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Simulation of logistical support for the engineering of spare parts management in multi site contexts 1-gen-2007 MACCHI, MARCOGEROSA, MARCOFUMAGALLI, LUCAGARETTI, MARCO
Simulation of logistical support for after sales service with lumpy demand: a case study 1-gen-2007 MACCHI, MARCOFUMAGALLI, LUCA +
Investigating the organizational business models of maintenance when adopting self diagnosing and self healing ICT systems in multi site contexts 1-gen-2007 GARETTI, MARCOMACCHI, MARCOTERZI, SERGIOFUMAGALLI, LUCA
A simulation model based decision support for spare parts inventory planning in a multiechelon structure 1-gen-2008 MACCHI, MARCOGARETTI, MARCOFUMAGALLI, LUCA
Investigating Business Models when adopting new ICT systems for condition based maintenance: a case study analysis 1-gen-2008 FUMAGALLI, LUCAGARETTI, MARCOMACCHI, MARCO
Evaluating the role of maintenance maturity in the adoption of new ICT in the process industry 1-gen-2008 FUMAGALLI, LUCAMACCHI, MARCO +
A Road-map to the Implementation of Advanced ICTs in Maintenance Organization 1-gen-2008 FUMAGALLI, LUCAGARETTI, MARCO +
A score card approach to investigate the IT in the Maintenance Business Models 1-gen-2008 FUMAGALLI, LUCAMACCHI, MARCO +
A state of the art of CBM in the Italian industry 1-gen-2009 FUMAGALLI, LUCAMACCHI, MARCO
Industrial maintenance management: a survey carried out on Italian companies 1-gen-2009 FUMAGALLI, LUCAMACCHI, MARCO +
Condition Monitoring for the improvement of Data Center Management orientated to the Green ICT 1-gen-2009 FUMAGALLI, LUCAMACCHI, MARCO +
Computerized Maintenance Management Systems in SMEs: a survey in Italy and some remarks for the implementation of Condition Based Maintenance 1-gen-2009 FUMAGALLI, LUCAMACCHI, MARCO +
Ontology of mobile maintenance processes 1-gen-2009 FUMAGALLI, LUCAMACCHI, MARCO +
Diagnosis for improved maintenance services: analysis of standards related to Condition Based Maintenance 1-gen-2009 FUMAGALLI, LUCAGARETTI, MARCOMACCHI, MARCO +
Condition monitoring based on incremental learning and domain ontology for condition-based maintenance 1-gen-2010 FUMAGALLI, LUCAMACCHI, MARCOGARETTI, MARCO +
Innovation in Maintenance Management in the context of Sustainable Manufacturing: a framework and a methodology for empirical research 1-gen-2010 MACCHI, MARCOCENTRONE, DOMENICOFUMAGALLI, LUCA
Financial analysis of e-Maintenance 1-gen-2010 MACCHI, MARCOFUMAGALLI, LUCADI LEONE, FRANCESCO +
Economic Value of Technologies in an e-Maintenance platform 1-gen-2010 FUMAGALLI, LUCADI LEONE, FRANCESCOMACCHI, MARCO +
Assessment of industrial applicability of Electric Signature Analysis as diagnostic and prognostic tool 1-gen-2010 FUMAGALLI, LUCAMACCHI, MARCOCAVALIERI, SERGIO +
Towards e-Maintenance: maturity assessment of maintenance services for new ICT introduction 1-gen-2010 FUMAGALLI, LUCAMACCHI, MARCO +
UML model for integration between RCM and CBM in an e-Maintenance architecture 1-gen-2010 FUMAGALLI, LUCAMACCHI, MARCO +
An Adaption of OSA-CBM Architecture for Human-Computer Interaction through Mixed Interface 1-gen-2011 FUMAGALLI, LUCAGARETTI, MARCO +
Metodologia di Applicazione della Firma Elettrica 1-gen-2011 MACCHI, MARCOFUMAGALLI, LUCAGARETTI, MARCOCRISTALDI, LOREDANAROSSI, MARCO +
Maintenance Management tools within a Service Oriented Architecture: proposal for practical implementation 1-gen-2011 FUMAGALLI, LUCATAVOLA, GIACOMOMACCHI, MARCOGARETTI, MARCOHOLGADO GRANADOS, MARIA +
