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Investigating Flow-Induced Corrosion of Magnesium in Ophthalmological Milieu 1-gen-2024 De Gaetano, FrancescoGastaldi, DarioCereda, Matteo GiuseppeBoschetti, Federica +
Micro-CT imaging and finite element models reveal how sintering temperature affects the microstructure and strength of bioactive glass-derived scaffolds 1-gen-2024 De Cet, AnnaD'Andrea, LucaGastaldi, DarioVena, Pasquale +
Machine Learning approaches for the design of biomechanically compatible bone tissue engineering scaffolds 1-gen-2024 D'Andrea L.Gastaldi D.Vena P. +
Strategies for Designing 3D-Printed Titanium Plates for Orthognathic Surgery: Trade-off Between Biomechanical Compatibility and Fatigue Strength 1-gen-2024 Rota I.Gastaldi D. +
Estimation of elastic modulus, fracture toughness and strength of 47.5B-derived bioactive glass-ceramics for bone scaffold applications: a nanoindentation study 1-gen-2023 D'Andrea, LDe Cet, AGastaldi, DVena, P +
Anisotropic Mechanical Response of Bovine Pericardium Membrane Through Bulge Test and In-Situ Confocal-Laser Scanning 1-gen-2023 D'Andrea, LucaBogoni, FrancescaForzinetti, ElisaEnei, VivianaGastaldi, DarioVena, Pasquale +
Mechanical characterization of miniaturized 3D-printed hydroxyapatite parts obtained through vat photopolymerization: an experimental study 1-gen-2023 L. D'AndreaD. GastaldiP. Vena +
Computational models for the simulation of the elastic and fracture properties of highly porous 3D-printed hydroxyapatite scaffolds 1-gen-2023 D'Andrea L.Gastaldi D.Vena P. +
Silk Vascular Grafts with Optimized Mechanical Properties for the Repair and Regeneration of Small Caliber Blood Vessels 1-gen-2022 Alessandrino, AntonioGastaldi, DarioVena, Pasquale +
Mechanical Properties of Robocast Glass Scaffolds Assessed through Micro-CT-Based Finite Element Models 1-gen-2022 D'Andrea, LucaGastaldi, DarioVena, Pasquale +
A salivary factor binds a cuticular protein and modulates biting by inducing morphological changes in the mosquito labrum 1-gen-2022 Gastaldi, DarioD'Andrea, Luca +
Assessment of advanced joint Hfb2/Nib/Hfb2 by nanoindentation 1-gen-2021 Roberto FedeleDario Gastaldi +
Micro computed tomography based finite element models for elastic and strength properties of 3D printed glass scaffolds 1-gen-2021 Gastaldi D.Vena P. +
Micron-scale experimental-numerical characterization of metal-polymer interface delamination in stretchable electronics interconnects 1-gen-2020 Cattarinuzzi E.Vena P.Gastaldi D. +
An experimental procedure to perform mechanical characterization of small-sized bone specimens from thin femoral cortical wall 1-gen-2020 Gastaldi D.Vena P. +
Development of a micro-scale method to assess the effect of corrosion on the mechanical properties of a biodegradable Fe-316L stent material 1-gen-2020 Cattarinuzzi E.Gastaldi D.Vena P. +
Combined effect of surface anomalies and volumetric defects on fatigue assessment of AlSi7Mg fabricated via laser powder bed fusion 1-gen-2020 Hamidi Nasab M.Romano S.Gastaldi D.Beretta S.Vedani M.
Strain Mapping Inkjet-Printed Resistive Sensors Array 1-gen-2020 Costa Angeli M. A.Caronna F.Gastaldi D.Magagnin L.Fraboni B.Vena P. +
Effect of Surface and Subsurface Defects on Fatigue Behavior of AlSi10Mg Alloy Processed by Laser Powder Bed Fusion (L-PBF) 1-gen-2019 Milad Hamidi NasabDario GastaldiMaurizio Vedani +
Reliability of inkjet printed silver nanoparticle interconnects on deformable substrates tested through an electromechanical in-situ technique 1-gen-2019 Costa Angeli, Martina AuroraFRABONI, BEATRICEMagagnin, LucaGastaldi, DarioVena, Pasquale +
Identification of traction-separation parameters by means of peel testing and in situ confocal microscopy 1-gen-2019 E. CattarinuzziD. GastaldiP. Vena +
Effect of the anisotropic permeability in the frequency dependent properties of the superficial layer of articular cartilage 1-gen-2018 Gastaldi, D.Vena, P. +
Nanoindentation-based characterization of hard and soft tissues 1-gen-2018 P. VenaD. Gastaldi.
