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"Perspectives" on the 3D analysis through the cadastral map series (XVIII – XX sec.) and the first geodetic large scale map of Milan realized by Astronomi di Brera 1-gen-2008 MONTI, CARLOBRUMANA, RAFFAELLAACHILLE, CRISTIANAORENI, DANIELA +
"Restituire" la Basilica di Collemaggio a L'Aquila: geometrie, strutture e modelli per il progetto di conservazione (The drawing of Collemaggio's Basilica in L'Aquila: geometries, structures and models for restoration project). 1-gen-2014 ORENI, DANIELABRUMANA, RAFFAELLA
3D advanced cartography of marine coast in italy: gis data management. 1-gen-2001 ACHILLE, CRISTIANABRUMANA, RAFFAELLASAVI, CARLO LUIGIMONTI, CARLO
3D Data model for representing an historical Centre Site 1-gen-2006 BRUMANA, RAFFAELLAACHILLE, CRISTIANAPRANDI, FEDERICOORENI, DANIELA
3D GIS. Informazione territoriale e patrimonio costiero: il caso di Levanto e Bonassola 1-gen-2000 ACHILLE, CRISTIANABRUMANA, RAFFAELLAFREGONESE, LUIGIMONTI, CARLOMONTI, GIANCARLOSAVI, CARLO LUIGI
3D photogrammetric restitution of carvings and GIS applies. The case of the Fontana of Nettuno at Conegliano Veneto. 1-gen-2001 ACHILLE, CRISTIANABRUMANA, RAFFAELLAFREGONESE, LUIGIMONTI, CARLOSAVI, CARLO LUIGI
A flexible methodology for outdoor/indoor building reconstruction from occluded point clouds 1-gen-2014 PREVITALI, MATTIASCAIONI, MARCOBARAZZETTI, LUIGIBRUMANA, RAFFAELLA
A geo-swot chart, using a values centered approach and multitemporal-maps for landscape assessment and multimedia ecomuseum 1-gen-2015 BRUMANA, RAFFAELLABARAZZETTI, LUIGIPREVITALI, MATTIAORENI, DANIELADELLA TORRE, STEFANOBANFI, FABRIZIO +
A virtual Hub brokering approach for integration of historical and modern maps 1-gen-2016 PREVITALI, MATTIABARAZZETTI, LUIGIBRUMANA, RAFFAELLA +
Advanced 3D modeling by GIS Technologies to support environmental analysis in critical context 1-gen-2002 ACHILLE, CRISTIANABRUMANA, RAFFAELLAFREGONESE, LUIGIMONTI, CARLOSAVI, CARLO LUIGI
Advanced GIS technologies to support georeferencing of the Cultural Heritage 1-gen-2003 ACHILLE, CRISTIANABRUMANA, RAFFAELLA
Advanced Survey Generation and GIS for Multimedia Data Transfer 1-gen-1997 BRUMANA, RAFFAELLAPINTO, LIVIOSCAIONI, MARCO +
Agile services distribution: architectures to support Web Gis 1-gen-1999 ACHILLE, CRISTIANABRUMANA, RAFFAELLAFREGONESE, LUIGIMONTI, CARLOSAVI, CARLO LUIGI
An algorithm for occlusion-free texture mapping from oriented images 1-gen-2012 PREVITALI, MATTIASCAIONI, MARCOBARAZZETTI, LUIGIBRUMANA, RAFFAELLAORENI, DANIELA
An insight into space and remote sensing technologies concerning agriculture and landscape analysis 1-gen-2015 CUCA, BRANKABARAZZETTI, LUIGIBRUMANA, RAFFAELLAPREVITALI, MATTIA
An university interdisciplinary research and didactical yard: the 'continuous fabbrica' of Basilica of San Lorenzo in Milan 1-gen-2005 ACHILLE, CRISTIANAR. Brumana +
Application of mixed technique for the 3D modelling of the Noble floor of the Real Villa in Monza 1-gen-2007 FASSI, FRANCESCOACHILLE, CRISTIANABRUMANA, RAFFAELLATUNCER, HANDE
Application of multiple techniques for the survey, 3D modeling and virtual representation of the internal rooms of the Real Villa in Monza 1-gen-2007 FASSI F.ACHILLE C.BRUMANA R.
Assessing the potential of building technologies for energy efficient refurbishment: a European perspective 1-gen-2014 IANNACCONE, GIULIANASESANA, MARTA MARIABRUMANA, RAFFAELLACUCA, BRANKA +
Automated detection of repeated structures in building façades 1-gen-2013 PREVITALI, MATTIASCAIONI, MARCOBARAZZETTI, LUIGIBRUMANA, RAFFAELLARONCORONI, FABIO