Sfoglia per Autore
PERSPECTIVE: a project dedicated to the development of innovative analytical strategies for the knowledge and preventive conservation of plastic heritage
2025-01-01 Rosi, F.; Bargagli, I.; Cartechini, L.; Costantino, C.; Boccia, A. C.; Degano, I.; Modugno, F; La Nasa, J.; Ferretti, A.; Comelli, D.; Samela, S.; Cardinali, M. A.; Andena, L.; de Cesare, G.; Botteon, A.; di Tullio, V.; Buti, D.; Barchi, L.; Sabatini, F.; Miliani, C.; Striova, J.; Righetti, V.; Comez, L.; Sabatini, F.
Toward a better knowledge of Beethoven's creative process through the ink characterization: A non-invasive study of the sketchleaves held at the Civic Library in Bergamo (Italy)
2024-01-01 Albano, Michela; Fiocco, Giacomo; Volpi, Francesca; Delledonne, Chiara; Ardini, Benedetto; Manzoni, Cristian; Rovelli, Federica; Comelli, Daniela; Malagodi, Marco
Enhancing hyperspectral imaging through macro and multi-modal capabilities
2024-01-01 Ardini, Benedetto; Corti, Matteo; Ghirardello, Marta; Di Benedetto, Alessia; Berti, Letizia; Cattò, Cristina; Goidanich, Sara; Sciutto, Giorgia; Prati, Silvia; Valentini, Gianluca; Manzoni, Cristian; Comelli, Daniela; Candeo, Alessia
Integrating multimodal Raman and photoluminescence microscopy with enhanced insights through multivariate analysis
2024-01-01 Di Benedetto, Alessia; Pozzi, Paolo; Valentini, Gianluca; Comelli, Daniela
Increased NIR photoluminescence of Egyptian blue via matrix effect optimization
2024-01-01 Nicola, Marco; Garino, Claudio; Mittman, Sophia; Priola, Emanuele; Palin, Luca; Ghirardello, Marta; Damagatla, Vamshi; Nevin, Austin; Masic, Admir; Comelli, Daniela; Gobetto, Roberto
PERSPECTIVE. Un nuovo progetto scientifico finanziato dal MUR dedicato allo sviluppo di strategie analitiche per la conoscenza e la conservazione preventiva degli oggetti in plastica
2024-01-01 Rosi, Francesca; Bargagli, Irene; Cartechini, Laura; Costantino, Claudio; Sabatini, Francesca; Caterina Boccia, Antonella; Degano, Ilaria; Modugno, Francesca; La Nasa, Jacopo; Comelli, Daniela; Samela, Sabrina; Andena, Luca; de Cesare, Grazia; Botteon, Alessandra; di Tullio, Valeria; Buti, David; Barchi, Lucrezia; Miliani, Costanza; Striova, Jana; Righetti, Valentina; Comez, Lucia; Alunni Cardinali, Martina
A Novel Multimodal Optical Microscope for the comprehensive mapping of micro-samples in Cultural Heritage: integrating Raman and Photoluminescence spectroscopy with Multivariate Analysis
2023-01-01 Di BENEDETTO, Alessia; Benelli, Serena; Valentini, Gianluca; Comelli, Daniela
Gallone Samples Archive: a resource for Cultural Heritage studies
2023-01-01 Benelli, Serena; Comelli, Daniela; Puppin, Ezio
A study of cadmium yellow paints from Joan Miró’s paintings and studio materials preserved at the Fundació Miró Mallorca
2023-01-01 Gomez Lobon, M.; Ghirardello, M.; Juncosa Darder, E.; Palomino Cabello, C.; Bauza, M.; Cotte, M.; Burnstock, A.; Nevin, A.; Amato, S. R.; Izzo, F. C.; Comelli, D.
