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Mostrati risultati da 51 a 100 di 161
Titolo Data di pubblicazione Autori File
Use of a snowmelt model for weekly flood forecast for a major reservoir in Lithuania 1-gen-2008 BOCCHIOLA, DANIELEROSSO, RENZO +
Use of a Regional Approach for Long-Term Simulation of Snow Avalanche Regime: a Case Study in the Italian Alps 1-gen-2009 BOCCHIOLA, DANIELEMEDAGLIANI, MICHELEROSSO, RENZO
Tecniche id mitigazione del rischio alluvionale: il metodo di flood proofing 1-gen-2009 BOCCHIOLA, DANIELEROSSO, RENZO
Evidence of climatic trends in the Adamello glacier of Italy 1-gen-2009 BOCCHIOLA, DANIELE +
Cambio climatico nel parco dell'Adamello. Analisi di serie climatiche quarantennali 1-gen-2009 BIANCHI JANETTI, EMANUELABOCCHIOLA, DANIELEROSSO, RENZO +
Use of a derived distribution approach for extreme floods design: a case study in Italy 1-gen-2009 BOCCHIOLA, DANIELEROSSO, RENZO
Use of a derived distribution approach for extreme floods design: a case study in Italy 1-gen-2009 BOCCHIOLA, DANIELEROSSO, RENZO
New evidence from Italy (Adamello Group, Lombardy) for analysing the ongoing decline of Alpine glaciers 1-gen-2009 BOCCHIOLA, DANIELEBIANCHI JANETTI, EMANUELA +
Regional methods for snow avalanche prediction: the case of Italian Alps 1-gen-2009 BOCCHIOLA, DANIELE
Flow prediction in high altitude ungauged catchments: A case study in the Italian Alps (Pantano Basin, Adamello Group). 1-gen-2010 BOCCHIOLA, DANIELEROSSO, RENZO +
Precipitation downscaling using random cascades: a case study in Italy 1-gen-2010 GROPPELLI, BIBIANABOCCHIOLA, DANIELEROSSO, RENZO
Spatial estimation of Snow Water Equivalent at different dates within the Adamello Park of Italy 1-gen-2010 BOCCHIOLA, DANIELEGROPPELLI, BIBIANA
Flow prediction in high altitude ungauged catchments: a case study in the Italian Alps (Pantano Basin, Adamello Group) 1-gen-2010 BOCCHIOLA, DANIELEROSSO, RENZO +
Regional estimation of Snow Water Equivalent using Kriging: a preliminary study within the Italian Alps 1-gen-2010 BOCCHIOLA, DANIELE
Evidence of climate change within the Adamello Glacier of Italy 1-gen-2010 BOCCHIOLA, DANIELE +
Evaluation of future hydrological cycle under climate change scenarios in a mesoscale Alpine watershed of Italy 1-gen-2011 GROPPELLI, BIBIANASONCINI, ANDREABOCCHIOLA, DANIELEROSSO, RENZO
Scenari futuri di risorsa idrica dei bacini alpini. Il caso del fiume Oglio. 1-gen-2011 GROPPELLI, BIBIANASONCINI, ANDREABOCCHIOLA, DANIELEROSSO, RENZO
Scenari futuri di risorsa idrica nei bacini alpini. Il caso del fiume Oglio. 1-gen-2011 GROPPELLI, BIBIANASONCINI, ANDREABOCCHIOLA, DANIELEROSSO, RENZO
Evaluation of future hydrologycal cycle under climate change scenarios in a mesoscale Alpine watershed of Italy 1-gen-2011 GROPPELLI, BIBIANASONCINI, ANDREABOCCHIOLA, DANIELEROSSO, RENZO
Prediction of future hydrological regimes in poorly gauged high altitude basis: the case study of the upper Indus, Pakistan. 1-gen-2011 BOCCHIOLA, DANIELESONCINI, ANDREAROSSO, RENZO +
Lake reservoir management under transient climate change in the Italian Alps 1-gen-2011 SONCINI, ANDREABOCCHIOLA, DANIELECASTELLETTI, ANDREA FRANCESCOWEBER, ENRICO
Spatial downscaling of precipitation from GCMs for climate change projections using random cascades: A case study in Italy 1-gen-2011 GROPPELLI, BIBIANABOCCHIOLA, DANIELEROSSO, RENZO
Modified river hydraulics and habitat suitability in presence of woody debris: a flume experiment 1-gen-2011 BOCCHIOLA, DANIELE
A contribution to the knowledge of the last fifty years of Alpine glacier history: the 1954-2003 area and geometry changes of Dosdè Piazzi glaciers (Lombardy-Alps, Italy) 1-gen-2011 BOCCHIOLA, DANIELE +
Assessment of future snowfall regimes within the Italian Alps using general circulation models 1-gen-2011 SONCINI, ANDREABOCCHIOLA, DANIELE
