Risultati 1 - 5 di 5 (tempo di esecuzione: 0.016 secondi).
A MultiPhase Dynamic-VoF solver to model primary jet atomization and cavitation inside high-pressure fuel injectors in OpenFOAM
2019-01-01 Piscaglia, Federico; Giussani, Filippo; Montorfano, Andrea; Helie, Jerome; Aithal, Shashikant
A Novel 3-Phase Solver for VOF Simulations of Internal-Nozzle Flows in Fuel Injectors using OpenFOAM
2018-01-01 Piscaglia, F.; Giussani, F.; Hélie, J.; Lamarque, N.; Aithal, S. M.
A three-phase VOF solver for the simulation of in-nozzle cavitation effects on liquid atomization
2020-01-01 Giussani, F.; Piscaglia, F.; Saez-Mischlich, G.; Hèlie, J.
Dynamic VOF modelling of the internal flow in GDI fuel injectors
2016-01-01 Giussani, Filippo; Montorfano, Andrea; Piscaglia, Federico; Onorati, Angelo; Elie, J. H; Aithal, S. M.
VOF Simulation of The Cavitating Flow in High Pressure GDI Injectors
2017-01-01 Giussani, F.; Montorfano, A.; Piscaglia, F.; Onorati, A.; Hélie, J.