Sfoglia per Autore
Impact of hydrogen injection strategies on ammonia internal combustion engines ignited with active pre-chambers
2025-01-01 Sforza, Lorenzo; Reggeti, Shawn; Nodi, Alessandro; Ramognino, Federico; Stagni, Alessandro; Lucchini, Tommaso; D'Errico, Gianluca; Northrop, William
Linking lubricant oil contamination to pre-ignition events in hydrogen engines–The HyLube mechanism
2025-01-01 Distaso, E.; Calò, G.; Amirante, R.; Palma, P. De; Mehl, M.; Pelucchi, M.; Stagni, A.; Tamburrano, P.
Numerical investigation on pyrolysis and ignition of ammonia/coal blends during co-firing
2024-01-01 Ma, Peng; Nicolai, Hendrik; Huang, Qian; Debiagi, Paulo; Berkel, Leon Loni; Stagni, Alessandro; Yang, Yuanping; Hasse, Christian; Li, Shuiqing
The Role of Radiative Heat Loss and Collisional Energy Transfer in the Flammability Limits of NH3 and NH3–H2 Mixtures
2024-01-01 Stagni, Alessandro; Artioli, Francesco Roman; Frassoldati, Alessio
The role of chemistry in the retardant effect of dimethyl methylphosphonate in flame–wall interaction
2024-01-01 Ferraro, Federica; Stagni, Alessandro; Scholtissek, Arne
Carrier-phase direct numerical simulation and flamelet modeling of alkali metal emissions from pulverized biomass flames
2024-01-01 Shamooni, Ali; Wen, Xu; Debiagi, Paulo; Stagni, Alessandro; Gärtner, Jan W.; Zirwes, Thorsten; Stein, Oliver T.; Hasse, Christan; Kronenburg, Andreas
Combining mass spectrometry, i2PEPICO, and FTIR spectroscopy: Comprehensive speciation in DMM/NO oxidation
2024-01-01 Schmitt, Steffen; Gaiser, Nina; Zhang, Hao; Stagni, Alessandro; Bachmann, Jasmin; Oßwald, Patrick; Kohse-Höinghaus, Katharina; Köhler, Markus
A data-driven, lumped kinetic modeling of OME2-5 pyrolysis and oxidation
2024-01-01 Dinelli, Timoteo; Pegurri, Alessandro; Bertolino, Andrea; Parente, Alessandro; Faravelli, Tiziano; Mehl, Marco; Stagni, Alessandro
Prediction of flammable range of benzene/N2/O2/H2O mixtures using detailed kinetics
2024-01-01 Frassoldati, Alessio; Hamadi, Alaa; Stagni, Alessandro; Nobili, Andrea; Cuoci, Alberto; Faravelli, Tiziano; Comandini, Andrea; Chaumeix, Nabiha
Experimental and modeling investigation of the laminar flame speeds for ammonia with various oxygen and diluent mixtures
2024-01-01 Hamadi, Alaa; Obrecht, Nicolas; Callu, Cyrille; Stagni, Alessandro; Faravelli, Tiziano; Comandini, Andrea; Chaumeix, Nabiha
H2S-driven sensitization and inhibition of CH4 oxidation: An experimental and wide-range kinetic-modeling study
2024-01-01 Stagni, Alessandro; Arunthanayothin, Suphaporn; Herbinet, Olivier; Battin-Leclerc, Frédérique; Faravelli, Tiziano
Development of a multiphase chemical reactor network method as a tool for simulating biomass gasification in fluidized beds
2024-01-01 Berkel, Leon Loni; Debiagi, Paulo; Nicolai, Hendrik; Amjed, Muhammad Ahsan; Stagni, Alessandro; Hasse, Christian; Faravelli, Tiziano
Effects of hydrogen blending and exhaust gas recirculation on NOx emissions in laminar and turbulent CH4/Air flames at 25 bar
2024-01-01 Cecere, D.; Carpenella, S.; Giacomazzi, E.; Stagni, A.; Di Nardo, A.; Calchetti, G.
Coupling chemical lumping to data-driven optimization for the kinetic modeling of dimethoxymethane (DMM) combustion
2024-01-01 Pegurri, Alessandro; Dinelli, Timoteo; Pratali Maffei, Luna; Faravelli, Tiziano; Stagni, Alessandro
H2 from biofuels and carriers: A concerted homo-heterogeneous kinetic model of ethanol partial oxidation and steam reforming on Rh/Al2O3
2023-01-01 Troisi, V; Piazza, V; Stagni, A; Frassoldati, A; Groppi, G; Beretta, A
H-abstractions by O2, NO2, NH2, and HO2 from H2NO: Theoretical study and implications for ammonia low-temperature kinetics
2023-01-01 Stagni, A.; Cavallotti, C.
