Sfoglia per Autore
A monitoring campaign introducing the indoor driving temperature to assess the building envelope performance
2025-01-01 Ferrari, S.; Zoghi, M.; Cardelli, R.; Dall'O', G.
Integrated Climate Change Mitigation and Public Health Protection Strategies: The Case of the City of Bologna, Italy
2024-01-01 Nuvolari-Duodo, Isabella; Dolcini, Michele; Buffoli, Maddalena; Rebecchi, Andrea; Dall'Ò, Giuliano; Monticelli, Carol; Vertua, Camilla; Brambilla, Andrea; Capolongo, Stefano
A novel framework to measure and promote smartness in neighborhoods
2024-01-01 Zoghi, M.; Ferrari, S.; Paganin, G.; Dall'O', G.
Abitare sostenibile, come affrontare l'emergenza energetica e ambientale
2023-01-01 Dall'O', G.; Galante, A.
A Practical Review to Support the Implementation of Smart Solutions within Neighbourhood Building Stock
2023-01-01 Ferrari, S.; Zoghi, M.; Paganin, G.; Dall'O', G.
Towards worldwide application of neighborhood sustainability assessments: A systematic review on realized case studies
2022-01-01 Ferrari, Simone; Zoghi, Milad; BLAZQUEZ DE PINEDA, MARIA TERESA; Dall'O', Giuliano
New Level(s) framework: Assessing the affinity between the main international Green Building Rating Systems and the european scheme
2022-01-01 Ferrari, Simone; Zoghi, Milad; Teresa, Blázquez; Dall'O', Giuliano
From green building to green planning
2021-01-01 Dall'O', Giuliano
Green Buildings in Italy, I progetti green certificati in Italia
2021-01-01 Dall'O', Giuliano
Energy performance indexes based on monitored data of social housing buildings in Northern Italy
2021-01-01 Ferrari, Simone; Blázquez, Teresa; Dall'O', Giuliano
Mapping Buildings’ Energy-Related Features at Urban Level toward Energy Planning
2021-01-01 Ferrari, Simone; Zagarella, Federica; Caputo, Paola; Dall’O’, Giuliano
A gis-based procedure for estimating the energy demand profiles of buildings towards urban energy policies
2021-01-01 Ferrari, S.; Zagarella, F.; Caputo, P.; Dall'O', G.
Renaturing Cities: Green and Blue Urban Spaces as Paradigms of Urban Planning
2020-01-01 Dall'O', G.
Methods and Tools for Urban Energy Planning
2020-01-01 Dall'O', G.; Ferrari, S.
2020-01-01 Dall'O', G.
Green Energy Planning of Cities and Communities: New Paradigms and Strategies for a Sustainable Approach
2020-01-01 Dall'O', G.
Energy Retrofit Strategies in the Building Sector
2020-01-01 Dall'O', G.
Green Protocols for Neighborhoods and Cities
2020-01-01 Dall'O', G.; Zichi, A.
Sustainable Rating Systems for Infrastructure
2020-01-01 Dall'O', G.; Bruni, E.
Green BIM and CIM: Sustainable Planning Using Building Information Modelling
2020-01-01 Dall'O', G.; Zichi, A.; Torri, M.
Greening the Smartness of Cities and Communities
2020-01-01 Dall'O', G.
Indicators and Rating Systems for Sustainable Smart Cities
2020-01-01 Dall'O', G.
Unsupervised learning for feature projection: Extracting patterns from multidimensional building measurements
2020-01-01 Xiao, C.; Khayatian, F.; Dall'O', G.
Effective implementation of ISO 50001: A case study on energy management for heating load reduction for a social building stock in Northern Italy
2020-01-01 Dall'O', Giuliano; Ferrari, Simone; Bruni, Elisa; Bramonti, Lorenzo
Green Planning for Cities and Communities: Theories, Strategies and Tools of a Complex Framework
2020-01-01 Dall'O', Giuliano
First Results of Innovative Didactic Tools of Building Physics in Architecture Curriculum at Politecnico di Milano
2019-01-01 Caputo, P.; Dall’O’, G.; Del Pero, C.; Ferla, G.; Ferrari, S.; Sarto, L.
