Unsupervised Learning Techniques for an Intrusion Detection System
2004-01-01 Zanero, Stefano; Savaresi, SERGIO MATTEO
Lessons Learned from the Italian Law on Privacy - Part I
2004-01-01 Perri, P; Zanero, Stefano
Lessons learned from the Italian law on privacy – Part II
2004-01-01 Perri, P; Zanero, Stefano
Optimal Number of Nodes for Computations in Grid Enviroments
2004-01-01 Casale, Giuliano; Granata, Federico; L., Muttoni; Zanero, Stefano
Behavioral Intrusion Detection
2004-01-01 Zanero, Stefano
Computer Virus Propagation Models
2004-01-01 Serazzi, Giuseppe; Zanero, Stefano
Improving Self Organizing Map Performance for Network Intrusion Detection.
2005-01-01 Zanero, Stefano
Performance Issues in Video Streaming Environments
2005-01-01 Casale, Giuliano; Cremonesi, Paolo; Serazzi, Giuseppe; Zanero, Stefano
Security and Trust in the Italian Legal Digital Signature Framework
2005-01-01 Zanero, Stefano
Analyzing TCP Traffic Patterns using Self Organizing Maps.
2005-01-01 Zanero, Stefano
GIVS: Integrity Validation for Grid Security
2005-01-01 Casale, Giuliano; Zanero, Stefano
Mondi digitali e avventure nella rete
2006-01-01 Zanero, Stefano
Open Problems in Computer Virology
2006-01-01 E., Filiol; M., Helenius; Zanero, Stefano
Flaws and frauds in the evaluation of IDS/IPS technologies
2007-01-01 Zanero, Stefano
Network access control
2007-01-01 Serazzi, Giuseppe; Zanero, Stefano
On the use of different statistical tests for alert correlation - Short Paper
2007-01-01 Maggi, Federico; Zanero, Stefano
Studying Bluetooth Malware Propagation: the BlueBag Project
2007-01-01 L., Carettoni; C., Merloni; Zanero, Stefano
Integrating Partial Models of Network Normality via Cooperative Negotiation - An Approach to Development of Multiagent Intrusion Detection Systems
2008-01-01 Amigoni, Francesco; F., Basilico; Basilico, Nicola; Zanero, Stefano
A methodology for the repeatable forensic analysis of encrypted drives
2008-01-01 C., Altheide; C., Merloni; Zanero, Stefano
Proceedings of WISTDCS 2008, WOMBAT Workshop on Internet Security Threat Data Collection and Sharing
2008-01-01 Zanero, Stefano