Time-resolved photoluminescence imaging for the mapping of weakly luminescent pigments in paintings
2023-01-01 Ghirardello, Marta; Candeo, Alessia; Ardini, Benedetto; Valentini, Gianluca; Manzoni, Cristian; Calligaro, Thomas; Pichon, Laurent; Bai, Xueshi; Lenz, Roland; Alberti, Roberto; Gironda, Michele; Comelli, Daniela
Hyperspectral imaging of stone biofilms at the macroscopic scale
2023-01-01 Candeo, Alessia; Di Benedetto, Alessia; Berti, Letizia; Cappitelli, Francesca; Villa, Federica; Goidanich, Sara; Valentini, Gianluca; Manzoni, Cristian; Toniolo, Lucia; Comelli, Daniela
Effetto di pulitura e biopassivazione su acciaio Corten Effect of cleaning and biopassivation on weathering steel
2023-01-01 Goidanich, S.; Pellicanò, R.; Maghini, L.; Comelli, D.; Ceccarelli, L.; Brenna, A.; Brambilla, L.; Joseph, E.; Mathys, L.; Letardi, P.; Gamba, M.
Imaging and micro-invasive analyses of black stains on the passepartout of Codex Atlanticus Folio 843 by Leonardo da Vinci
2023-01-01 Guarnieri, Nicolò; Ghirardello, Marta; Goidanich, Sara; Comelli, Daniela; Dellasega, David; Cotte, Marine; Fontana, Elena; Toniolo, Lucia
X-rays investigations for the characterization of two 17th century brass instruments from Nuremberg
2022-01-01 Albano, M.; Fiocco, G.; Comelli, D.; Licchelli, M.; Canevari, C.; Tasso, F.; Ricetti, V.; Cofrancesco, P.; Malagodi, M.
Performances of a portable Fourier transform hyperspectral imaging camera for rapid investigation of paintings
2022-01-01 Candeo, A.; Ardini, B.; Ghirardello, M.; Valentini, G.; Clivet, L.; Maury, C.; Calligaro, T.; Manzoni, C.; Comelli, D.
New Opportunities Offered by the ESRF to the Cultural and Natural Heritage Communities
2022-01-01 Cotte, M.; Dollman, K.; Fernandez, V.; Gonzalez, V.; Vanmeert, F.; Monico, L.; Dejoie, C.; Burghammer, M.; Huder, L.; Fisher, S.; de Nolf, W.; Fazlic, I.; Castillo-Michel, H.; Salome, M.; Ghirardello, M.; Comelli, D.; Mathon, O.; Tafforeau, P.
Time-Resolved Imaging of Femtosecond Laser-Induced Plasma Expansion in a Nitrogen Microjet
2022-01-01 Ciriolo, A. G.; Vazquez, R. M.; Crippa, G.; Devetta, M.; Frezzotti, A.; Comelli, D.; Valentini, G.; Osellame, R.; Vozzi, C.; Stagira, S.
Chemical modification of wood induced by the traditional making procedures of bowed string musical instruments: the effect of alkaline treatments
2022-01-01 Albano, M.; Comelli, D.; Fiocco, G.; Mattonai, M.; Lucejko, J. J.; Zoia, L.; Colombini, M. P.; Malagodi, M.
The “Historical Materials BAG”: A New Facilitated Access to Synchrotron X-ray Diffraction Analyses for Cultural Heritage Materials at the European Synchrotron Radiation Facility
2022-01-01 Cotte, M.; Gonzalez, V.; Vanmeert, F.; Monico, L.; Dejoie, C.; Burghammer, M.; Huder, L.; de Nolf, W.; Fisher, S.; Fazlic, I.; Chauffeton, C.; Wallez, G.; Jimenez, N.; Albert-Tortosa, F.; Salvado, N.; Possenti, E.; Colombo, C.; Ghirardello, M.; Comelli, D.; Clerici, E. A.; Vivani, R.; Romani, A.; Costantino, C.; Janssens, K.; Taniguchi, Y.; Mccarthy, J.; Reichert, H.; Susini, J.
Application of Synchrotron Radiation-Based Micro-Analysis on Cadmium Yellows in Pablo Picasso's Femme
2022-01-01 Ghirardello, M.; Gonzalez, V.; Monico, L.; Nevin, A.; Maclennan, D.; Patterson, C. S.; Burghammer, M.; Refregiers, M.; Comelli, D.; Cotte, M.
An investigation into the synthesis of cadmium sulfide pigments for a better understanding of their reactivity in artworks
2021-01-01 Ghirardello, M.; Otero, V.; Comelli, D.; Toniolo, L.; Dellasega, D.; Nessi, L.; Cantoni, M.; Valentini, G.; Nevin, A.; Melo, M. J.
