Cluster growth in an ablation plume propagating through a buffer gas
2008-01-01 Ossi, PAOLO MARIA; Bailini, Alessandro
Influence of ambient gas ionization on the deposition of clusters formed in an ablation plume
2006-01-01 Bailini, Alessandro; Ossi, PAOLO MARIA
Modelling the propagation of an ablation plume in a gas
2008-01-01 Bailini, Alessandro; Ossi, PAOLO MARIA
Morphology and growth mechanism of WOx films prepared by laser ablation of W in different atmospheres
2008-01-01 Ossi, PAOLO MARIA; Bailini, Alessandro; Geszti, O; Radnoczi, G.
Nanostructured Tungsten Oxide with Controlled Properties: Synthesis and Raman Characterization
2007-01-01 Baserga, Andrea; Russo, Valeria; DI FONZO, Fabio; Bailini, Alessandro; Cattaneo, Diego; Casari, CARLO SPARTACO; LI BASSI, Andrea; Bottani, CARLO ENRICO
Pulsed laser deposition of Bi2Te3 thermoelectric films
2007-01-01 Bailini, Alessandro; Donati, Fabio; M., Zamboni; Russo, Valeria; Passoni, Matteo; Casari, CARLO SPARTACO; LI BASSI, Andrea; Bottani, CARLO ENRICO
Pulsed laser deposition of tungsten and tungsten oxide thin films with tailored structure at the nano- and mesoscale
2007-01-01 Bailini, Alessandro; DI FONZO, Fabio; Fusi, Matteo; Casari, CARLO SPARTACO; LI BASSI, Andrea; Russo, Valeria; Baserga, Andrea; Bottani, CARLO ENRICO
Raman spectroscopy of Bi-Te thin films
2008-01-01 Russo, Valeria; Bailini, Alessandro; M., Zamboni; Passoni, Matteo; C., Conti; Casari, CARLO SPARTACO; LI BASSI, Andrea; Bottani, CARLO ENRICO
Structural and gas-sensing characterization of tungsten oxide nanorods and nanoparticles
2011-01-01 A., Ponzoni; Russo, Valeria; Bailini, Alessandro; Casari, CARLO SPARTACO; M., Ferroni; LI BASSI, Andrea; A., Migliori; V., Morandi; L., Ortolani; G., Sberveglieri; Bottani, CARLO ENRICO
Synthesis and characterization of tungsten and tungsten oxide nanostructured films
2006-01-01 DI FONZO, Fabio; Bailini, Alessandro; Russo, Valeria; Baserga, Andrea; Cattaneo, Diego; Beghi, Marco; Ossi, PAOLO MARIA; Casari, CARLO SPARTACO; LI BASSI, Andrea; Bottani, CARLO ENRICO