Development of a Super-insulating, Aerogel-based Textile Wallpaper for the Indoor Energy Retrofit of Existing Residential Buildings
2017-01-01 Masera, Gabriele; Karim, Ghazi Wakili; Thomas, Stahl; Samuel, Brunner; Galliano, Rosanna; Monticelli, Carol; Aliprandi, Stefano; Zanelli, Alessandra; Elesawy, AMR ALAAELDIN ABDELREHEEM
Durability Evaluation of External Thermal Insulation Composite Systems: Frequency Assessment of Thermal Shocks
2013-01-01 Daniotti, Bruno; RE CECCONI, Fulvio; Paolini, Riccardo; Galliano, Rosanna
Evaluation of Three Different Retrofit Solutions Applied to the Internal Surface of a Protected Cavity Wall
2015-01-01 Galliano, Rosanna; Wakili, K. Ghazi; Binder, B.; Daniotti, Bruno
Experimental Evaluation of Photocatalytic Cement-Based Materials: durability and photo-activity
2011-01-01 Bottalico, L.; Daniotti, Bruno; Franchi, Alberto; LUPICA SPAGNOLO, Sonia; Galliano, Rosanna; Guerrini, G. L.
Hygrothermal Behaviour of Three Internal Retrofit Prototype Solutions
2015-01-01 Galliano, Rosanna; Stahl, T.; Brunner, S.; Zhao, S.; Masera, Gabriele; Aliprandi, Stefano
Multi-physics modelling for durability evaluation of ETICS
2014-01-01 Daniotti, Bruno; RE CECCONI, Fulvio; Paolini, Riccardo; Cocchetti, Giuseppe; Galliano, Rosanna; Cornaggia, Aram
Performance evaluation of aerogel-based and perlite-based prototyped insulations for internal thermal retrofitting: HMT model validation by monitoring at demo scale.
2016-01-01 Galliano, R.; Wakili, K. G.; Stahl, T.; Binder, B.; Daniotti, B.
The Durability Experimental Evaluation of Photo-catalytic Cement-Based Materials
2011-01-01 Daniotti, Bruno; LUPICA SPAGNOLO, Sonia; Galliano, Rosanna
“Sustainable Campus”: a starting point for a Building Sustainable Refurbishment. Energy-Efficiency Upgrading and Thermal Comfort
2013-01-01 Daniotti, Bruno; RE CECCONI, Fulvio; Galliano, Rosanna; Maltese, Sebastiano
“Valutazione durabilistica di sistemi di isolamento a cappotto: Modi di Guasto e Analisi Prestazionale per il clima del Sud Europa” “Durability evaluation of External Thermal Insulation Composite Systems: Failure Modes and Performance Analysis for the Southern Europe Climate”
2012-01-01 Daniotti, Bruno; RE CECCONI, Fulvio; Paolini, Riccardo; Galliano, Rosanna