Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
NA - Nord America 293
EU - Europa 99
AS - Asia 48
AF - Africa 5
Totale 445
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 291
SE - Svezia 22
CN - Cina 14
GB - Regno Unito 13
SG - Singapore 13
AT - Austria 12
DE - Germania 12
VN - Vietnam 11
FI - Finlandia 10
IT - Italia 10
UA - Ucraina 6
CI - Costa d'Avorio 5
IE - Irlanda 5
JO - Giordania 5
ES - Italia 3
BE - Belgio 2
CA - Canada 2
FR - Francia 2
JP - Giappone 2
GR - Grecia 1
HK - Hong Kong 1
IR - Iran 1
NL - Olanda 1
TW - Taiwan 1
Totale 445
Città #
Chandler 44
Woodbridge 33
Fairfield 31
Seattle 23
Ann Arbor 20
Wilmington 18
Ashburn 16
Houston 16
Cambridge 13
Vienna 12
Boardman 9
Singapore 9
Dearborn 7
Jacksonville 6
Abidjan 5
Amman 5
Dublin 5
Falls Church 5
Helsinki 5
Lawrence 5
Medford 5
Oldham 5
Des Moines 4
Beijing 3
Dong Ket 3
Munich 3
Málaga 3
Brussels 2
Changzhou 2
Fremont 2
Ottawa 2
San Diego 2
Santa Clara 2
Shanghai 2
Atlanta 1
Berlin 1
Chengdu 1
Gelsenkirchen 1
Genova 1
Groningen 1
Guangzhou 1
Hefei 1
Hengyang 1
Hong Kong 1
London 1
Nishikicho 1
Pallini 1
Taipei 1
Tappahannock 1
Tokyo 1
Turin 1
Washington 1
Zhengzhou 1
Totale 346
Nome #
Simulation of oxygen transfer in stented arteries and correlation with in-stent restenosis 115
Review of Atherosclerosis and Mathematical Transport Models 95
A computational fluid dynamic and oxygen mass transport study of in-stent restenosis and coronary curvature 91
Hemodynamics and In-stent Restenosis: Micro-CT Images, Histology, and Computer Simulations. 80
Contribution of mechanical and fluid response to in-stent restenosis 64
Totale 445
Categoria #
all - tutte 1.450
article - articoli 659
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 501
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 290
Totale 2.900

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/202052 0 0 0 0 0 12 9 6 10 4 10 1
2020/202145 4 2 7 0 2 2 4 2 3 3 3 13
2021/202266 4 15 1 10 9 2 5 1 1 4 4 10
2022/202392 7 8 11 11 14 17 0 1 14 4 2 3
2023/202437 2 8 0 2 0 6 5 0 0 8 0 6
2024/202529 2 1 7 4 12 3 0 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 445