The capabilities of multicore processors lead them to be widely adopted in systems at any scale, since their are able to provide more computing power at a lower consumption and dissipation cost. System designers are challenged to a deeper understanding of multicore functioning in order to fully exploit them while keeping the optimal balance between cores utilization and optimal throughput, response time and energy usage.Besides the advancement of general purpose CPUs, the same technological evolution leads to the rise of GPUs, dramatic evolution of graphical coprocessors, that are now affordable, efficient, dedicated computing units, capable of parallel computing and equipped with facilities that make them suited for supporting the main CPU of a system in running ordinary applications. The availability of commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) multicore computers, eventually equipped with one or more GPUs, makes them the basic building block of data centers devoted to cloud applications or scientific computing.The way to optimal exploitation of such a wide amount of computing power passes through the ability of matching the best scheduling of hardware resources with the software characteristics of the applications. This requires appropriate models and evaluation methods.Simulation and analytical techniques are essential tools to support the design and the management process of such architectures, but a sound characterization of the workloads is required. Typical workloads consist in multithreaded applications, with different characteristics, that dynamically span over the cores of multiple machines, connected by fast networks.In this paper we propose several parametric performance models for different configurations of multicore machines, with or without GPU support, running multiple class multithreaded applications, aiming to supply a detailed modeling help for complex data centers.

Modeling and analysis of performances for concurrent multithread applications on multicore and graphics processing unit systems



The capabilities of multicore processors lead them to be widely adopted in systems at any scale, since their are able to provide more computing power at a lower consumption and dissipation cost. System designers are challenged to a deeper understanding of multicore functioning in order to fully exploit them while keeping the optimal balance between cores utilization and optimal throughput, response time and energy usage.Besides the advancement of general purpose CPUs, the same technological evolution leads to the rise of GPUs, dramatic evolution of graphical coprocessors, that are now affordable, efficient, dedicated computing units, capable of parallel computing and equipped with facilities that make them suited for supporting the main CPU of a system in running ordinary applications. The availability of commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) multicore computers, eventually equipped with one or more GPUs, makes them the basic building block of data centers devoted to cloud applications or scientific computing.The way to optimal exploitation of such a wide amount of computing power passes through the ability of matching the best scheduling of hardware resources with the software characteristics of the applications. This requires appropriate models and evaluation methods.Simulation and analytical techniques are essential tools to support the design and the management process of such architectures, but a sound characterization of the workloads is required. Typical workloads consist in multithreaded applications, with different characteristics, that dynamically span over the cores of multiple machines, connected by fast networks.In this paper we propose several parametric performance models for different configurations of multicore machines, with or without GPU support, running multiple class multithreaded applications, aiming to supply a detailed modeling help for complex data centers.
GPU; Multicore; Multithread applications; Performance modeling; Computer Networks and Communications; Computer Science Applications1707 Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition; Software; Computational Theory and Mathematics; Theoretical Computer Science
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