A Hybrid Propulsion Approach to Design Earth-to-Moon Transfers with Ballistic Capture
2008-01-01 Mingotti, GIORGIO PIETRO; Topputo, Francesco; BERNELLI ZAZZERA, Franco
A Method to Design Sun-Perturbed Earth-To-moon Low-Thrust Transfers with Ballistic Capture
2007-01-01 Mingotti, GIORGIO PIETRO; Topputo, Francesco; BERNELLI ZAZZERA, Franco
Combined Optimal Low-Thrust and Stable-Manifold Trajectories to the Earth-Moon Halo Orbits
2007-01-01 Mingotti, GIORGIO PIETRO; Topputo, Francesco; BERNELLI ZAZZERA, Franco
Dynamical Systems, Optimal Control and Space Trajectory Design
2009-01-01 Mingotti, GIORGIO PIETRO; Topputo, Francesco; BERNELLI ZAZZERA, Franco
Efficient Invariant-Manifold, Low-Thrust Planar Trajectories to the Moon
2010-01-01 Mingotti, GIORGIO PIETRO; Topputo, Francesco; BERNELLI ZAZZERA, Franco
Exploiting Distant Periodic Orbits and Their Invariant Manifolds to Design Novel Space Trajectories to the Moon
2010-01-01 Mingotti, GIORGIO PIETRO; Topputo, Francesco; BERNELLI ZAZZERA, Franco
Invariant-Manifold, Low-Thrust Transfers to Low Mars Orbits
2010-01-01 Mingotti, GIORGIO PIETRO; Topputo, Francesco; BERNELLI ZAZZERA, Franco
Low-Thrust, Invariant-Manifolds Trajectories to Halo Orbits
2009-01-01 Mingotti, GIORGIO PIETRO; Topputo, Francesco; BERNELLI ZAZZERA, Franco
Multiple-Spacecraft Transfers to Sun-Earth Distant Retrograde Orbits for Asteroid Detection Missions
2014-01-01 Colombo, Camilla; Mingotti, GIORGIO PIETRO; BERNELLI ZAZZERA, Franco; Mcinnes, C.
Numerical Methods for Low-Energy Low-Thrust Sun-Perturbed Earth-to-Moon Trajectory Design
2008-01-01 Mingotti, GIORGIO PIETRO; Topputo, Francesco; BERNELLI ZAZZERA, Franco
Numerical Methods to Design Low-Energy, Low-Thrust Sun-Perturbed Transfers to the Moon
2009-01-01 Mingotti, GIORGIO PIETRO; Topputo, Francesco; BERNELLI ZAZZERA, Franco