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Energy Efficiency Report. L'efficienza energetica in impresa: soluzioni tecnologiche, fattibilità economica e potenziale di mercato 1-gen-2012 CHIARONI, DAVIDEFRATTINI, FEDERICOFRANZO', SIMONE
Smart Grid Executive Report: applicazioni, tecnologie e prospettive di sviluppo delle smart grid in Italia 1-gen-2012 CHIARONI, DAVIDEFRATTINI, FEDERICOFRANZO', SIMONE
Smart Grid Report. Sistemi di storage e auto elettrica 1-gen-2013 CHIARONI, DAVIDEFRATTINI, FEDERICOFRANZO', SIMONE
Energy Efficiency Report. L'efficienza energetica in Italia: soluzioni tecnologiche ed opportunità di business nell'industria, il terziario e la Pubblica Amministrazione 1-gen-2013 CHIARONI, DAVIDECHIESA, MARCOFRATTINI, FEDERICOFRANZO', SIMONE
Smart Green Energy Communities: a definition and an analysis of their economic sustainability in Europe 1-gen-2014 CHIARONI, DAVIDECHIESA, VITTORIOFRANZO', SIMONEFRATTINI, FEDERICO
Smart Grid Report. Le prospettive di sviluppo delle Energy Community in Italia 1-gen-2014 CHIARONI, DAVIDEFRATTINI, FEDERICOFRANZO', SIMONE
Performance Measurement of Collaborative Research and Development: an Exploratory Analysis 1-gen-2015 FRANZO', SIMONECHIARONI, DAVIDECHIESA, VITTORIOFRATTINI, FEDERICOLANDONI, PAOLO +
The Economic Evaluation of Energy Efficiency in Industry: an Innovative Methodology 1-gen-2015 FRANZO', SIMONECHIESA, MARCO
The Role of Organizational Culture in OI Process: Theoretical Framework 1-gen-2015 FRATTINI, FEDERICOCHIARONI, DAVIDECHIESA, VITTORIOFRANZO', SIMONE +
From radical to disruptive innovation: the relevance of the context factors 1-gen-2015 CHIARONI, DAVIDECHIESA, MARCOCHIESA, VITTORIOFRANZO', SIMONEFRATTINI, FEDERICOURBINATI, ANDREA
Intelligent Building Report – Il ruolo ed il potenziale di mercato delle soluzioni smart nel contesto italiano 1-gen-2015 CHIARONI, DAVIDEFRANZO', SIMONEFRATTINI, FEDERICO +
Smart City Report – Definizione, valutazione delle ricadute economiche e modelli di business per le Smart Cities in Italia e in Europa 1-gen-2015 CHIARONI, DAVIDEFRANZO', SIMONEFRATTINI, FEDERICO +
How incumbents manage waves of disruptive innovation: an empirical analysis 1-gen-2016 CHIARONI, DAVIDECHIESA, VITTORIOFRANZO', SIMONEFRATTINI, FEDERICOURBINATI, ANDREA
Energy community: la valutazione tecnico-economica 1-gen-2016 CHIESA, VITTORIOFRANZO', SIMONEFRATTINI, FEDERICO
Smart grid. Strategia per le comunità dell'energia su scala urbana 1-gen-2016 franzò simonefrattini federico +
Introducing a new perspective for the economic evaluation of industrial energy efficiency technologies: an empirical analysis in Italy 1-gen-2016 CHIARONI, DAVIDEChiesa, M.CHIESA, VITTORIOFRANZO', SIMONEFRATTINI, FEDERICOTOLETTI, GIOVANNI
Evaluating Battery Energy Storage Systems: an Analysis of their Adoption with Photovoltaic Plants in Italy 1-gen-2016 CHIARONI, DAVIDECHIESA, VITTORIOFRANZO', SIMONEFRATTINI, FEDERICO
The impact of the electricity tariff reform on renewable energies and energy efficiency investments: The case of the Italian residential market 1-gen-2017 Chiaroni, DavideChiesa, VittorioFranzo', SimoneFrattini, FedericoManfredi Latilla, Vito
Emerging business models fostering the diffusion of E-mobility: Empirical evidence from Italy 1-gen-2017 Franzo, SimoneChiaroni, DavideChiesa, VittorioFrattini, Federico
The diffusion of electric vehicles in Italy as a means to tackle main environmental issues 1-gen-2017 FRANZO', SIMONEFRATTINI, FEDERICOMANFREDI LATILLA, VITO MARIAFOIADELLI, FEDERICALONGO, MICHELA
Selecting early adopters to foster the diffusion of innovations in industrial markets: Evidence from a multiple case study 1-gen-2017 Franzò, SimoneFrattini, Federico +
Towards the diffusion of smart buildings: The economic viability of the adoption of a home automation system in an existing building 1-gen-2017 Franzo, SimoneFrattini, FedericoLatilla, Vito ManfrediLongo, Michela
Towards the development of residential smart districts: The role of EVs 1-gen-2017 Longo, M.Foiadelli, F.Franzo, S.Frattini, F.Latilla, V. Manfredi
