazione della qualità muraria
2007-01-01 Binda, Luigia; Cantini, Lorenzo; Cardani, Giuliana; Saisi, ANTONELLA ELIDE
Santa Maria Novella and the development of a florentine gothic structural system
2007-01-01 Binda, Luigia; T., Boothby; Cantini, Lorenzo; Cardani, Giuliana; Condoleo, Paola; E., Smith
The Basilica of S. Lorenzo in Cremona: Structural Investigation and Monitoring
2007-01-01 Anzani, Anna; Binda, Luigia; Cantini, Lorenzo; Cardani, Giuliana; Condoleo, Paola; G. E., Massetti
Use of flat-jack and sonic tests for the qualification of historic masonry
2007-01-01 Binda, Luigia; Cantini, Lorenzo; Cardani, Giuliana; Saisi, ANTONELLA ELIDE; Tiraboschi, Claudia
On site and laboratory detection of the quality of masonry in historic buildings
2007-01-01 Binda, Luigia; Cantini, Lorenzo; Cardani, Giuliana; Tiraboschi, Claudia
Non destructive testing techniques applied to the masonry and timber structures of the Crocifisso Church in Noto
2007-01-01 Binda, Luigia; Cantini, Lorenzo; Condoleo, Paola; Saisi, ANTONELLA ELIDE
Effect of misuse and lack of maintenance on a historical building
2008-01-01 Cantini, Lorenzo; R., De Ponti; G., Massari; Binda, Luigia
Chapter 5: Experimental study on the damaged pillars of the Noto Cathedral
2008-01-01 Saisi, ANTONELLA ELIDE; Binda, Luigia; Cantini, Lorenzo; Tedeschi, Cristina
L’insegnamento nei corsi di Diagnostica e Consolidamento
2008-01-01 Anzani, Anna; Binda, Luigia; Cantini, Lorenzo; Cardani, Giuliana; Condoleo, Paola; Saisi, ANTONELLA ELIDE
Non destructive investigation for the conservation design of a monastery near Bergamo (Italy)
2008-01-01 Binda, Luigia; Cantini, Lorenzo; Tiraboschi, Claudia; C., Amigoni
Teaching in Diagnosis and Consolidation Courses
2008-01-01 Anzani, Anna; Binda, Luigia; Cantini, Lorenzo; Cardani, Giuliana; Condoleo, Paola; Saisi, ANTONELLA ELIDE
2008-01-01 Anzani, Anna; Binda, Luigia; Cantini, Lorenzo; Cardani, Giuliana; Condoleo, Paola
Caratterizzazione delle strutture in rovina dell'ex Convento di San Nicolao a Sesto San Giovanni: problematiche di studio legate agli effetti dell'abbandono
2009-01-01 Cantini, Lorenzo
Verso la conservazione dei prospetti del palazzo della presidenza del consiglio. Il progetto di conoscenza come fondamento per le linee guida di intervento
2010-01-01 Giambruno, MARIA CRISTINA; Gabaglio, Rossana; Pistidda, Sonia; Cantini, Lorenzo
Static behaviour of a double curvature brickwork vault: geometric survey and material investigation
2010-01-01 Anzani, Anna; Cantini, Lorenzo; Condoleo, Paola; Gobbo, Antonia
Long Term Efects of Floods on masonry Walls: NDTs to Measure the Drying Rate
2010-01-01 Binda, Luigia; Cardani, Giuliana; Cantini, Lorenzo; Tiraboschi, Claudia
The effects of floods on masonry walls: ND techniques to evaluate the drying rate
2010-01-01 Cardani, Giuliana; Cantini, Lorenzo; Munda, Stefano; Tiraboschi, Claudia; Binda, Luigia
Emergency actions and investigation on Cultural Heritage after the l’Aquila earthquake: the case of the Spanish Fortress,
2010-01-01 Binda, Luigia; C., Modena; F., Casarin; G., Lorenzoni; Cantini, Lorenzo; Munda, Stefano
The mechanical response of historical buildings to seismic events: the case of the Church of St. Biagio in L’Aquila (Italy)
2011-01-01 Binda, Luigia; Cantini, Lorenzo; Condoleo, Paola; Munda, Stefano; Tedeschi, Cristina
Effects of Floods on Masonry Walls: NDTs for measuring drying rates (CHEF Chapter 7, Paragr. 7.5)
2011-01-01 Binda, Luigia; Cardani, Giuliana; Cantini, Lorenzo; Tiraboschi, Claudia
Il complesso architettonico di San Biagio nel centro storico dell’Aquila: indagini diagnostiche e prove dinamiche sulle strutture portanti colpite dal sisma del 6 Aprile 2009