Complementary mapping techniques to characterize the wood finish of musical instruments
2021-01-01 Albano, M.; Ghirardello, M.; Fiocco, G.; Manzoni, C.; Malagodi, M.; Comelli, D.
A novel photoluminescence hyperspectral camera for the study of artworks
2021-01-01 Ghirardello, M.; Manzoni, C.; Gironda, M.; Alberti, R.; Lenz, R.; Zoldfoldi, J.; Behrendt, S.; Paz, B.; Valentini, G.; Comelli, D.
Photoluminescence imaging of modern paintings: there is plenty of information at the microsecond timescale
2020-01-01 Ghirardello, M.; Valentini, G.; Toniolo, L.; Alberti, R.; Gironda, M.; Comelli, D.
Photoluminescence excited at variable fluences: A novel approach for studying the emission from crystalline pigments in paints
2020-01-01 Ghirardello, M.; Kelly, N. M.; Valentini, G.; Toniolo, L.; Comelli, D.
A preliminary spectroscopic approach to evaluate the effectiveness of water-and silicone-based cleaning methods on historical varnished brass
2020-01-01 Albano, M.; Grassi, S.; Fiocco, G.; Invernizzi, C.; Rovetta, T.; Licchelli, M.; Marotti, R.; Merlo, C.; Comelli, D.; Malagodi, M.
Exploring the ultraviolet induced infrared luminescence of titanium white pigments.
2020-01-01 Keller, Annette T.; Lenz, Roland; Artesani, Alessia; Mosca, Sara; Comelli, Daniela; Nevin, Austin
Determination of crystal phases in mixed TiO2 paint films by non-invasive optical spectroscopies
2020-01-01 Artesani, A.; Mosca, S.; Dozzi, M. V.; Valentini, G.; Comelli, D.
Experimental study on the link between optical emission, crystal defects and photocatalytic activity of artist pigments based on zinc oxide
2020-01-01 Artesani, A.; Dozzi, M. V.; Toniolo, L.; Valentini, G.; Comelli, D.
Beyond the visible: The Viterbo Crucifixion panel painting attributed to Michelangelo Buonarroti
2020-01-01 Pelosi, C.; Lo Monaco, A.; Bernabei, M.; Agresti, G.; Colantonio, C.; Perri, A.; Comelli, D.; Valentini, G.; Manzoni, C.
The multi-analytical in situ analysis of cadmium-based pigments in plastics
2020-01-01 Angelin, E. M.; Ghirardello, M.; Babo, S.; Picollo, M.; Chelazzi, L.; Melo, M. J.; Nevin, A.; Valentini, G.; Comelli, D.
Preliminary study for the preservation of two natural horns from the end of the 17th century
2020-01-01 Albano, Michela; Fiocco, Giacomo; Dondi, Piercarlo; Tasso, Francesca; Ricetti, Valentina; Comelli, Daniela; Licchelli, Maurizio; Canevari, Claudio; Malagodi, Marco
Degradation of Cadmium Yellow Paint: New Evidence from Photoluminescence Studies of Trap States in Picasso's Femme (époque des "demoiselles d'Avignon")
2019-01-01 Comelli, D.; Maclennan, D.; Ghirardello, M.; Phenix, A.; Schmidt Patterson, C.; Khanjian, H.; Gross, M.; Valentini, G.; Trentelman, K.; Nevin, A.
Hyperspectral imaging with a TWINS birefringent interferometer
2019-01-01 Perri, A.; de Faria, B. E. N.; Teles Ferreira, D. C.; Comelli, D.; Valentini, G.; Preda, F.; Polli, D.; de Paula, A. M.; Cerullo, G.; Manzoni, C.
Combined photoluminescence and Raman microscopy for the identification of modern pigments: explanatory examples on cross-sections from Russian avant-garde paintings
2019-01-01 Artesani, A.; Ghirardello, M.; Mosca, S.; Nevin, A.; Valentini, G.; Comelli, D.
An ‘imperial radiation’: Experimental and theoretical investigations of the photo-induced luminescence properties of 6,6′-dibromoindigo (Tyrian purple)
2019-01-01 Verri, G.; de Fonjaudran, C. M.; Acocella, A.; Accorsi, G.; Comelli, D.; D'Andrea, C.; Nevin, A.; Zerbetto, F.; Saunders, D.
