Assemblages of private waste management and recycling The case of the Anderlecht marketplace in Brussels
2019-01-01 Bortolotti, A
Charting the Spatiality of the Brussels Biowaste Metabolism
2019-01-01 Bortolotti, Andrea; Aragone, Andrea; Ranzato, Marco
Cicli, sistemi, e progetti: verso un approccio sociotecnico alla produzione della natura urbana
2023-01-01 Bortolotti, Andrea
Conditions and concepts for interdisciplinary urban metabolism research–the case of an inter-project collaboration on biowaste
2019-01-01 Bortolotti, Andrea; Kampelmann, Stephan; De Muynck, Simon; Papangelou, Anastasia; Zeller, Vanessa
Data requirements for a systematic analysis of urban food flows and their sustainability outcomes
2024-01-01 Guibrunet, Louise; Hoekman, Paul; Bortolotti, Andrea; Battersby, Jane
Decentralised Organic Resource Treatments – Classification and comparison through Extended Material Flow Analysis
2018-01-01 Bortolotti, Andrea; Kampelmann, Stephan; De Muynck, Simon
Design & assessing the flood risk management paradigm shift: an interdisciplinary study of Vlissingen, the Netherlands
2022-01-01 Hooimeijer, F.; Diaz, A.; Bortolotti, A.; Ke, Q.; van der Heuvel, J.; Bricker, J.
Forestazione Integrata Urbana
2013-01-01 Bortolotti, Andrea; Ferrari, Efrem; Ranzato, Marco
Il cerchio da aprire: verso un’epistemologia plurale della circolarità
2024-01-01 Bortolotti, Andrea; Minervini, Dario
Integrated coastal flood design: changing paradigm in flood risk management
2021-01-01 Iuorio, Luca; Bortolotti, Andrea
Integration by design: addressing circularity in planning education
2024-01-01 Bortolotti, Andrea; De Marchi, Marta; Lucertini, Giulia
Refuse of the city: rethinking waste management in Brussels
2021-01-01 Bortolotti, A
The opening circle: four moves to rethink the circular economy
2024-01-01 Bortolotti, Andrea; Minervini, Dario
Wasteland rehabilitation in rural landscape: a design project in the Verona plain
2018-01-01 Bortolotti, A; Ranzato, M
Which circularity for urban design and planning? A compass to navigate circular economy research knowledge and methods
2023-01-01 Bortolotti, Andrea; Verga, Giulia Caterina; Khan, Ahmed Zaib