Energy and Environmental Retrofit of Existing School Buildings: Potentials and Limits in the Large-Scale Planning
2019-01-01 Dall'O', G.; Sarto, L.
Smart city, l'evoluzione sostenibile delle città
2018-01-01 Dall'O', G.
Sustainable energy action plans: monitoring the implementation of strategies for sustainability for municipalities in northen Italy
2018-01-01 Dall’O’, G.; Sarto, L.; Pizzi, Alberto; Cristina Reggiani, S.
Fisica tecnica ambientale, con elementi di acustica e illuminotecnica
2017-01-01 Sarto, Luca; Dall'O', Giuliano; Cengel, Yunus A.
Building energy retrofit index for policy making and decision support at regional and national scales
2017-01-01 Khayatian, Fazel; Sarto, Luca; Dall'O, Giuliano
Evaluation of cities’ smartness by means of indicators for small and medium cities and communities: a methodology for Northern Italy
2017-01-01 Dall'O', Giuliano; Bruni, Elisa; Panza, Angela; Sarto, Luca; Khayatian, Fazel
Efficienza energetica nei regolamenti edilizi in una smart city
2016-01-01 De Santoli, Livio; Dall'O', Giuliano; Mauro, Annunziato; Marcello Capra, Davide Chiaroni; Chiesa, Marco; Chiesa, Vittorio; Marco, Dell'Isola; Angela, Fasulo
Leadership in green building. Ediz. italiana e inglese
2016-01-01 Dall'O', Giuliano
L'Architettura green secondo LEED
2016-01-01 Dall'O', Giuliano
Application of neural networks for evaluating energy performance certificates of residential buildings
2016-01-01 Khayatian, Fazel; Sarto, Luca; Dall'O', Giuliano
On the use of an energy certification database to create indicators for energy planning purposes: Application in northern Italy
2015-01-01 Dall'O', Giuliano; Sarto, Luca; Sanna, Nicola; Tonetti, Valeria; Ventura, Martina
Smart city
2014-01-01 Dall'O', Giuliano
Individual metering of energy in existing buildings: potential and critical aspects
2014-01-01 Dall'O', Giuliano; Sarto, Luca
Chapter 4: Acquisition of Basic Information
2013-01-01 Dall'O', Giuliano
Chapter 3: Application of the Methodology
2013-01-01 Dall'O', Giuliano
Termodinamica e trasmissione del calore
2013-01-01 Dall'O', Giuliano; Sarto, Luca
Impianti di climatizzazione e ventilazione
2013-01-01 Dall'O', Giuliano
Infrared Screening of Residential Buildings for Energy Audit Purposes: Results of a Field Test
2013-01-01 Dall'O', Giuliano; Sarto, Luca; Panza, Angela
Nearly Zero-Energy Buildings of the Lombardy Region (Italy), a Case Study of High-Energy Performance Buildings
2013-01-01 Dall'O', Giuliano; V., Belli; M., Brolis; I., Mozzi; M., Fasano
Improvement of the Sustainability of Existing School Buildings According to the Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED)® Protocol: A Case Study in Italy
2013-01-01 Dall'O', Giuliano; Bruni, Elisa; Panza, Angela
Potential and limits to improve energy efficiency in space heating inexisting school buildings in northern Italy
2013-01-01 Dall'O', Giuliano; Sarto, Luca
Green Energy Audit of Buildings - A Guide for a Sunstainable Energy Audit of Buildings
2013-01-01 Dall'O', Giuliano
Chapter 2: Green Energy Audit: General Aspects
2013-01-01 Dall'O', Giuliano
A Multi-Criteria Methodology to Support Public Administration Decision Making Concerning Sustainable Energy Action Plans
2013-01-01 Dall'O', Giuliano; M. F., Norese; Galante, Annalisa; C., Novello
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