1933, L'Attenzione di Giedion sul Rapporto tra il Mito del Mediterraneo e la Modernità
2016-01-01 Kousidi, Stamatina
Ad/dress. Singularity, Simultaneity, and the Construction of Aesthetic Continuity
2014-01-01 Kousidi, Stamatina
Architecture and Anthropocene Air
2024-01-01 Kousidi, S.
Architecture, environment, social innovation: Intersecting approaches in the projects for the child of Emmanuel Vourekas and Panos-Nikolis Djelepy
2022-01-01 Kousidi, Stamatina
Architecture, Nature and Concepts of Health. Panos-Nikolis Djelepy’s Children’s Village Projects in Interwar Greece
2022-01-01 Kousidi, Stamatina
Architettura che respira: atmosfera e progetto
2024-01-01 Kousidi, Stamatina
Architettura che respira: atmosfera e progetto
2024-01-01 Kousidi, Stamatina
August 1933 - Greece. Dialogues between vernacular architecture and modernism. Culture, Context, Climate
2019-01-01 Kousidi, Stamatina
Casting a Modern Gaze on the Aegean Vernacular
2021-01-01 Kousidi, Stamatina
Constructions s(c)olaires. The Sun, the Body, and Modern Architecture. Panos-Nikolis Djelepy's Children's Village Project at Voula, Athens
2021-01-01 Kousidi, Stamatina
Context, Climate, Culture. Traces of Vernacular Architecture in the Travel Notes of the Fourth CIAM
2023-01-01 Kousidi, Stamatina
Fashion as Shield. Masking Identities, Space and the Body
2014-01-01 Kousidi, Stamatina
Giedion’s Gaze at the Mediterranean Myth and Modernity
2019-01-01 Kousidi, Stamatina
Insulation as a Performing Surface [Workshop]
2016-01-01 Kousidi, Stamatina
Redefining the Collective: Case/Housing Studies
2023-01-01 Kousidi, Stamatina
The Glass House Revisited
2023-01-01 Kousidi, Stamatina
The Knot Krause. Revisiting the Bauhaus Cross-Disciplinary Textile Envelopes
2014-01-01 Kousidi, Stamatina
The Mediterranean rural house as found and as re-imagined
2023-01-01 Kousidi, Stamatina
The Polyvalent Character of Weaving. Corona Krause and the Bauhaus Weaving Workshop
2015-01-01 Kousidi, Stamatina
Through the lens of Sigfried Giedion: CIAM IV and the stay in Greece
2015-01-01 Kousidi, Stamatina