A preliminary and qualitative study of resource ratio theory to nitrifying lab-scale bioreactors
2015-01-01 Bellucci, Micol; Ofiţeru, Irina D.; Beneduce, Luciano; Graham, David W.; Head, Ian M.; Curtis, Thomas P.
Activity assessment of microalgal-bacterial consortia based on respirometric tests
2018-01-01 Rossi, S.; Bellucci, M.; Marazzi, F.; Mezzanotte, V.; Ficara, E.
Algae as promising feedstocks for fermentative biohydrogen production according to a biorefinery approach: A comprehensive review
2015-01-01 Sambusiti, Cecilia; Bellucci, Micol; Zabaniotou, Anastasia; Beneduce, Luciano; Monlau, Florian
Ammonia-oxidizing bacteria in wastewater
2011-01-01 Bellucci, Micol; Curtis, Thomas P
Assessment of anammox, microalgae and white-rot fungi-based processes for the treatment of textile wastewater
2021-01-01 Bellucci, M.; Marazzi, F.; Musatti, A.; Fornaroli, R.; Turolla, A.; Visigalli, S.; Bargna, M.; Bergna, G.; Canziani, R.; Mezzanotte, V.; Rollini, M.; Ficara, E.
Autotrophic nitrogen removal for decentralized treatment of ammonia-rich industrial textile wastewater: process assessment, stabilization and modelling
2020-01-01 Visigalli, Simone; Turolla, Andrea; Bellandi, Giacomo; Bellucci, Micol; Clagnan, Elisa; Brusetti, Lorenzo; Jia, Mingsheng; DI COSMO, Roberto; Menin, Glauco; Bargna, Martina; Bergna, Giovanni; Canziani, Roberto
Chapter 9 - Dairy wastewater treatment using composite membranes
2020-01-01 Catenacci, Arianna; Bellucci, Micol; Yuan, Tugui; Malpei, Francesca
Comparison of the performance and microbial community structure of two outdoor pilot-scale photobioreactors treating digestate
2020-01-01 Bani, A.; Parati, K.; Pozzi, A.; Previtali, C.; Bongioni, G.; Pizzera, A.; Ficara, E.; Bellucci, M.
Correlation of seasonal nitrification failure and ammonia-oxidizing community dynamics in a wastewater treatment plant treating water from a saline thermal spa
2014-01-01 Beneduce, Luciano; Spano, Giuseppe; Lamacchia, Francesco; Bellucci, Micol; Consiglio, Francesco; Head, Ian M.
Digestate treatment with algae-bacteria consortia: A field pilot-scale experimentation in a sub-optimal climate area
2019-01-01 Pizzera, A.; Scaglione, D.; Bellucci, M.; Marazzi, F.; Mezzanotte, V.; Parati, K.; Ficara, E.
Disinfection and nutrient removal in laboratory-scale photobioreactors for wastewater tertiary treatment
2020-01-01 Bellucci, M.; Marazzi, F.; Naddeo, L. S.; Piergiacomo, F.; Beneduce, L.; Ficara, E.; Mezzanotte, V.
Effect of N:P ratio on microalgae/nitrifying bacteria community in agro-digestate treatment
2020-01-01 Bellucci, M.; Marazzi, F.; Ficara, E.; Mezzanotte, V.
Il progetto LIFE DeNTreat: rimozione autotrofa dell’azoto nei reflui da stampa tessile digitale con processo PN/A
2021-01-01 Visigalli, S.; Turolla, A.; Rigamonti, Lucia; Bellucci, M.; Menin, G.; Silva, A.; Bargna, M.; Bergna, G.; Canziani, R.
Impact of the reusing of food manufacturing wastewater for irrigation in a closed system on the microbiological quality of the food crops
2017-01-01 Beneduce, Luciano; Gatta, Giuseppe; Bevilacqua, Antonio; Libutti, Angela; Tarantino, Emanuele; Bellucci, Micol; Troiano, Eleonora; Spano, Giuseppe
Inoculum pre-treatment affects the fermentative activity of hydrogen-producing communities in the presence of 5-hydroxymethylfurfural
2016-01-01 Bellucci, Micol; Botticella, Giuseppe; Francavilla, Matteo; Beneduce, Luciano
Interactions between microalgae and bacteria in the treatment of wastewater from milk whey processing
2020-01-01 Marazzi, F.; Bellucci, M.; Fantasia, T.; Ficara, E.; Mezzanotte, V.
Invasibility of resident biofilms by allochthonous communities in bioreactors
2015-01-01 Bellucci, Micol; Bernet, Nicolas; Harmand, Jérôme; Godon, Jean-Jacques; Milferstedt, Kim
Lab-scale testing of operation parameters for algae based treatment of piggery wastewater
2019-01-01 Marazzi, Francesca; Bellucci, Micol; Fornaroli, Riccardo; Bani, Alessia; Ficara, Elena; Mezzanotte, Valeria
2021-01-01 Ficara, E.; Bellucci, M.; Rossi, S.; Mantovani, M.; Casagli, F.; Marazzi, F.; Parati, K.; Mezzanotte, V.
Low-dissolved-oxygen nitrifying systems exploit ammonia-oxidizing bacteria with unusually high yields
2011-01-01 Bellucci, Micol; Ofiteru, Irina D; Graham, David W; Head, Ian M; Curtis, Thomas P