The electricity tariffs reform for the residential market in Italy 1-gen-2017 Franzò, SimoneFrattini, FedericoVito Manfredi, LatillaFoiadelli, FedericaLongo, Michela
Overcoming internal barriers to industrial energy efficiency through energy audit: a case study of a large manufacturing company in the home appliances industry 1-gen-2017 CHIARONI, DAVIDECHIESA, VITTORIOFRANZO', SIMONEFRATTINI, FEDERICOMANFREDI LATILLA, VITO MARIA
Innovation in family firms: a review of prior studies and a framework for future research 1-gen-2017 URBINATI, ANDREAFRANZO', SIMONEDE MASSIS, ALFREDOFRATTINI, FEDERICO
Towards the New Concept of Smart Roads: Regulatory Framework and Emerging Projects Overview 1-gen-2018 Franzo, SimoneLatilla, Vito ManfrediLongo, Michela +
Smart Energy Management of a Railway Station 1-gen-2018 Longo, MichelaFranzo, SimoneLatilla, Vito Manfredi +
An exploratory analysis on the contextual factors that influence disruptive innovation: the case of Uber 1-gen-2018 URBINATI, ANDREACHIARONI, DAVIDECHIESA, VITTORIOFRANZO', SIMONEFRATTINI, FEDERICO
Towards a Comprehensive Analysis of Energy Efficiency Policies for Building: Lesson Learnt from the Italian Tax Relief Scheme 1-gen-2019 Franzò S.Frattini F.Cagno E. +
A multi-stakeholder analysis of the economic efficiency of industrial energy efficiency policies: Empirical evidence from ten years of the Italian White Certificate Scheme 1-gen-2019 Franzò, SimoneFrattini, FedericoCagno, EnricoTrianni, Andrea
How Incumbents Manage Waves of Disruptive Innovations: An Exploratory Analysis of the Global Music Industry 1-gen-2019 Urbinati A.Chiaroni D.Chiesa V.Franzo S.Frattini F.
Identifying factors influencing the price of technology licenses: A framework grounded in negotiation research 1-gen-2019 Frattini, FedericoFranzó, Simone +
The environmental impact of electric vehicles: A comparative LCA-based evaluation framework and its application to the Italian context 1-gen-2020 Franzò Simone.Nasca A.
Performance Measurement of Collaborative Research and Development: An Exploratory Analysis 1-gen-2020 Franzò SimoneFrattini F. +
The Use 3D Printing for Circular Business Models: a conceptual framework 1-gen-2021 Chiaroni D.Urbinati A.Franzo' S.
Conceptualizing 3D Printing for Circular Value Creation 1-gen-2021 Chiaroni D.Franzo' S.Urbinati A.
Circular Business Models in the Built Environment: an Empirical Investigation on Enablers and Barriers 1-gen-2021 Chiaroni D.Franzo' S.Nasca A.Urbinati A.
Organizational Re-Design for Business model innovation while exploiting digital technologies: A single case study of an energy company 1-gen-2021 Cavallo A.Franzó SimoneGhezzi A. +
Unravelling the design process of business models from linear to circular: An empirical investigation 1-gen-2021 Franzò SimoneUrbinati A.Chiaroni D.Chiesa V.
The environmental impact of electric vehicles: A novel life cycle-based evaluation framework and its applications to multi-country scenarios 1-gen-2021 Franzo, SimoneNasca, A
Enablers and Barriers for Circular Business Models: an empirical analysis in the Italian automotive industry 1-gen-2021 Franzò SimoneChiaroni D. +
An exploratory analysis on the contextual factors that influence disruptive innovation: the case of Uber 1-gen-2022 Davide ChiaroniVittorio ChiesaSimone FranzóFederico Frattini +
Beyond GHG: the air pollutant emissions characterizing BEVs vs comparable ICEVs 1-gen-2022 Franzo' S.Chiaroni D.Chiesa V.Frattini F.Musazzi A.
A Taxonomy of B2B Multi-Sided Platforms Enabling Circular Supply Chains 1-gen-2022 Urbinati A.Franzo' S.Chiaroni D.
The role of digital technologies in designing circular business models 1-gen-2022 Simone FranzoDavide Chiaroni +
A characterisation framework of energy services offered by energy service companies 1-gen-2022 Cagno, ESimone FranzoStoroni, ETrianni, A
The role of publicly funded collaborative projects in implementing open innovation 1-gen-2022 Simone FranzoPaolo LandoniGabriele ColomboRoberto Verganti
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