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Thermal effect of lubricating oil in positive-displacement air compressors 1-gen-2013 VALENTI, GIANLUCACOLOMBO, LUIGI PIETRO MARIALUCCHINI, ANDREAARANEO, LUCIO TIZIANO +
Measurement of the oil holdup for a two-phase oil-water flow through a sudden contraction in a horizontal pipe 1-gen-2013 COLOMBO, LUIGI PIETRO MARIAGUILIZZONI, MANFREDO GHERARDOSOTGIA, GIORGIO MARCO +
Heat Transfer Characteristics in Forced Convection Through a Rectangular Channel with V-Shaped Rib Roughened Surfaces 1-gen-2014 FUSTINONI, DAMIANOGRAMAZIO, PASQUALINOCOLOMBO, LUIGI PIETRO MARIANIRO, ALFONSO
Application of the dynamics of variable mass systems to the Pelton turbine 1-gen-2014 MANTEGNA, MICHELECOLOMBO, LUIGI PIETRO MARIA
A detailed characterization of viscous oil-water flows downward sudden contractions in horizontal pipes 1-gen-2014 COLOMBO, LUIGI PIETRO MARIAGUILIZZONI, MANFREDO GHERARDOSOTGIA, GIORGIO MARCO
Experimental and numerical study of the laminar flow in helically coiled pipes 1-gen-2014 CAMMI, ANTONIOCOLOMBO, LUIGI PIETRO MARIACOLOMBO, MARCORICOTTI, MARCO ENRICO +
Diffusion through a half space: Equivalence between different formulations of the unique solution 1-gen-2014 MANTEGNA, MICHELECOLOMBO, LUIGI PIETRO MARIA
Thermal and luminous investigations of a pcLED based refrigerating liquid prototype 1-gen-2014 COLOMBO, LUIGI PIETRO MARIADOLARA, ALBERTOGUZZETTI, STEFANIALEVA, SONIALUCCHINI, ANDREA +
Measurement of the oil holdup for a two-phase oil-water flow through a sudden contraction in a horizontal pipe 1-gen-2014 COLOMBO, LUIGI PIETRO MARIAGUILIZZONI, MANFREDO GHERARDOSOTGIA, GIORGIO MARCO +
An approximate analytical approach to steady state simulation of unglazed solar collectors 1-gen-2014 COLOMBO, LUIGI PIETRO MARIAJOPPOLO, CESARE MARIAMOLINAROLI, LUCA +
Development of a scaled model for the experimental study of air flow patterns in a conditioned indoor space 1-gen-2015 ARANEO, LUCIO TIZIANOPEDRANZINI, FEDERICOCOLOMBO, LUIGI PIETRO MARIA
Heat transfer characteristics in forced convection through a rectangular channel with broken V-shaped rib roughened surface 1-gen-2015 FUSTINONI, DAMIANOGRAMAZIO, PASQUALINOCOLOMBO, LUIGI PIETRO MARIANIRO, ALFONSO
Passive control of microclimate in museum display cases: A lumped parameter model and experimental tests 1-gen-2015 ROMANO, FRANCESCOCOLOMBO, LUIGI PIETRO MARIAJOPPOLO, CESARE MARIA +
Fully developed laminar mixed convection in uniformly heated horizontal annular ducts 1-gen-2015 COLOMBO, LUIGI PIETRO MARIALUCCHINI, ANDREAMUZZIO, ADRIANO
Influence of sudden contractions on in situ volume fractions for oil–water flows in horizontal pipes 1-gen-2015 COLOMBO, LUIGI PIETRO MARIAGUILIZZONI, MANFREDO GHERARDO +
Performance analysis of a solar cooling plant based on a liquid desiccant evaporative cooler 1-gen-2015 COLOMBO, LUIGI PIETRO MARIALUCCHINI, ANDREA +
A scheme of correlation for frictional pressure drop in steam-water two-phase flow in helicoidal tubes 1-gen-2015 COLOMBO, MARCOCOLOMBO, LUIGI PIETRO MARIACAMMI, ANTONIORICOTTI, MARCO ENRICO
Tiles as solar air heater to support a heat pump for residential air conditioning 1-gen-2016 MANZOLINI, GIAMPAOLOCOLOMBO, LUIGI PIETRO MARIAFUSTINONI, DAMIANO +
Procedimento e dispositivo per la misura delle portate dei componenti non miscibili di un flusso bifase liquido-liquido 1-gen-2017 L. ColomboM. GuilizzoniG. Sotgia
Elementi di fisica tecnica: termodinamica applicata, meccanica dei fluidi, trasmissione del calore. 1-gen-2017 L. P. M. ColomboA. AngelottiL. Molinaroli
Investigation on Venturi and nozzle devices as volume flow meters for two-phase, water-very-viscous oil flows 1-gen-2017 L. P. M. ColomboM. GuilizzoniG. Sotgia
Determination of the water retention curve from drying experiments using infrared thermography: A preliminary study 1-gen-2017 COLOMBO, LUIGI PIETRO MARIA +
Quantitative visualization of oil-water mixture behind sudden expansion by high speed camera 1-gen-2017 BABAKHANI DEHKORDI, PARHAMCOLOMBO, LUIGI PIETRO MARIAGUILIZZONI, MANFREDO GHERARDOSOTGIA, GIORGIO MARCOCOZZI, FABIO
Pulse thermography identification of service insignia in Second World War camouflage German helmets 1-gen-2017 Salerno, AntonioColombo, Luigi
Water holdup estimation from pressure drop measurements in oil-water two-phase flows by means of the two-fluid model 1-gen-2017 Colombo, L. P. M.Guilizzoni, M.Sotgia, G.Dehkordi, P. BabakhaniLucchini, A.
