Brain perfusion and venous drainage in Multiple Sclerosis: a multimodal approach.
2016-01-01 Laganà, Maria Marcella; Baglio, Francesca; Pelizzari, Laura; Dipasquale, Ottavia; Costantini, Isa; Baselli, Giuseppe; Bergsland, NIELS PETER; Cecconi, Pietro; Clerici, Mario; Haacke, Mark; Mendozzi, Laura; Nemni, Raffaello
Combined study of neurodegeneration, cerebrovascular reactivity and venousdrainage impairments in Parkinson’s Disease and Multiple Sclerosis
2016-01-01 Laganà, M. M.; Baglio, F.; Pelizzari, Laura; Dipasquale, Ottavia; Costantini, Isa; Baselli, Giuseppe; Bergsland, NIELS PETER; Cecconi, P.; Clerici, M.; Haacke, M.; Mendozzi, L.; Nemni, R.
Correlation of Brain Structural and Functional Connectivity Indexes
2015-01-01 Pelizzari, Laura; Scaccianoce, Elisa; Lagana', MARIA MARCELLA; Dipasquale, Ottavia; Costantini, Isa; Baglio, Francesca; Baselli, Giuseppe
Exploring Resting-State Functional Connectivity Invariants Across the Life Span Using a Novel Graph Model
2016-01-01 Dipasquale, Ottavia; Finotelli, Paolo; Costantini, Isa; Baselli, Giuseppe; Dulio, Paolo; Francesca, Baglio; Cercignani, Mara
Integrating Structural and Functional Brain Connectivity image, signal, and data processing problems
2015-01-01 Baselli, Giuseppe; Bergsland, NIELS PETER; Costantini, Isa; Dipasquale, Ottavia; Scaccianoce, Elisa; Laganà, Maria Marcella; Pelizzari, Laura; Clerici, Mario; Baglio, Francesca
Mixed ICA and Clustering Method Introduced to Study the Life Span Changes in the Within-Network Functional Connectivity of the Default Mode Network
2016-01-01 Costantini, Isa; Dipasquale, Ottavia; Pelizzari, Laura; Marcella, Laganà Maria; Francesca, Baglio; Baselli, Giuseppe
Theory of mind and the whole brain functional connectivity: Behavioral and neural evidences with the Amsterdam Resting State Questionnaire
2015-01-01 Marchetti, Antonella; Baglio, Francesca; Costantini, Isa; Dipasquale, Ottavia; Savazzi, Federica; Nemni, Raffaello; Intra, Francesca Sangiuliano; Tagliabue, Semira; Valle, Annalisa; Massaro, Davide; Castelli, Ilaria