Sfoglia per Autore
Modeling strategy of the in-plane mechanical response of running-bond masonry patterns
In corso di stampa Rainone, L.; da Silva, L.; Uva, G.; Casolo, S.
Seismic vulnerability analysis of masonry aggregates using an automated archetype-based procedure
2024-01-01 Ruggieri, S.; Liguori, F. S.; Leggieri, V.; Bilotta, A.; Madeo, A.; Casolo, S.; Uva, G.
Design of an auxetic and standard soft material for additive manufacturing using a heuristic RBSM approach
2024-01-01 Silva, Luis; Casolo, Siro
Anisotropic strength evaluation of an auxetic and a standard ultra-soft material by a heuristic RBSM approach for additive manufacturing
2024-01-01 Silva, Luis; Uva, Giuseppina; Casolo, Siro
Advanced non-linear 3D FEM modeling of masonry structures for the preservation of cultural heritage
2024-01-01 Rainone, L. S.; Tateo, V.; Casolo, S.; Uva, G.
An example of design of an auxetic material for additive manufacturing derived from a RBSM heuristic molecule
2023-01-01 Silva, Luis; Casolo, Siro
Seismic fragility evaluation of typological masonry aggregates for local collapse mechanisms
2023-01-01 Leggieri, Valeria; Salvatore Liguori, Francesco; Ruggieri, Sergio; Bilotta, Antonio; Madeo, Antonio; Casolo, Siro; Uva, Giuseppina
Heuristic molecular modelling of quasi-isotropic auxetic metamaterials under large deformations
2023-01-01 Silva, Luis C.; Grillanda, N.; Casolo, S.
About the Use of Concrete Damage Plasticity for Modeling Masonry Post-Elastic Behavior
2023-01-01 Rainone, Luigi Salvatore; Tateo, Vito; Casolo, Siro; Uva, Giuseppina
An archetype-based automated procedure to derive global-local seismic fragility of masonry building aggregates: META-FORMA-XL
2023-01-01 Ruggieri, Sergio; Liguori, Francesco Salvatore; Leggieri, Valeria; Bilotta, Antonio; Madeo, Antonio; Casolo, Siro; Uva, Giuseppina
A linear-elastic heuristic-molecular modelling for plane isotropic micropolar and auxetic materials
2021-01-01 Casolo, S.
Macroscale modelling of the orthotropic shear damage in the dynamics of masonry towers by RBSM
2021-01-01 Casolo, Siro
Explicit Dynamic Analysis by a Rigid Body-Spring Model of Impact Loads of Artillery on Middle Age Fortifications
2021-01-01 Tateo, Vito; Casolo, Siro
Seismic response of a masonry church in Central Italy: the role of interventions on the roof
2021-01-01 Sferrazza Papa, Gessica; Tateo, Vito; Parisi, Maria Adelaide; Casolo, Siro
A full orthotropic bond-based peridynamic formulation for linearly elastic solids
2020-01-01 Diana, V.; Casolo, S.
Presentation and validation of a specific RBSM approach for the meso-scale modelling of in-plane masonry-infills in RC frames
2020-01-01 Uva, Giuseppina; Tateo, Vito; Casolo, Siro
Modelling the response of a laminated tempered glass for different configurations of damage by a rigid body spring model
2019-01-01 Biolzi, L.; Casolo, S.; Orlando, M.; Tateo, V.
2019-01-01 Casolo, Siro; Milani, Gabriele; Tateo, Vito
A bond-based micropolar peridynamic model with shear deformability: Elasticity, failure properties and initial yield domains
2019-01-01 Diana, Vito; Casolo, Siro
Testing masonry blockwork panels for orthotropic shear strength
2019-01-01 Casolo, Siro; Biolzi, Luigi; Carvelli, Valter; Barbieri, Gaia
A full orthotropic micropolar peridynamic formulation for linearly elastic solids
2019-01-01 Diana, V.; Casolo, S.
RBSM approach for the quasi-static analysis of infill panels under later loads: An application
2018-01-01 Casolo, S.; Tateo, Vito; Uva, G.
