Risultati 1 - 13 di 13 (tempo di esecuzione: 0.01 secondi).
A Generalized Constitutive Relationship for Undrained Soil Structure Interaction Problems
2021-01-01 di Prisco, C.; Flessati, L.
Application of an Innovative Displacement Based Design Approach for Earth Embankments on Piled Foundations
2021-01-01 Flessati, L.
Curve caratteristiche non drenate per gallerie profonde e superficiali in assenza e in presenza di rivestimento: analisi numeriche e interpretazione teorica
2024-01-01 Zerbi, M.; Flessati, L.; di Prisco, C.
Influence of the excavation rate on the mechanical response of deep tunnel fronts in cohesive soils
2019-01-01 Di Prisco, C.; Flessati, L.; Cassani, G.; Perlo, R.
Influence of the fibreglass reinforcement stiffness on the mechanical response of deep tunnel fronts in cohesive soils under undrained conditions
2019-01-01 Di Prisco, C.; Flessati, L.; Cassani, G.; Perlo, R.
Miscele cemento-bentonite per diaframmi plastici: prove sperimentali e modellazione costitutiva
2021-01-01 Flessati, Luca; DELLA VECCHIA, Gabriele; Musso, Guido
Modelling the Development of Settlements of Earth Embankments on Piled Foundations
2021-01-01 Mangraviti, V.; Flessati, L.; di Prisco, C.
Numerical Analysis of the Mechanical Response of Anchored Wire Meshes
2021-01-01 Boschi, K.; di Prisco, C.; Flessati, L.; Mazzon, N.
Numerical investigation on the influence of the excavation rate on the mechanical response of deep tunnel fronts in cohesive soils
2018-01-01 Flessati, L.; di Prisco, C.
Progressive Failure in Viscoplastic Materials: The Case of Creeping Landslides
2023-01-01 Flessati, L.; di Prisco, C.
Simplified numerical analysis of rock block-anchor interaction
2016-01-01 Galli, Andrea; Flessati, Luca
Un macroelemento per palificate poste su terreni puramente coesivi
2024-01-01 Corigliano, M.; Zerbi, M.; Flessati, L.; di Prisco, C.
Wind Tower FRC Foundations: Research and Design
2022-01-01 di Prisco, M.; di Prisco, C.; Fraraccio, G.; Lago, B. D.; Martinelli, P.; Flessati, L.; Colombo, M.; Zani, G.