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Application of SWAT Model on Three Watersheds within the Venice Lagoon Watershed (Italy): Source Apportionment and Scenario Analysis. 1-gen-2007 SALVETTI, ROBERTAAZZELLINO, ARIANNAGARDONI, DAVIDEVISMARA, RENATO FRANCESCO +
Applicazioni di strumenti modellistici e statistici a supporto della gestione di qualità 1-gen-2004 AZZELLINO, ARIANNADE GIORGI, FABIOSALVETTI, ROBERTAVISMARA, RENATO FRANCESCO
Carico eutrofico del Bacino Scolante in Laguna di Venezia: ripartizione dei carichi per fonte in tre sottobacini e ipotesi di scenario 1-gen-2007 SALVETTI, ROBERTAAZZELLINO, ARIANNAVISMARA, RENATO FRANCESCOGARDONI, DAVIDE +
Combined use of the EPA-QUAL2E simulation model and factor analysis to assess the source apportionment of point and non point loads to surface waters 1-gen-2003 AZZELLINO, ARIANNABONOMO, LUCASALVETTI, ROBERTAVISMARA, RENATO FRANCESCO +
Combined use of the EPA-QUAL2E simulation model to assess the source apportionment of point and non point loads of nutrients to surface waters 1-gen-2006 AZZELLINO, ARIANNASALVETTI, ROBERTAVISMARA, RENATO FRANCESCOBONOMO, LUCA
Combined use of watershed models to assess the apportionment of point and non point load sources to surface waters 1-gen-2007 AZZELLINO, ARIANNASALVETTI, ROBERTAVISMARA, RENATO FRANCESCO +
Combined use of watershed models to assess the apportionment of point and non point load sources to surface waters 1-gen-2008 AZZELLINO, ARIANNASALVETTI, ROBERTAVISMARA, RENATO FRANCESCO
Combined use of watershed models to assess the apportionment of point and non point load sources to surface waters. 1-gen-2008 AZZELLINO, ARIANNASALVETTI, ROBERTAVISMARA, RENATO FRANCESCO
Diffuse source apportionment of the Po river eutrophying load to the Adriatic sea: Assessment of Lombardy contribution to Po river nutrient load apportionment by means of an integrated modelling approach 1-gen-2006 SALVETTI, ROBERTAAZZELLINO, ARIANNAVISMARA, RENATO FRANCESCO
Effects of temperature on tertiary nitrification in Moving-Bed Biofilm Reactors 1-gen-2006 SALVETTI, ROBERTAAZZELLINO, ARIANNACANZIANI, ROBERTOBONOMO, LUCA
First application of the Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) to different subbasins discharging in the Venice Lagoon 1-gen-2006 AZZELLINO, ARIANNASALVETTI, ROBERTAVISMARA, RENATO FRANCESCO +
Groundwater Exchanges Of Pollutant Loads (Macro- and Micropollutants) To Surface Waters: A Source Apportionment Study 1-gen-2010 AZZELLINO, ARIANNASALVETTI, ROBERTAVISMARA, RENATO FRANCESCO
Groundwater Interactions with Surface Waters: Consequences on Diffuse Pollution Pathways 1-gen-2009 AZZELLINO, ARIANNASALVETTI, ROBERTAVISMARA, RENATO FRANCESCO
Il calcolo dei carichi diffusi: Il Modello SWAT 1-gen-2004 AZZELLINO, ARIANNASALVETTI, ROBERTA +
Integration of SWAT and mDSS for the evaluation of alternative measures in the Venice Lagoon Watershed. 1-gen-2007 SALVETTI, ROBERTAAZZELLINO, ARIANNAVISMARA, RENATO FRANCESCO +
Ipotesi di alternative di intervento sui carichi civili localizzati 1-gen-2004 BONOMO, LUCASALVETTI, ROBERTA
La gestione degli impianti a biogas per agro-zootecnia: procedure e parametri di controllo 1-gen-2010 VISMARA, RENATO FRANCESCOSALVETTI, ROBERTA
Linee guida e parametri operativi per la gestione di un impianto a biogas per agro-zootecnia. 1-gen-2011 VISMARA, RENATO FRANCESCOSALVETTI, ROBERTAFICARA, ELENAMALPEI, FRANCESCA
Managing the nutrient loads of the Venice Lagoon Watershed: Are the loads external to the watershed relevant under the WFD River Basin District framework? 1-gen-2013 AZZELLINO, ARIANNACEVIRGEN, SERAPSALVETTI, ROBERTA +
Meta-modeling of a physically-based model for predicting the nutrient load discharged to the Venice Lagoon 1-gen-2012 AZZELLINO, ARIANNASALVETTI, ROBERTAVISMARA, RENATO FRANCESCO +