Seismic assessment of a venetian bell tower taking into account soil-structure interaction
2018-01-01 Shehu, Rafael; Diana, Vito; Casolo, Siro; Milani, Gabriele; Bergamo, Otello
Kinematic collapse load calculator: Circular arches
2018-01-01 Stockdale, GABRIEL LEE; Tiberti, Simone; Camilletti, Daniela; SFERRAZZA PAPA, Gessica; Habieb, AHMAD BASSHOFI; Bertolesi, Elisa; Milani, Gabriele; Casolo, Siro
Bond-based peridynamic modelling of singular and nonsingular crack-tip fields
2018-01-01 Ballarini, Roberto; Diana, Vito; Biolzi, Luigi; Casolo, Siro
A specific out-of-plane model for the dynamic analysis of masonry façades and estimation of cumulative seismic damage
2018-01-01 Casolo, Siro; Uva, Giuseppina
Homogenization towards a mechanistic Rigid Body and Spring Model (HRBSM) for the non-linear dynamic analysis of 3D masonry structures
2018-01-01 Bertolesi, Elisa; Milani, Gabriele; Casolo, Siro
Modelling laminated glass beam failure via stochastic rigid body-spring model and bond-based peridynamics
2018-01-01 Casolo, Siro; Diana, Vito
Shear response of masonry blockwork panels
2017-01-01 Barbieri, G.; Biolzi, L.; Carvelli, V.; Casolo, S.
2017-01-01 Casolo, Siro; Sanjust, CARLO ALBERTO; Uva, Giuseppina; Diana, Vito
Homogenized Rigid Body and Spring Model (RBSM) for the non-linear dynamic analysis of historic masonry church facades
2017-01-01 Bertolesi, E.; Milani, G.; Casolo, S.
A numerical study on the cumulative out-of-plane damage to church masonry façades due to a sequence of strong ground motions
2017-01-01 Casolo, Siro
2017-01-01 Diana, V.; Casolo, S.
Estimating laminated glass beam strength via stochastic Rigid Body-Spring Model
2017-01-01 Biolzi, Luigi; Casolo, Siro; Diana, Vito; Sanjust, CARLO ALBERTO
2017-01-01 Casolo, S.
Influence of soil deformability on the seismic response of a masonry tower
2017-01-01 Casolo, Siro; Diana, Vito; Uva, Giuseppina
The ANTAEUS Project for the Regional Vulnerability Assessment of the Current Building Stock in Historical Centres
2016-01-01 Uva, G.; Sanjust, CARLO ALBERTO; Casolo, Siro; Mezzina, M.
Non-linear dynamic analyses of 3D masonry structures by means of a Homogenized Rigid Body and Spring Model (HRBSM)
2016-01-01 Bertolesi, Elisa; Milani, Gabriele; Casolo, Siro
A Multi-Level Approach for the Numerical Modelling of Complex Monumental Buildings
2015-01-01 Casolo, Siro; Fiore, Andrea; Porco, Francesco; Raffaele, Domenico; Sanjust, CARLO ALBERTO; Uva, Giuseppina
Comparison between seismic retrofitting solutions for existing reinforced concrete buildings: a case study
2014-01-01 F., Porco; A., Fiore; Casolo, Siro
Seismic vulnerability assessment of masonry towers: advanced non linear dynamic modelling
2014-01-01 G., Uva; Casolo, Siro
An analytical approach for assessment of effects on infill panels in RC frames
2013-01-01 Casolo, Siro; F., Porco; G., Uva
Non-linear dynamic analysis of masonry towers under natural accelerograms accounting for soil-structure interaction
2013-01-01 Casolo, Siro; G., Uva
About the reliability of punching verifications in reinforced concrete flat slabs
2013-01-01 F., Porco; G., Uva; M., Sangirardi; Casolo, Siro
Un approccio analitico per la valutazione degli effetti irrigidenti dei tamponamenti nei telai in c.a.
2013-01-01 A., Fiore; F., Porco; G., Uva; Casolo, Siro
Comparative seismic vulnerability analysis on ten masonry towers in the coastal Po Valley in Italy
2013-01-01 Casolo, Siro; Milani, Gabriele; G., Uva; C., Alessandri
Non-linear analysis of out-of-plane masonry façades: Full dynamic vs. pushover methods by RBSM
2013-01-01 Casolo, Siro; G., Uva
Simplified out-of-plane modelling of three-leaf masonry walls accounting for the material texture
2013-01-01 Casolo, Siro; Milani, Gabriele
The seismic behaviour of Maniace castle, Syracuse: a first numerical comparison between the current condition and a hypothetical complete reconstruction
2012-01-01 Casolo, Siro; Milani, Gabriele; Sanjust, CARLO ALBERTO; Taliercio, Alberto; Maggioni, Giovanni
An evaluation of the soil-structure interaction in the non-linear dynamic analysis of masonry towers
2012-01-01 G., Uva; Casolo, Siro; Milani, Gabriele; Acito, Maurizio
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