Calidad en la Información de Indicadores de Desempeño KPI para Análisis de Confiabilidad, Disponibilidad y Mantenibilidad 1-gen-2011 MACCHI, MARCOFUMAGALLI, LUCA +
A Use case analysis method for the implementation of service-oriented solutions for monitoring and diagnostics 1-gen-2011 MACCHI, MARCOFUMAGALLI, LUCAGARETTI, MARCOTAVOLA, GIACOMO +
Maintenance Maturity Assessment: a Method and First Empirical Results in Manufacturing Industry 1-gen-2011 MACCHI, MARCOFUMAGALLI, LUCAROSA, PAOLOFARRUKU, KLODIANGASPARETTI, MATTEO
Analisi della Firma Elettrica: un utile strumento per la diagnostica di macchine e impianti 1-gen-2011 MACCHI, MARCOFUMAGALLI, LUCACRISTALDI, LOREDANAGARETTI, MARCO +
Industrial applicability of Electric Signature Analysis as a diagnostic tool for Condition Based Maintenance: a case study 1-gen-2011 FUMAGALLI, LUCAMACCHI, MARCO +
Stock Management of Emergency Spare Parts for Production Lines in a Multi Site Context 1-gen-2011 MACCHI, MARCOFUMAGALLI, LUCA +
Benchmarking maintenance management in manufacturing firms: empirical evidence from Northern Italy 1-gen-2011 FUMAGALLI, LUCAMACCHI, MARCO +
A Decision Making Framework for Managing Maintenance Spare Parts in Case of Lumpy Demand: Action Research in the Avionic Sector 1-gen-2011 MACCHI, MARCOFUMAGALLI, LUCA +
Agile diagnostic tool based on electrical signature analysis 1-gen-2011 FUMAGALLI, LUCAMACCHI, MARCOGARETTI, MARCO +
Aligning classification and inventory control of spare parts in the frame of an integrated management process 1-gen-2012 MACCHI, MARCORODA, IRENEFUMAGALLI, LUCA +
eSONIA Information Model development for supporting KPIs building 1-gen-2012 FUMAGALLI, LUCAMACCHI, MARCOGARETTI, MARCO +
Empirical evidences on maintenance management in the Italian manufacturing and process sector 1-gen-2012 MACCHI, MARCOFUMAGALLI, LUCAFARRUKU, KLODIANGASPARETTI, MATTEOHOLGADO GRANADOS, MARIA +
Role of ontologies in open automation of manufacturing systems 1-gen-2012 GARETTI, MARCOFUMAGALLI, LUCA
L'ingegneria di manutenzione nel manufacturing 1-gen-2012 MACCHI, MARCOFUMAGALLI, LUCA
P-PSO ontology for manufacturing systems 1-gen-2012 GARETTI, MARCOFUMAGALLI, LUCA
Introducing buffer inventories in the RBD analysis of process production systems 1-gen-2012 MACCHI, MARCOGARETTI, MARCOFUMAGALLI, LUCA +
Simulation Tool Development to Support Customer-Supplier Relationship for CBM Services 1-gen-2012 FUMAGALLI, LUCAMACCHI, MARCO +
Value assessment of an E-maintenance platform 1-gen-2012 MACCHI, MARCOHOLGADO GRANADOS, MARIAFUMAGALLI, LUCA +
On the classification of spare parts with a multi-criteria perspective 1-gen-2012 RODA, IRENEMACCHI, MARCOFUMAGALLI, LUCA +
Reference process for problem management maturity assessment in the telecommunication sector 1-gen-2012 FUMAGALLI, LUCAMACCHI, MARCOMANCINI, MAURO +
Maintenance management of railway infrastructures based on reliability analysis 1-gen-2012 MACCHI, MARCOGARETTI, MARCOFUMAGALLI, LUCA +
Driving performance improvement through the concept of Maintenance Business Model. 1-gen-2013 HOLGADO GRANADOS, MARIAMACCHI, MARCOFUMAGALLI, LUCA
Il condition monitoring su forno ad arco elettrico 1-gen-2013 PALA, SIMONEFUMAGALLI, LUCA +
An Intelligent Maintenance System to Improve Safety of Operations of an Electric Furnace in the Steel Making Industry 1-gen-2013 FUMAGALLI, LUCAPALA, SIMONEMACCHI, MARCO +
Open automation of manufacturing systems through integration of ontology and web services 1-gen-2013 GARETTI, MARCOFUMAGALLI, LUCA +
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