Low- and intermediate-temperature ammonia/hydrogen oxidation in a flow reactor: Experiments and a wide-range kinetic modeling
2023-01-01 Stagni, A.; Arunthanayothin, S.; Dehue, M.; Herbinet, O.; Battin-Leclerc, F.; Brequigny, P.; Mounaim-Rousselle, C.; Faravelli, T.
Automated Kinetic Mechanism Evaluation for e-Fuels Using SciExpeM: The Case of Oxymethylene Ethers
2023-01-01 Dinelli, Timoteo; Pratali Maffei, Luna; Pegurri, Alessandro; Puri, Amedeo; Stagni, Alessandro; Faravelli, Tiziano
Automatic validation and analysis of predictive models by means of big data and data science
2023-01-01 Ramalli, E.; Dinelli, T.; Nobili, A.; Stagni, A.; Pernici, B.; Faravelli, T.
A generalized partially stirred reactor model for turbulent closure
2023-01-01 Quadarella, E.; Pequin, A.; Stagni, A.; Parente, A.; Faravelli, T.; Im, H. G.
2022-01-01 Gahfif, M.; Arunthanayothin, S.; Battin-Leclerc, F.; Faravelli, T.; Stagni, A.; Herbinet, O.
Chemistry of nitrogen oxides (NOx) formation in flameless combustion
2022-01-01 Stagni, Alessandro; Frassoldati, Alessio; Pelucchi, Matteo; Faravelli, Tiziano
Oxymethylene ethers as the next-generation energy carriers: kinetic model development
2022-01-01 Pegurri, A.; Stagni, A.
Highlighting the Role of Lubricant Oil in the Development of Hydrogen Internal Combustion Engines by means of a Kinetic Reaction Model
2022-01-01 Distaso, E.; Calo, G.; Amirante, R.; De Palma, P.; Mehl, M.; Pelucchi, M.; Stagni, A.; Tamburrano, P.
On the influence of NO addition to dimethyl ether oxidation in a flow reactor
2022-01-01 Pelucchi, M.; Schmitt, S.; Gaiser, N.; Cuoci, A.; Frassoldati, A.; Zhang, H.; Stagni, A.; Osswald, P.; Kohse-Hoinghaus, K.; Faravelli, T.
Laminar flame speed correlations of ammonia/hydrogen mixtures at high pressure and temperature for combustion modeling applications
2022-01-01 Pessina, V.; Berni, F.; Fontanesi, S.; Stagni, A.; Mehl, M.
Dimethyl ether oxidation analyzed in a given flow reactor: Experimental and modeling uncertainties
2022-01-01 Stagni, A.; Schmitt, S.; Pelucchi, M.; Frassoldati, A.; Kohse-Hoinghaus, K.; Faravelli, T.
An experimental, theoretical and kinetic-modeling study of hydrogen sulfide pyrolysis and oxidation
2022-01-01 Stagni, Alessandro; Arunthanayothin, Suphaporn; PRATALI MAFFEI, Luna; Herbinet, Olivier; Battin-Leclerc, Fr??d??rique; Faravelli, Tiziano
Ammonia-methane interaction in jet-stirred and flow reactors: An experimental and kinetic modeling study
2021-01-01 Arunthanayothin, S.; Stagni, A.; Song, Y.; Herbinet, O.; Faravelli, T.; Battin-Leclerc, F.
Kinetic modeling of the ignition of droplets of fast pyrolysis bio-oil: Effect of initial diameter and fuel composition
2021-01-01 Stagni, A.; Calabria, R.; Frassoldati, A.; Cuoci, A.; Faravelli, T.; Chiariello, F.; Massoli, P.
Carrier-phase DNS of detailed NOx formation in early-stage pulverized coal combustion with fuel-bound nitrogen
2021-01-01 Shamooni, A.; Debiagi, P.; Wang, B.; Luu, T. D.; Stein, O. T.; Kronenburg, A.; Bagheri, G.; Stagni, A.; Frassoldati, A.; Faravelli, T.; Kempf, A. M.; Wen, X.; Hasse, C.
Data Ecosystems for Scientific Experiments: Managing Combustion Experiments and Simulation Analyses in Chemical Engineering
2021-01-01 Ramalli, Edoardo; Scalia, Gabriele; Pernici, Barbara; Stagni, Alessandro; Cuoci, Alberto; Faravelli, Tiziano
Pyrolysis and combustion chemistry of pyrrole, a reference component for bio-oil surrogates: Jet-stirred reactor experiments and kinetic modeling
2021-01-01 Pelucchi, M.; Arunthanayothin, S.; Song, Y.; Herbinet, O.; Stagni, A.; Carstensen, H. -H.; Faravelli, T.; Battin-Leclerc, F.