2011-01-01 Condoleo, Paola; Tedeschi, Cristina; Binda, Luigia; Cantini, Lorenzo; F., Casarin; Munda, Stefano; Tiraboschi, Claudia; F., Casarin; C., Modena; F., Lorenzoni
Use of thermovision for the survey of a timber vault in Torino”,
2011-01-01 Cantini, Lorenzo; Tedeschi, Cristina; Tiraboschi, Claudia; Binda, Luigia
Damage and Defect Detection Through Infrared Thermography of Fiber Composites Applications for Strengthening of Structural Elements
2011-01-01 Cantini, Lorenzo; Cucchi, Marco; Fava, Giulia; Poggi, Carlo
Thermovision: applications in conservation field to detect hidden characteristics of building structures
2011-01-01 Binda, Luigia; Cantini, Lorenzo; Cucchi, Marco
Scheda 1 – Indagini soniche; Scheda; Scheda 3a – Prova con martinetto piatto singolo; Scheda 3b – Prova con doppio martinetto; Scheda 4 – Prove penetrometriche sul legno
2011-01-01 Cantini, Lorenzo
Non-invasive moisture measurements after flooding simulation of stone and brick masonry full-scale models: effectiveness of GPR
2011-01-01 Cardani, Giuliana; Cantini, Lorenzo; Zanzi, Luigi; Munda, Stefano; Binda, Luigia
Knowledge of the different roofing systems typologies in a public complex of XX century: geometric survey and material investigation
2011-01-01 Augelli, Francesco; Anzani, Anna; Cantini, Lorenzo; Condoleo, Paola; A., Gobbo; R., Mastropirro
Structural monitoring and investigation campaign in the Church of St. Giuseppe dei Minimi in L’Aquila, after the 6th of April 2009 earthquake
2011-01-01 Casarin, F.; Dalla Benetta, N.; Modena, C.; da Porto, F.; Valluzzi, M. R.; Cantini, Lorenzo; Tedeschi, Cristina; Condoleo, Paola
The Spanish Fortress in l’Aquila: emergency actions, investigations and monitoring
2011-01-01 F., Casarin; F., Lorenzoni; Cantini, Lorenzo; Munda, Stefano; Binda, Luigia; C., Modena; R., Ciabattoni; C., Cacace
Fourier analysis applied to Infrared Thermography of Fiber Composites used for the Strengthening of Structural Elements
2012-01-01 Cantini, Lorenzo; Cucchi, Marco; Fava, Giulia; Poggi, Carlo
Sonic tomography applied to historic masonry structures: validation of the testing methodology and of the data elaboration by different computer codes
2012-01-01 Cantini, Lorenzo; Felicetti, Roberto; Zanzi, Luigi; Munda, Stefano; M., Meana; Binda, Luigia
Non destructive investigation as a tool for the diagnosis of masonry damaged by the earthquake and as a support for the right choice of repair techniques
2012-01-01 Cantini, Lorenzo; Tedeschi, Cristina; Binda, Luigia
2012-01-01 Cantini, Lorenzo; F., da Porto; G., Giacometti; F., Lorenzoni; Saisi, ANTONELLA ELIDE; M. R., Valluzzi
Investigation strategies for the diagnosis of historic structures
2012-01-01 Saisi, ANTONELLA ELIDE; Cantini, Lorenzo; Binda, Luigia
Dynamic and seismic assessment of the Gabbia tower in Mantua, Italy
2013-01-01 Saisi, ANTONELLA ELIDE; Guidobaldi, Marco; Gentile, Carmelo; Cantini, Lorenzo
Non destructive testing techniques applied to the masonry and timber structures of the Crocifisso Church in Noto
2013-01-01 Binda, Luigia; Cantini, Lorenzo; Condoleo, Paola; Saisi, ANTONELLA ELIDE
Post-earthquake assessment of a masonry tower by on-site inspection and operational modal testing
2013-01-01 Saisi, ANTONELLA ELIDE; Gentile, Carmelo; Cantini, Lorenzo
Diagnosis of Historic Masonry Structures using Non-Descruttive Techniques
2013-01-01 Binda, Luigia; Cantini, Lorenzo; Tedeschi, Cristina
Non Invasive Measurements of Moisture in Full-Scale and Brick Masonry Models After Simulated Flooding: Effectiveness of GPR
2013-01-01 Cardani, Giuliana; Cantini, Lorenzo; Munda, Stefano; Zanzi, Luigi; Binda, Luigia
Use of Thermovision for the Survey of a Timber Vault in Torino
2013-01-01 Cantini, Lorenzo; Tedeschi, Cristina; Tiraboschi, Claudia; Binda, Luigia
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