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Titolo Data di pubblicazione Autori File
A probabilistic approach to stormwater runoff control through permeable pavements beneath urban trees 1-gen-2023 Raimondi A.Marrazzo G.Sanfilippo U.Becciu G.
Characterizing solute transport with transient storage across a range of flow rates: The evidence of repeated tracer experiments in Austrian and Italian streams 1-gen-2010 Ilaria InnocentiUmberto Sanfilippo +
Costs-benefit Analysis for the use of Shallow Groundwater as non-conventional Water Resource 1-gen-2023 Lobo Marchioni, MRaimondi, ADi Chiano, MGSanfilippo, UMambretti, SBecciu, G
Curve di possibilità pluviometrica di Milano 1971 – 2012 e cambiamenti climatici 1-gen-2016 G. BecciuS. MambrettiU. Sanfilippo +
Design Storms for First Flush Modelling at Sewer Inlets 1-gen-2024 Becciu, GianfrancoRaimondi, AnitaSanfilippo, Umberto
Effect of Multiple Stressors on Water Quality and Macroinvertebrate Assemblages in an Effluent-Dominated Stream 1-gen-2009 SANFILIPPO, UMBERTO +
Experimental data and modeling of pollutant dynamics in ephemeral streams influenced by transient storage in dead zones 1-gen-2004 PAOLETTI, ALESSANDROSANFILIPPO, UMBERTOINNOCENTI, ILARIA
I fabbisogni idrici delle megalopoli 1-gen-2012 ROSSO, RENZOSANFILIPPO, UMBERTO
Il controllo in tempo reale dei sistemi di drenaggio urbano 1-gen-2000 PAOLETTI, ALESSANDROSANFILIPPO, UMBERTO +
Indicatori di sensibilità al cambiamento climatico delle fonti di approvvigionamento idrico per la pianificazione dei sistemi acquedottistici 1-gen-2014 BECCIU, GIANFRANCOSANFILIPPO, UMBERTO
Influence of climatic parameters on the probabilistic design of green roofs 1-gen-2022 Raimondi, ASanfilippo, UDi Chiano, M GBecciu, G +
Management of water and wastewater under the framework of the IMM: The case of the Favela Rocinha 1-gen-2020 Becciu, GianfrancoMambretti, StefanoMasera, GabrieleSanfilippo, UmbertoTadi, Massimo
Modeling of particulate matter fate on urban highway stormwater control systems 1-gen-2021 MARIANA MARCHIONIANITA RAIMONDIUMBERTO SANFILIPPOJOHN SANSALONESTEFANO MAMBRETTIGIANFRANCO BECCIU
Performance indicators for the efficiency analysis of urban drainage systems 1-gen-2005 BECCIU, GIANFRANCOMAGLIONICO, MARCOPAOLETTI, ALESSANDROSANFILIPPO, UMBERTO +
Probabilistic Approach to Tank Design in Rainwater Harvesting Systems 1-gen-2023 Maria Gloria Di ChianoMariana Lobo MarchioniAnita RaimondiUmberto SanfilippoGianfranco Becciu
PROBABILISTIC ESTIMATION OF RUNOFF FROM GREEN ROOFS 1-gen-2022 Anita RaimondiMariana MarchioniUmberto SanfilippoGianfranco Becciu +
Probabilistic modeling of sustainable urban drainage systems 1-gen-2023 Raimondi, ADi Chiano, MGSanfilippo, UBecciu, G +
Statistical analysis on experimental calibration data for flowmeters in pressure pipes 1-gen-2017 Lazzarin, AlessandroOrsi, EnricoSanfilippo, Umberto
Taratura di misuratori di portata con metodo volumetrico e certificazione di qualità 1-gen-2002 ORSI, ENRICO MARIASANFILIPPO, UMBERTO
Uncertainty on flow rate and temperature measurement for the detection of illicit flows in sewers 1-gen-2024 Raimondi, AnitaSanfilippo, UmbertoBecciu, Gianfranco