CFD simulation with experimental validation of oil-water core-annular flows through Venturi and Nozzle flow meters 1-gen-2017 BABAKHANI DEHKORDI, PARHAMCOLOMBO, LUIGI PIETRO MARIAGUILIZZONI, MANFREDO GHERARDOSOTGIA, GIORGIO MARCO
The effect of aspect ratio in counter-current gas-liquid bubble columns: Experimental results and gas holdup correlations 1-gen-2017 Besagni, G.Colombo, L.Inzoli, F. +
Design and validation of a Cooking Stoves Thermal Performance Simulator (Cook-STePS) to simulate water heating procedures in selected conditions 1-gen-2017 Lombardi, FrancescoColombo, LuigiColombo, Emanuela
Effect of evaporation cooling on drying capillary active building materials 1-gen-2018 Colombo, Luigi P. M. +
Experimental study of aqueous foam generation and transport in a horizontal pipe for deliquification purposes 1-gen-2018 Colombo, Luigi Pietro MariaCARRARETTO, IGOR MATTEO +
Image-based analysis of intermittent three-phase flow 1-gen-2018 Guilizzoni, ManfredoSotgia, GiorgioColombo, Luigi Pietro Maria +
A non-equilibrium control oriented model for the pressurizer dynamics 1-gen-2018 Cammi, AntonioColombo, Luigi +
Dispositivo e metodo per il recupero di energia termica dalla scoria di acciaieria 1-gen-2019 S. CampanariM. RomanoL. ColomboP. SilvaA. Giostri
Analisi sperimentale della sostituzione del R134a con R1234yf, R1234ze(E), R450A e R513A in una pompa di calore acqua-acqua di piccola taglia 1-gen-2019 Colombo, L. P. M.Lucchini, A.Molinaroli, L.
Preliminary experimental and numerical analysis of a silica gel packed bed humidification system 1-gen-2019 Colombo L.De Antonellis S. +
Design and assessment of an experimental facility for the characterization of flow boiling of azeotropic refrigerants in horizontal tubes 1-gen-2019 Colombo L. P. M.Lucchini A.Molinaroli L.Niro A. +
Numerical simulation of oil-water two-phase flow in a horizontal duct with a Venturi flow meter 1-gen-2019 Guilizzoni M.Sotgia G.Colombo L. P. M. +
Design and commissioning of an experimental facility for performance evaluation of pure and mixed refrigerants 1-gen-2019 Molinaroli, LucaLucchini, AndreaPietro Maria Colombo, Luigi
Methods to characterize effective thermal conductivity, diffusivity and thermal response in different classes of composite phase change materials 1-gen-2019 Gariboldi E.Colombo L. P. M.Li Z. +
The influence of abruptly variable cross-section on oil core eccentricity and flow characteristics during viscous oil-water horizontal flow 1-gen-2019 Babakhani Dehkordi P.Colombo L. P. M.Sotgia G. +
Study of viscous oil-water-gas slug flow in a horizontal pipe 1-gen-2019 Babakhani Dehkordi P.Colombo L. P. M.Sotgia G. +
Characterization of plug and slug multiphase flows by means of image analysis 1-gen-2019 Guilizzoni M.Sotgia G.Babakhani Dehkordi P.Colombo L. P. M. +
Experimental comparison of the use of R134a and R1234ze(E) in a semi-hermetic reciprocating compressor 1-gen-2019 Luca MOLINAROLIAndrea LUCCHINILuigi Pietro Maria COLOMBO
A mechanistic model to predict pressure drop and holdup pertinent to horizontal gas-liquid-liquid intermittent flow 1-gen-2019 Babakhani Dehkordi P.Colombo L. P. M. +
Saturation temperature effect on heat transfer coefficient during convective boiling in microfin tubes 1-gen-2020 Colombo L. P. M.Lucchini A.Phan T. N.Molinaroli L.Niro A. +
First experimental results of the use of R1234yf and R1234ze(E) as drop-in substitutes for R134a in a water-to-water heat pump 1-gen-2020 Molinaroli L.Lucchini A.Colombo L. P. M. +
Experimental analysis of the use of R1234yf and R1234ze(E) as drop-in alternatives of R134a in a water-to-water heat pump 1-gen-2020 Colombo, Luigi Pietro MariaLucchini, AndreaMolinaroli, Luca
Pressure drop and void fraction in horizontal air-water stratified flows with smooth interface at atmospheric pressure 1-gen-2020 Carraretto I. M.Colombo L. P. M.Fasani D.Guilizzoni M.Lucchini A.
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