Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
EU - Europa 135
NA - Nord America 92
AS - Asia 42
AF - Africa 6
OC - Oceania 1
SA - Sud America 1
Totale 277
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 91
IT - Italia 79
GB - Regno Unito 20
SG - Singapore 11
CN - Cina 7
FR - Francia 7
ES - Italia 5
FI - Finlandia 5
HK - Hong Kong 5
IE - Irlanda 5
DE - Germania 4
IN - India 4
BG - Bulgaria 3
BJ - Benin 3
IR - Iran 3
JO - Giordania 3
TR - Turchia 3
CH - Svizzera 2
CI - Costa d'Avorio 2
NP - Nepal 2
PT - Portogallo 2
AT - Austria 1
AU - Australia 1
BR - Brasile 1
CA - Canada 1
EG - Egitto 1
JP - Giappone 1
KR - Corea 1
NL - Olanda 1
SE - Svezia 1
TH - Thailandia 1
TW - Taiwan 1
Totale 277
Città #
Redmond 15
Chandler 14
Milan 12
Ashburn 9
Naples 6
Singapore 6
Duncan 5
Málaga 5
Fairfield 4
Redwood City 4
Amman 3
Cotonou 3
Dublin 3
Lappeenranta 3
London 3
Rome 3
Tehran 3
Abidjan 2
Cambridge 2
Gurgaon 2
Istanbul 2
Kathmandu 2
Lawrence 2
Medford 2
Nevers 2
New Delhi 2
New York 2
San Diego 2
Secaucus 2
Vila Nova de Gaia 2
Washington 2
Zurich 2
Absecon 1
Bresso 1
Central District 1
Ceriano Laghetto 1
Chang-hua 1
Charlotte 1
Como 1
Florence 1
Frankfurt am Main 1
Ha Kwai Chung 1
Hefei 1
Helsinki 1
Houston 1
Las Vegas 1
Mornago 1
Mountain View 1
Munich 1
Ottawa 1
Perth 1
Rovato 1
Rovereto 1
San Jose 1
Seattle 1
Seoul 1
Shanghai 1
Stuttgart 1
São Paulo 1
Trescore Balneario 1
Usingen 1
Vienna 1
Wilmington 1
Woodbridge 1
Totale 163
Nome #
An integrated algorithm for ego-vehicle and obstacles state estimation for autonomous driving 134
Extended Object Tracking in Curvilinear Road Coordinates for Autonomous Driving 69
Object tracking with low resolution Lidar and Radar fusion, a comparison 30
Operationalizing the Ethics of Connected and Automated Vehicles. An Engineering Perspective 20
RobustStateNet: Robust ego vehicle state estimation for Autonomous Driving 17
Fault Resistant Odometry Estimation using Message Passing Neural Network 15
Vehicle State Estimation Through Modular Factor Graph-Based Fusion of Multiple Sensors 2
Totale 287
Categoria #
all - tutte 1.560
article - articoli 1.078
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 482
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 0
Totale 3.120

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2020/202143 0 0 0 0 0 0 13 7 9 10 4 0
2021/202269 2 0 4 5 9 2 9 3 2 7 22 4
2022/202381 7 5 7 4 3 8 15 10 9 8 4 1
2023/202476 4 6 11 10 7 4 6 8 3 4 6 7
2024/202518 3 4 7 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 287