Evaluation of future hydrological cycle under climate change scenarios in a mesoscale Alpine watershed of Italy 1-gen-2011 GROPPELLI, BIBIANASONCINI, ANDREABOCCHIOLA, DANIELEROSSO, RENZO
Prediction of future hydrological regimes in poorly gauged high altitude basins: the case study of the upper Indus, Pakistan 1-gen-2011 BOCCHIOLA, DANIELESONCINI, ANDREAROSSO, RENZO +
Evidence of climate change impact upon glaciers’ recession within the Italian alps: the case of Lombardy glaciers 1-gen-2012 BOCCHIOLA, DANIELE +
Raster based modelling of watershed erosion and sedimentation in an Alpine basin of Northern Italy 1-gen-2012 RAVAZZANI, GIOVANNIRULLI, MARIA CRISTINAGROPPELLI, BIBIANABOCCHIOLA, DANIELEMANCINI, MARCOROSSO, RENZO +
The 1975-2005 glacier changes in Aosta Valley (Italy) and the relations with climate evolution 1-gen-2012 BOCCHIOLA, DANIELE +
Modelling soil removal from snow avalanches: a case study in the North-Western Italian Alps 1-gen-2012 CONFORTOLA, GABRIELEBOCCHIOLA, DANIELE +
Impact of climate change scenarios on crop yield and water footprint of maize in the Po valley of Italy 1-gen-2013 BOCCHIOLA, DANIELENANA, ESTERSONCINI, ANDREA
Recent (1980-2009) evidence of climate change in the upper Karakoram, Pakistan 1-gen-2013 BOCCHIOLA, DANIELE +
Gli effetti del cambiamento climatico sul regime idrologico nelle Alpi: Un caso di studio in Italia = Climate change will affect hydrological regimes in the Alps: A case study in Italy 1-gen-2013 CONFORTOLA, GABRIELESONCINI, ANDREABOCCHIOLA, DANIELE
Water and Sanitation in Multan, Pakistan 1-gen-2014 SONCINI, ANDREABOCCHIOLA, DANIELEROSSO, RENZO +
Glaciers, Snow and the Hydrological Cycle in Northern Pakistan 1-gen-2014 BOCCHIOLA, DANIELE
Long term (1921-2011) hydrological regime of Alpine catchments in Northern Italy 1-gen-2014 BOCCHIOLA, DANIELE
High alpine ponds shift upwards as average temperatures increase: a case study of the Ortles-Cevedale mountain group (southern Alps, Italy) over the last 50 years 1-gen-2014 BOCCHIOLA, DANIELE +
Glacier shrinkage driven by climate change during half a century (1954-2007) in the Ortles-Cevedale group (Stelvio National Park, Lombardy, Italian Alps) 1-gen-2014 BOCCHIOLA, DANIELE +
A model for crop yield and water footprint assessment: Study of maize in the Po valley 1-gen-2014 NANA, ESTERCORBARI, CHIARABOCCHIOLA, DANIELE
Safety of Italian dams in the face of flood hazard 1-gen-2014 BOCCHIOLA, DANIELEROSSO, RENZO
Future Hydrological Regimes in the Upper Indus Basin: A Case Study from a High-Altitude Glacierized Catchment 1-gen-2015 SONCINI, ANDREABOCCHIOLA, DANIELECONFORTOLA, GABRIELEBIANCHI, ALBERTOROSSO, RENZO +
Continuous streamflow simulation for index flood estimation in an Alpine basin of northern Italy 1-gen-2015 RAVAZZANI, GIOVANNIBOCCHIOLA, DANIELEGROPPELLI, BIBIANASONCINI, ANDREARULLI, MARIA CRISTINAMANCINI, MARCOROSSO, RENZO +
A simple model to evaluate ice melt over the ablation area of glaciers in the Central Karakoram National Park, Pakistan 1-gen-2015 BOCCHIOLA, DANIELESONCINI, ANDREA +
Hydrology of the Upper Indus Basin Under Potential Climate Change Scenarios 1-gen-2015 SONCINI, ANDREABOCCHIOLA, DANIELECONFORTOLA, GABRIELENANA, ESTERBIANCHI, ALBERTOROSSO, RENZO +
Hydrology and potential climate changes in the Rio Maipo (Chile) 1-gen-2015 CONFORTOLA, GABRIELESONCINI, ANDREABOCCHIOLA, DANIELE +
Modeling pasture dynamics in a mediterranean environment: Case study in Sardinia, Italy 1-gen-2015 NANA, ESTERBOCCHIOLA, DANIELE +
2008-2011 snow covered area (SCA) variability over 18 watersheds of the central Chile through MODIS data 1-gen-2015 MINORA, UMBERTO FILIPPOBOCCHIOLA, DANIELE +
An ablation model for debris-covered ice: the case study of Venerocolo Glacier (Italian Alps) 1-gen-2015 BOCCHIOLA, DANIELE +
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