Sfoglia per Autore
Technological Transformations and Global Value Chains: Strategic Challenges for Europe and Its Territory
2024-01-01 Capello, R; Caragliu, A
Unveiling the automation – wage inequality nexus within and across regions
2024-01-01 Capello, R.; Ciappei, S.; Lenzi, C.
Spatial Inequalities in an Era of Modern Reindustrialization
2024-01-01 Capello, R.; Cerisola, S.
Modelli di Innovazione e Politiche Intelligenti per le Regioni Europee
2024-01-01 Capello, Roberta
The Nexus between the Digital Service Economy and Intraregional Wage Inequalities
2024-01-01 Capello, Roberta; Lenzi, Camilla; Panzera, Elisa
Digital transition in a turbulent world: European regional growth opportunities in 17 years' time
2024-01-01 Capello, Roberta; Caragliu, Andrea
Integrating digital and global transformations in forecasting regional growth: the MASST5 model
2024-01-01 Capello, R.; Caragliu, A.; Dellisanti, R.
Regional inequalities in the age of nearshoring
2024-01-01 Capello, Roberta; Dellisanti, Roberto
EU cohesion policies and interregional inequalities in disruptive times
2024-01-01 Capello, R.; Ciappei, S.; Lenzi, C.
Smile-and-go. Regional performance through global value chains in Europe
2024-01-01 Capello, Roberta; Dellisanti, Roberto
4.0 technological transformations: heterogeneous effects on regional growth
2024-01-01 Capello, R.; Lenzi, C.
Great Minds in regional science, vol. 2
2023-01-01 Capello, Roberta
Review of Great Minds in regional science vol. 2 By Peter Batey, David Plane (Eds.), Springer Verlag
2023-01-01 Capello, R.
Cities and Regions in Transition
2023-01-01 Capello, R.; Conte, A.
Creativity in Cultural and Creative Industries as a source of regional adaptive resilience
2023-01-01 Capello, Roberta; Dellisanti, Roberto
Regional Transformations Processes: Reindustrialization and Technological Upgrading as Drivers of Productivity Gains
2023-01-01 Capello, R.; Cerisola, S.
Urban crisis vs. urban success in the era of 4.0 technologies: Baumol's model revisited
2023-01-01 Camagni, R.; Capello, R.; Lenzi, C.; Perucca, G.
Industrial transformations and regional inequalities in Europe
2023-01-01 Capello, R.; Cerisola, S.
Regional reindustrialization patterns and productivity growth in Europe
2023-01-01 Capello, R.; Cerisola, S.
The rise of the digital service economy in European regions
2023-01-01 Capello, R.; Lenzi, C.; Panzera, E.
L’evoluzione nella gerarchia urbana in Italia negli ultimi quarant’anni: quale ruolo per le città metropolitane della Legge Delrio?
2023-01-01 Capello, R; Caragliu, A; Gerritse, M
Advanced Introduction to Regional and Urban Economics
2023-01-01 Capello, Roberta
Economic costs of COVID-19 for cross-border regions
2023-01-01 Capello, R; Caragliu, A; Panzera, E
At the territorial roots of global processes: Heterogeneous modes of regional involvement in Global Value Chains.
2023-01-01 Capello, R.; Dellisanti, R.; Perucca, G.
Automation and labour market inequalities: a comparison between cities and non-cities
2023-01-01 Capello, R.; Lenzi, C.
Uneven Growth Opportunities from Digital Service Economy and Industry 4.0 across European Regions
2022-01-01 Capello, R.; Lenzi, C.
4.0 Technological Revolution and Economic Competitiveness: Unexpected Opportunities for Peripheral Areas
2022-01-01 Capello, R.; Lenzi, C.
Conclusion: the concept of proximity in regional science - a synthesis and future research avenues
2022-01-01 Capello, R.
The modern Solow paradox. In search for explanations
2022-01-01 Capello, R.; Lenzi, C.; Perucca, G.
Beyond Productivity Slowdown: Quality, Pricing and Resource Reallocation in Regional Competitiveness
2022-01-01 Capello, R.; Camagni, R.; Perucca, G.
Continuous vs. Discrete Urban Ranks: Explaining the Evolution in the Italian Urban Hierarchy over Five Decades
2022-01-01 Capello, R.; Caragliu, A.; Gerritse, M.
Invenzione e adozione di tecnologie 4.0: opportunità di crescita per regioni tecnologicamente meno avanzate
2021-01-01 Capello, R.; Lenzi, C.
The regional economics of technological transformations. Industry 4.0 and Servitisation in European regions
2021-01-01 Capello, R.; Lenzi, C.
The Cost of Missed EU Integration
2021-01-01 Capello, Roberta; Caragliu, Andrea
Modelli di Innovazione Regionale e Politiche di Competitività
2021-01-01 Capello, R.
Regional Impacts of Covid-19 in Europe: The Costs of the New Normality
2021-01-01 Capello, Roberta; Caragliu, Andrea
Catching-up and regional disparities: a resource-allocation approach
2021-01-01 Capello, R.; Cerisola, S.
Cultural Heritage and Local Development in a Territorial Capital Conceptual Framework
2021-01-01 Camagni, R.; Capello, R.; Cerisola, S.; Panzera, E.
Regional growth and disparities in a post‐COVID Europe:A new normality scenario
2021-01-01 Capello, Roberta; Caragliu, Andrea
Le città metropolitane: leader all'interno della gerarchia urbana in Italia?
2021-01-01 Camagni, Roberto; Capello, Roberta; Caragliu, Andrea
Industry 4.0 and servitisation: Regional patterns of 4.0 technological transformations in Europe
2021-01-01 Capello, R.; Lenzi, C.
4.0 Technologies and the rise of new islands of innovation in European regions
2021-01-01 Capello, R.; Lenzi, C.
Trend spaziali nella creazione delle tecnologie 4.0: nuove isole di innovazione creative nelle regioni europee
2020-01-01 Capello, R.; Laffi, M.; Lenzi, C.
A Scientific Program on Urban Performance and Dynamics
2020-01-01 Camagni, R; Capello, R; Caragliu, A.
Cultural Heritage, Creativity, and Local Development: A Scientific Research Program
2020-01-01 Capello, R.; Cerisola, S.; Perucca, G.
Proximity and Regional Competitiveness
2020-01-01 Capello, R.
The Cultural Heritage – Territorial Capital nexus: theory and empirics / Il nesso tra Patrimonio Culturale e Capitale Territoriale: teoria ed evidenza empirica
2020-01-01 Camagni, R.; Capello, R.; Cerisola, S.; Panzera, E.
Mapping regional innovation patterns and their evolution
2020-01-01 Capello, R.; Lenzi, C.
Editoriale. Brevi riflessioni di una lunga esperienza
2020-01-01 Capello, R.
Modelling and forecasting regional growth: The MASST model
2020-01-01 Capello, R; Caragliu, A
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