A hyperspectral camera for conservation science, based on a birefringent ultrastable common path interferometer
2019-01-01 Perri, A.; Nogueira, B. E.; Teles-Ferreira, D. C.; Comelli, D.; Valentini, G.; Polli, D.; Cerullo, G.; Manzoni, C.
Time-Gated Photoluminescence Microscopy as an Emerging Method for the Study of Paint Cross-Sections
2019-01-01 Artesani, Alessia; De Angelis, Roberta; Nevin, AUSTIN BENJAMIN; Valentini, Gianluca; Comelli, Daniela
Monitoring metal ion leaching in oil-ZnO paint systems with a paramagnetic probe
2019-01-01 Artesani, A.; Binet, L.; Tana, F.; Comelli, D.; De Nardo, L.; Nevin, A.; Touati, N.; Valentini, G.; Gourier, D.
A hyperspectral camera based on a birefringent ultrastable common-path interferometer
2019-01-01 Perri, A.; De Faria, B. E. N.; Ferreira, D. C. T.; Preda, F.; Polli, D.; De Paola, A. M.; Comelli, D.; Valentini, G.; Cerullo, G.; Manzoni, C.
In-situ technical study of modern paintings - Part 2: Imaging and spectroscopic analysis of zinc white in paintings from 1889 to 1940 by Alessandro Milesi (1856–1945)
2019-01-01 Giorgi, L.; Nevin, A.; Comelli, D.; Frizzi, T.; Alberti, R.; Zendri, E.; Piccolo, M.; Izzo, F. C.
Red lakes from Leonardo's Last Supper and other Old Master Paintings: Micro-Raman spectroscopy of anthraquinone pigments in paint cross-sections
2019-01-01 Osticioli, I.; Pagliai, M.; Comelli, D.; Schettino, V.; Nevin, A.
Egyptian blue pigment in East Mediterranean wall paintings: A study of the lifetime of its optical infrared emission
2019-01-01 Linn, R.; Comelli, D.; Valentini, G.; Mosca, S.; Nevin, A.
In-situ technical study of modern paintings part 1: The evolution of artistic materials and painting techniques in ten paintings from 1889 to 1940 by Alessandro Milesi (1856–1945)
2019-01-01 Giorgi, L.; Nevin, A.; Nodari, L.; Comelli, D.; Alberti, R.; Gironda, M.; Mosca, S.; Zendri, E.; Piccolo, M.; Izzo, F. C.
An exploratory study for the non-invasive detection of metal soaps in paintings through optical coherence tomography
2019-01-01 Vichi, A.; Artesani, A.; Cheung, C. S.; Piccirillo, A.; Comelli, D.; Valentini, G.; Poli, T.; Nevin, A.; Croveri, P.; Liang, H.
A Hyperspectral Camera for Remote Sensing based on a Birefringent Ultrastable Common-Path Interferometer
2018-01-01 Perri, Antonio; Nogueira de Faria, Barbara E.; Teles Ferreira, Cristina; Polli, Dario; Comelli, Daniela; Valentini, Gianluca; Cerullo, GIULIO NICOLA FELICE; Manzoni, Cristian
First principles study of the optical emission of cadmium yellow: Role of cadmium vacancies
2018-01-01 Giacopetti, Laura; Nevin, Austin; Comelli, Daniela; Valentini, Gianluca; Nardelli, Marco Buongiorno; Satta, Alessandra
Raman mapping and time-resolved photoluminescence imaging for the analysis of a cross-section from a modern gypsum sculpture
2018-01-01 Mosca, S.; Artesani, A.; Gulotta, D.; Nevin, A.; Goidanich, S.; Valentini, G.; Comelli, D.
On the photoluminescence changes induced by ageing processes on zinc white paints
2018-01-01 Artesani, Alessia; Gherardi, Francesca; Mosca, Sara; Alberti, Roberto; Nevin, Austin; Toniolo, Lucia; Valentini, Gianluca; Comelli, Daniela
New insights into the complex photoluminescence behaviour of titanium white pigments
2018-01-01 van Driel, Birgit; Artesani, Alessia; van den Berg, Klaas Jan; Dik, Joris; Mosca, Sara; Rossenaar, Brenda; Hoekstra, Johan; Davies, Antony; Nevin, Austin; Valentini, Gianluca; Comelli, Daniela
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