An evolutionary, data-driven approach for mechanism optimization: theory and application to ammonia combustion
2021-01-01 Bertolino, A.; Furst, M.; Stagni, A.; Frassoldati, A.; Pelucchi, M.; Cavallotti, C.; Faravelli, T.; Parente, A.
Numerical Study of Quenching Distances for Side-Wall Quenching Using Detailed Diffusion and Chemistry
2021-01-01 Zirwes, T.; Haber, T.; Zhang, F.; Kosaka, H.; Dreizler, A.; Steinhausen, M.; Hasse, C.; Stagni, A.; Trimis, D.; Suntz, R.; Bockhorn, H.
Chemistry effects in the wall quenching of laminar premixed DME flames
2021-01-01 Stagni, A.; Luo, Y.; Steinhausen, M.; Dreizler, A.; Hasse, C.
The effect of benzene on the structure of low-pressure premixed H2/CH4/CO-air flames and related NO formation at different equivalence ratios
2021-01-01 Cafiero, M.; Dias, V.; Stagni, A.; Nguyen, P. D.; Nowakowska, M.; Coussement, A.; Jeanmart, H.; Parente, A.
Impact of the partitioning method on multidimensional adaptive-chemistry simulations
2020-01-01 D'Alessio, G.; Cuoci, A.; Aversano, G.; Bracconi, M.; Stagni, A.; Parente, A.
Experimental and modeling study of benzaldehyde oxidation
2020-01-01 Namysl, S.; Pelucchi, M.; Pratali Maffei, L.; Herbinet, O.; Stagni, A.; Faravelli, T.; Battin-Leclerc, F.
An experimental, theoretical and kinetic-modeling study of the gas-phase oxidation of ammonia
2020-01-01 Stagni, A.; Cavallotti, C.; Arunthanayothin, S.; Song, Y.; Herbinet, O.; Battin-Leclerc, F.; Faravelli, T.
The role of chemistry in the oscillating combustion of hydrocarbons: An experimental and theoretical study
2020-01-01 Stagni, A.; Song, Y.; Vandewalle, L. A.; Van Geem, K. M.; Marin, G. B.; Herbinet, O.; Battin-Leclerc, F.; Faravelli, T.
Adaptive chemistry via pre-partitioning of composition space and mechanism reduction
2020-01-01 D'Alessio, G.; Parente, A.; Stagni, A.; Cuoci, A.
Experimental and modelling study of the oxidation of methane doped with ammonia
2019-01-01 Song, Y.; Herbinet, Olivier; Pelucchi, Matteo; Stagni, Alessandro; Faravelli, Tiziano; Battin-Leclerc, Fréderique
Experimental and Modeling Study of the Oxidation of Benzaldehyde
2019-01-01 Namysl, Sylvain; PRATALI MAFFEI, Luna; Pelucchi, Matteo; Herbinet, Olivier; Stagni, Alessandro; Faravelli, Tiziano; Battin-Leclerc, Fréderique
Study of oscillations during methane oxidation with species probing
2019-01-01 Song, Y.; Stagni, Alessandro; Herbinet, Olivier; Faravelli, Tiziano; Battin-Leclerc, Fréderique
An experimental and kinetic modeling study of NH3 oxidation in a Jet Stirred Reactor
2019-01-01 Stagni, Alessandro; Song, Y.; Herbinet, Olivier; Battin-Leclerc, Fréderique; Faravelli, Tiziano
Addressing the complexity of combustion kinetics: Data management and automatic model validation
2019-01-01 Pelucchi, M.; Stagni, A.; Faravelli, T.
The sensitizing effects of NO2and NO on methane low temperature oxidation in a jet stirred reactor
2019-01-01 Song, Y.; Marrodán, L.; Vin, N.; Herbinet, O.; Assaf, E.; Fittschen, C.; Stagni, A.; Faravelli, T.; Alzueta, M. U.; Battin-Leclerc, F.
Towards a scientific data framework to support scientific model development
2019-01-01 Scalia, Gabriele; Pelucchi, Matteo; Stagni, Alessandro; Cuoci, Alberto; Faravelli, Tiziano; Pernici, Barbara
Prediction of flammable range for pure fuels and mixtures using detailed kinetics
2019-01-01 Bertolino, A.; Stagni, A.; Cuoci, A.; Faravelli, T.; Parente, A.; Frassoldati, A.
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