A mathematical framework for cooperative collision avoidance of human-driven vehicles at intersections
2014-01-01 Colombo, Alessandro
2021-01-01 Colombo, A.; Canina, M.; Ferrise, F.; Dozio, N.; Fedeli, F.; Brondolin, R.; Parise, C.; Maj, R.
An approximate abstraction approach to safety control of differentially flat systems
2013-01-01 Colombo, Alessandro; Antoine, Girard
Bifurcation analysis of a power converter highlights open problems in piecewise smooth system theory
2014-01-01 DELLA ROSSA, Fabio; Colombo, Alessandro
Border collision of non-hyperbolic fixed points
2009-01-01 Colombo, Alessandro; Dercole, Fabio
Codimension-two singularities on the stability boundary in 2D Filippov systems
2011-01-01 Dercole, Fabio; DELLA ROSSA, Fabio; Colombo, Alessandro; Kuznetsov, Y. u. A.
Computation of the Basins of Attraction in Non-smooth Dynamical Systems
2013-01-01 U., Galvanetto; Colombo, Alessandro
Constant-time discontinuity map for forward sensitivity analysis to initial conditions: Spurs detection in fractional-N PLL as a case study
2017-01-01 Bizzarri, Federico; Brambilla, Angelo; Colombo, Alessandro; Callegari, Sergio
Cooperative Intersection Collision Avoidance in a Constrained Communication Environment
2015-01-01 Colombo, Alessandro; Wymeersch, Henk
Distribution of contact forces of a climber in typical rest positions
2024-01-01 Bonelli, Eleonora; Rampichini, Susanna; Limonta, Eloisa; Colombo, Alessandro
Efficient algorithms for collision avoidance at intersections
2012-01-01 Colombo, Alessandro; D., Del Vecchio
Enforcing safety of cyberphysical systems using flatness and abstraction
2011-01-01 Colombo, Alessandro; D., Del Vecchio
Experimental testing of a semi-autonomous multi-vehicle collision avoidance algorithm at an intersection testbed
2015-01-01 Ahn, Heejin; Rizzi, Andrea; Colombo, Alessandro; Del Vecchio, Domitilla
Measurement Scheduling for Control Invariance in Networked Control Systems
2019-01-01 Colombo, A.; Bahraini, M.; Falcone, P.
Multisensory Climbing in the Magic Room
2023-01-01 Secco, Matteo; Gianotti, Mattia; Colombo, Alessandro; Garzotto, Franca
Numerically efficient robustness test for nonlinear circuit models
2015-01-01 Colombo, Alessandro
On the boundaries of basins of attraction in piecewise smooth systems
2010-01-01 Colombo, Alessandro; U., Galvanetto
Optimal and least restrictive supervisory control: Safety verification methods for human-driven vehicles at traffic intersections
2016-01-01 De Campos, Gabriel Rodrigues; DELLA ROSSA, Fabio; Colombo, Alessandro
Receding-horizon robust online communication scheduling for constrained networked control systems
2019-01-01 Bahraini, M.; Zanon, M.; Colombo, A.; Falcone, P.
Robust Control Invariance for Networked Control Systems with Output Feedback
2022-01-01 Bahraini, Masoud; Colombo, Alessandro; Zanon, Mario; Falcone, Paolo