20 years of neuromuscular electrical stimulation in COPD
2024-01-01 Lo Mauro, Antonella; Gervasoni, Fabrizio
A case of unexplained dyspnoea: When lung function testing matters!
2018-01-01 Laveneziana, Pierantonio; Niérat, Marie-Cécile; Lo Mauro, Antonella; Aliverti, Andrea
A Multidisciplinary Evaluation of Patients with DMD in An Italian Tertiary Care Center
2021-01-01 Lo Mauro, A.; Gandossini, S.; Russo, A.; Velardo, D.; Comi, G. P.; Turconi, A. C.; Bresolin, N.; Aliverti, A.; D'Angelo, M. G.
A New Method for Measuring Bell-Shaped Chest Induced by Impaired Ribcage Muscles in Spinal Muscular Atrophy Children
2018-01-01 Lo Mauro, Antonella; Banfi, Paolo; Mastella, Chiara; Alberti, Katia; Baranello, Giovanni; Aliverti, Andrea
Abdominal volume contribution to tidal volume as an early indicator of respiratory impairment in Duchenne muscular dystrophy.
2010-01-01 Lo Mauro, A.; D'Angelo, M. G.; Romei, M; Motta, F.; Colombo, D.; Comi, G. P.; Pedotti, A.; Marchi, E.; Turconi, A. C.; Bresolin, N.; Aliverti, A.
Acute Effects of Mechanical Insufflation-Exsufflation on the Breathing Pattern in Stable Subjects With Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy
2018-01-01 Cesareo, Ambra; Lo Mauro, Antonella; Santi, Marika; Biffi, Emilia; D'Angelo, Maria G; Aliverti, Andrea
Acute respiratory muscle unloading by normoxic helium-O2 breathing reduces the O 2 cost of cycling and perceived exertion in obese adolescents.
2015-01-01 D., Salvadego; A., Sartorio; F., Agosti; G., Tringali; A., Patrizi; LO MAURO, MARIA ANTONELLA; Aliverti, Andrea; B., Grassi
Adaptation of lung, chest wall, and respiratory muscles during pregnancy: Preparing for birth
2019-01-01 Lo Mauro, A.; Aliverti, A.; Frykholm, P.; Alberico, D.; Persico, N.; Boschetti, G.; De Bellis, M.; Briganti, F.; Nosotti, M.; Righi, I.
After-Effects of Thixotropic Maneuvers on Chest Wall and Compartmental Operational Volumes of Healthy Subjects Using Optoelectronic Plethysmography
2019-01-01 Lima, I. N. D. F.; Sarmento, A.; Goes, M. C.; Mazzuca, E.; Lo mauro, A.; Reid, W. D.; Aliverti, A.; Fregonezi, G. A. F.
Alterations of thoraco-abdominal volumes and asynchronies in patients with spinal muscle atrophy type III.
2014-01-01 LO MAURO, MARIA ANTONELLA; M., Romei; Priori, Rita; Laviola, Marianna; M. G., D'Angelo; Aliverti, Andrea
Assessment and management of respiratory function in patients with duchenne muscular dystrophy: Current and emerging options
2015-01-01 LO MAURO, MARIA ANTONELLA; D’Angelo, Maria Grazia; Aliverti, Andrea
Balance and visual reliance in post-COVID syndrome patients assessed with a robotic system: a multi-sensory integration deficit
2022-01-01 Gervasoni, F.; Lo Mauro, A.; Ricci, V.; Salce, G.; Andreoli, A.; Visconti, A.; Pantoni, L.
Biomechanical Insights into Ski Mountaineering: Kinematics and Muscular Activation in Uphill Movements
2025-01-01 Donno, L.; Francia, C.; Motta, F.; Lo Mauro, A.; Gorla, C.; Scaccabarozzi, D.; Tarabini, M.; Galli, M.
Blood shift during cough: Negligible or significant?
2018-01-01 Lo Mauro, Antonella; Aliverti, Andrea
Breathing pattern and chest wall volumes during exercise in patients with cystic fibrosis, pulmonary fibrosis and COPD before and after lung transplantation.
2010-01-01 Wilkens, H.; Weingard, B.; Lo Mauro, A.; Schena, E.; Pedotti, A.; Sybrecht, G. W.; Aliverti, A.
Breathing patterns recognition: A functional data analysis approach
2022-01-01 Lo Mauro, A.; Colli, A.; Colombo, L.; Aliverti, A.
Can Breathing Pattern Assessment Predict the Need of Ventilatory Support in Treated Infants with Spinal Muscular Atrophy Type 1?
2022-01-01 Lo Mauro, A.; Mastella, C.; Scoto, M.; Muntoni, F.; Chan, E.; Edel, L.; Aliverti, A.; Baranello, G.
Comparison of different methods for lung immobilization in an animal model
2020-01-01 Lo Mauro, A.; Aliverti, A.; Joensen, O.; Karaca, I.; Nystrom, P. W.; Larsson, A.; Frykholm, P.; Sutterlin, R.
Comparison of superimposed high-frequency jet ventilation with conventional jet ventilation for laryngeal surgery.
2012-01-01 R., Leiter; Aliverti, Andrea; Priori, Rita; P., Staun; LO MAURO, MARIA ANTONELLA; A., Larsson; P. Frykholm, P.
Concomitant ventilatory and circulatory functions of the diaphragm and abdominal muscles.
2010-01-01 Aliverti, A.; Uva, B.; Laviola, M.; Bovio, D.; Lo Mauro, A.; Tarperi, C.; Colombo, E.; Loomas, B.; Pedotti, A.; Similowski, T.; Macklem, P. T.