A comprehensive assessment of stream fragmentation in Great Britain
2019-01-01 Jones, Joshua; Börger, Luca; Tummers, Jeroen; Jones, Peter; Lucas, Martyn; Kerr, Jim; Kemp, Paul; Bizzi, Simone; Consuegra, Sofia; Marcello, Lucio; Vowles, Andrew; Belletti, Barbara; Verspoor, Eric; Van de Bund, Wouter; Gough, Peter; Garcia de Leaniz, Carlos
Assessing Restoration Effects on River Hydromorphology Using the Process-based Morphological Quality Index in Eight European River Reaches
2017-01-01 Belletti, B.; Nardi, L.; Rinaldi, M.; Poppe, M.; Brabec, K.; Bussettini, M.; Comiti, F.; Gielczewski, M.; Golfieri, B.; Hellsten, S.; Kail, J.; Marchese, E.; Marcinkowski, P.; Okruszko, T.; Paillex, A.; Schirmer, M.; Stelmaszczyk, M.; Surian, N.
Beware small dams, they can do damage, too
2019-01-01 de Leaniz, C. G.; Berkhuysen, A.; Belletti, B.
Characterising physical habitats and fluvial hydromorphology: A new system for the survey and classification of river geomorphic units
2017-01-01 Belletti, Barbara; Rinaldi, Massimo; Bussettini, Martina; Comiti, Francesco; Gurnell, Angela M.; Mao, Luca; Nardi, Laura; Vezza, Paolo
Impacts of existing and planned hydropower dams on river fragmentation in the Balkan Region
2023-01-01 Carolli, Mauro; Garcia de Leaniz, Carlos; Jones, Joshua; Belletti, Barbara; Huđek, Helena; Pusch, Martin; Pandakov, Pencho; Börger, Luca; van de Bund, Wouter
More than one million barriers fragment Europe’s rivers
2020-01-01 Belletti, B.; Garcia de Leaniz, C.; Jones, J.; Bizzi, S.; Borger, L.; Segura, G.; Castelletti, A.; van de Bund, W.; Aarestrup, K.; Barry, J.; Belka, K.; Berkhuysen, A.; Birnie-Gauvin, K.; Bussettini, M.; Carolli, M.; Consuegra, S.; Dopico, E.; Feierfeil, T.; Fernandez, S.; Fernandez Garrido, P.; Garcia-Vazquez, E.; Garrido, S.; Giannico, G.; Gough, P.; Jepsen, N.; Jones, P. E.; Kemp, P.; Kerr, J.; King, J.; Lapinska, M.; Lazaro, G.; Lucas, M. C.; Marcello, L.; Martin, P.; Mcginnity, P.; O'Hanley, J.; Olivo del Amo, R.; Parasiewicz, P.; Pusch, M.; Rincon, G.; Rodriguez, C.; Royte, J.; Schneider, C. T.; Tummers, J. S.; Vallesi, S.; Vowles, A.; Verspoor, E.; Wanningen, H.; Wantzen, K. M.; Wildman, L.; Zalewski, M.
UAV-based training for fully fuzzy classification of Sentinel-2 fluvial scenes
2020-01-01 Carbonneau, P. E.; Belletti, B.; Micotti, M.; Lastoria, B.; Casaioli, M.; Mariani, S.; Marchetti, G.; Bizzi, S.