A globalization-based taxonomy of European regions
2012-01-01 Fratesi, Ugo
Administrative capacity and the territorial effects of EU support to firms: a two-step analysis
2024-01-01 Bachtrogler-Unger, J.; Fratesi, U.; Perucca, G.
Advances in Regional Growth Forecasting Models: Conceptual Challenges and Methodological Responses
2017-01-01 Capello, Roberta; Caragliu, ANDREA ANTONIO; Fratesi, Ugo
An Advanced MASST Model: the Social and Sectoral Dimensions Reconsidered
2008-01-01 Capello, Roberta; Fratesi, Ugo
Assessing Smart Specialisation: Policy Implementation Measures
2021-01-01 Fratesi, U.; Gianelle, C.; Guzzo, F.
Az intelligens szakosodási stratégia támogatása rendszerdinamikai modell segítségével (Supporting a smart specialization strategy using a system dynamics model)
2021-01-01 Polónyi-Andor, K.; Fratesi, U.; Varga, A.
Back to the member states? Cohesion Policy and the national challenges to the European Union
2019-01-01 Crescenzi, R.; Fratesi, U.; Monastiriotis, V.
Between development and social policies: the impact of European Structural Funds in Objective 1 regions
2004-01-01 A., RODRIGUEZ POSE; Fratesi, Ugo
Border Effects on firm's productivity: The role of peripherality and territorial capital
2023-01-01 Fantechi, F; Fratesi, U
Breaking Down the Border: Physical, Institutional and Cultural Obstacles
2018-01-01 Capello, Roberta; Caragliu, Andrea; Fratesi, Ugo
Capitale territoriale e politiche di coesione europee
2016-01-01 Fratesi, Ugo; Perucca, Giovanni
Classic books in regional studies: an introduction to the 50th Anniversary Book Review Collection
2017-01-01 Fratesi, Ugo
Compensation Modes of Border Effects in Cross-Border Regions
2018-01-01 Capello, R.; Caragliu, A.; Fratesi, U.
Contextualizing regional policy impact: A contribution to more effective policy-making
2020-01-01 Fratesi, U.
Crescita Regionale in un Contesto di Globalizzazione: l’Eterogeneità Spaziale nei Fattori di Successo
2011-01-01 Capello, Roberta; Fratesi, Ugo
Does Migration Reduce Regional Disparities? The Role of Skill-Selective Flows
2007-01-01 Fratesi, Ugo; M., Riggi
Economic resilience and regionally differentiated cycles: Evidence from a turning point approach in Italy
2023-01-01 Duran, He; Fratesi, U
Editorial: The Mobility of High-Skilled Workers: Causes and Consequences
2014-01-01 Fratesi, Ugo
Employment volatility in lagging and advanced regions: The Italian case
2020-01-01 Duran, H. E.; Fratesi, U.
Escenaris per a les Regions Europees Les Provincies de l’Arc Llatì
2011-01-01 Affuso, Antonio; Camagni, Roberto; Capello, Roberta; Fratesi, Ugo