Effects of Superplastic Forming on Modification of Surface Properties of Ti Alloys for Biomedical Applications 1-gen-2018 Vedani, M.Mostaed, E.HAMIDI NASAB, MILADGastaldi, D.Villa, T. +
On morphological surface features of the parts printed by selective laser melting (SLM) 1-gen-2018 Nasab, Milad HamidiGastaldi, DarioLecis, Nora FrancescaVedani, Maurizio
Multi-analytical approach for the morphological, molecular, and mechanical characterization after photo-oxidation of polymers used in artworks 1-gen-2018 Saviello, DanielaAndena, LucaGastaldi, DarioToniolo, LuciaGoidanich, Sara
Biomimetic engineering of the cardiac tissue through processing, functionalization, and biological characterization of polyester urethanes 1-gen-2018 Gastaldi, DarioCattarinuzzi, EmanueleVena, Pasquale +
Mechanical reliability of microelectronics packaging: Small scale adhesion measurements and in-situ imaging 1-gen-2018 Cattarinuzzi, EmanueleGastaldi, DarioVena, Pasquale +
Micro-CT based finite element models for elastic properties of glass–ceramic scaffolds 1-gen-2017 TAGLIABUE, STEFANOGASTALDI, DARIOVENA, PASQUALE +
Characterization of a flexible glucose amperometric sensor obtained through electroless deposited NiP electrodes 1-gen-2017 COSTA ANGELI, MARTINA AURORACattarinuzzi, E.Gastaldi, D.Vena, P.Magagnin, L.
Delamination phenomena in aluminum/polyimide deformable interconnects: In-situ micro-tensile testing 1-gen-2016 LUCCHINI, RICCARDOCATTARINUZZI, EMANUELEGASTALDI, DARIOVENA, PASQUALE +
Mechanical characterization of glass-ceramic scaffolds at multiple characteristic lengths through nanoindentation 1-gen-2016 SHAHGHOLI GHAHFAROKHI, MOHAMADGASTALDI, DARIOVENA, PASQUALE +
A quantitative interpretation of the response of articular cartilage to atomic force microscopy-based dynamic nanoindentation tests 1-gen-2015 TAFFETANI, MATTEOGASTALDI, DARIOVENA, PASQUALE +
Design of aluminum/polyimide stretchable interconnects investigated through in-situ testing 1-gen-2015 CATTARINUZZI, EMANUELELUCCHINI, RICCARDOGASTALDI, DARIOVENA, PASQUALE
Repair of osteochondral defects in the minipig model by OPF hydrogel loaded with adipose-derived mesenchymal stem cells 1-gen-2015 GASTALDI, DARIOVENA, PASQUALETAFFETANI, MATTEO +
Buckling waves in aluminum on a polyimide sea: In situ analysis towards a reliable design strategy for stretchable electronics 1-gen-2015 LUCCHINI, RICCARDOCATTARINUZZI, EMANUELEGASTALDI, DARIOVENA, PASQUALE +
A Predictive Model for the Elastic Properties of a Collagen-Hydroxyapatite Porous Scaffold for Multi-Layer Osteochondral Substitutes 1-gen-2015 GASTALDI, DARIOLUCCHINI, RICCARDOVENA, PASQUALE +
Poroviscoelastic finite element model including continuous fiber distribution for the simulation of nanoindentation tests on articular cartilage 1-gen-2014 TAFFETANI, MATTEOGASTALDI, DARIOVENA, PASQUALE +
Poroelastic response of articular cartilage by nanoindentation creep tests at different characteristic lengths 1-gen-2014 GASTALDI, DARIOVENA, PASQUALE +
Reliability characterization and FEM modeling of power devices under repetitive power pulsing 1-gen-2013 GASTALDI, DARIOBERTARELLI, EMANUELELUCCHINI, RICCARDOVENA, PASQUALE +
The mechanical properties of a nanocrystalline Al2O3/a-Al2O3 composite coating measured by nanoindentation and Brillouin spectroscopy 1-gen-2013 GASTALDI, DARIOVENA, PASQUALEBEGHI, MARCO +
Experimental data confirm numerical modeling of the degradation process of magnesium alloys stents 1-gen-2013 WU, WEIGASTALDI, DARIOPETRINI, LORENZAMIGLIAVACCA, FRANCESCO +
Combination of Acoustic Methods and the Indentation Technique for the Measurement of Film Properties 1-gen-2013 GASTALDI, DARIOVENA, PASQUALEBEGHI, MARCO +
A novel flow chamber for biodegradable alloy assessment in physiologically realistic environments 1-gen-2013 GASTALDI, DARIOMIGLIAVACCA, FRANCESCODUBINI, GABRIELE ANGELO +
Nanocrystalline Al2O3/a-Al2O3 composite coatings for protection of steels from heavy liquid metal corrosion 1-gen-2012 BERTARELLI, EMANUELEGASTALDI, DARIOORMELLESE, MARCOVENA, PASQUALEBEGHI, MARCODI FONZO, FABIO +
Optimization and degradation simulation of magnesium alloy stent:experimental verification 1-gen-2012 GASTALDI, DARIOWU, WEIPETRINI, LORENZAMIGLIAVACCA, FRANCESCO +
A damage model to simulate nanoindentation tests of lamellar bone at multiple penetration depth 1-gen-2012 LUCCHINI, RICCARDOCARNELLI, DAVIDEGASTALDI, DARIOSHAHGHOLI GHAHFAROKHI, MOHAMADCONTRO, ROBERTOVENA, PASQUALE
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