Sfoglia per Autore
A fundamental study of methane pyrolysis on Fe-Al2O3 catalyst in a fluidized bed reactor: a combined experimental and CFD investigation
2024-01-01 Orsenigo, Marco; Cafaro, Davide; Piazza, Veronica; Negri, Chiara; Castoldi, Lidia; Groppi, Gianpiero; Maestri, Matteo; Beretta, Alessandra
Methane pyrolysis on Fe-Al2O3 catalyst for turquoise H2 production: a combined experimental and modeling study on reaction and deactivation kinetics
2024-01-01 Cafaro, Davide; Negri, Chiara; Piazza, Veronica; Orsenigo, Marco; Colombo, Riccardo; Castoldi, Lidia; Groppi, Gianpiero; Maestri, Matteo; Beretta, Alessandra
Kinetic investigation of CH4 pyrolysis on Fe-Al2O3 catalysts: a combined experimental and modeling study
2024-01-01 Cafaro, D.; Piazza, V.; Orsenigo, M.; Negri, C.; Castoldi, L.; Groppi, G.; Maestri, M.; Beretta, A.
Methane pyrolysis on Fe/Al2O3 catalysts: effect of the Fe/Al ratio on reaction kinetics and C-structures
2024-01-01 Negri, C.; Castoldi, L.; Piazza, V.; Colombo, R.; Maestri, M.; Groppi, G.; Beretta, A.
Pure copper extrusion additive manufacturing of lattice structures for enabling enhanced thermal efficiency in hydrogen production
2024-01-01 Parenti, P.; Zaio, F.; Ambrosetti, M.; Foletti, S.; Beretta, A.; Groppi, G.; Tronconi, E.; Colosimo, B. M.
Experimental investigation and 2D mathematical modelling of copper foams packed with Rh-Al2O3 catalysts for the intensification of methane steam reforming
2024-01-01 Ferri, Giulia; Ambrosetti, Matteo; Beretta, Alessandra; Groppi, Gianpiero; Tronconi, Enrico
Detailed speciation of biomass pyrolysis products with a novel TGA-based methodology: the case-study of cellulose
2024-01-01 Piazza, Veronica; da Silva Junior, Roberto Batista; Frassoldati, Alessio; Lietti, Luca; Chiaberge, Stefano; Gambaro, Chiara; Siviero, Andrea; Faravelli, Tiziano; Beretta, Alessandra
Unravelling the complexity of hemicellulose pyrolysis: Quantitative and detailed product speciation for xylan and glucomannan in TGA and fixed bed reactor
2024-01-01 Piazza, Veronica; Batista da Silva Junior, Roberto; Frassoldati, Alessio; Lietti, Luca; Gambaro, Chiara; Rajendran, Kishore; Chen, De; Faravelli, Tiziano; Beretta, Alessandra
Cellulose pyrolysis kinetic model: Detailed description of volatile species
2024-01-01 Debiagi, Paulo; Piazza, Veronica; Papagni, Marco; Beretta, Alessandra; Frassoldati, Alessio; Faravelli, Tiziano
2023-01-01 Ambrosetti, M.; Tronconi, E.; Beretta, A.; Groppi, G.
H2 from biofuels and carriers: A concerted homo-heterogeneous kinetic model of ethanol partial oxidation and steam reforming on Rh/Al2O3
2023-01-01 Troisi, V; Piazza, V; Stagni, A; Frassoldati, A; Groppi, G; Beretta, A
Electrified CO2 valorization driven by direct Joule heating of catalytic cellular substrates
2023-01-01 Zheng, Lei; Ambrosetti, Matteo; Beretta, Alessandra; Groppi, Gianpiero; Tronconi, Enrico
Direct electrification of Rh/Al2O3 washcoated SiSiC foams for methane steam reforming: An experimental and modelling study
2023-01-01 Zheng, L; Ambrosetti, M; Zaio, F; Beretta, A; Groppi, G; Tronconi, E
Sustainable Hydrogen Production via Sorption Enhanced Reforming of Complex Biorefinery Side Streams in a Fixed Bed Adiabatic Reactor
2023-01-01 Mostafa, A; Rapone, I; Bosetti, A; Romano, Mc; Beretta, A; Groppi, G
Electrified methane steam reforming on a washcoated SiSiC foam for low-carbon hydrogen production
2023-01-01 Zheng, L.; Ambrosetti, M.; Marangoni, D.; Beretta, A.; Groppi, G.; Tronconi, E.
Modelling of methane sorption enhanced reforming for blue hydrogen production in an adiabatic fixed bed reactor: unravelling the role of the reactor's thermal behavior
2023-01-01 Mostafa, A.; Rapone, I.; Bosetti, A.; Romano, M. C.; Beretta, A.; Groppi, G.
2022-01-01 Ambrosetti, M.; Beretta, A.; Groppi, G.; Romano, M. C.; Tronconi, E.
Development of a Redox Kinetic of Hg0 Oxidation over a V-Based Catalyst for NH3-SCR: Effect of O2, NO and NH3.
2022-01-01 Lanza, A.; Alcove Clave, S.; Collier, J.; Lietti, L.; Matarrese, R.; Beretta, A.
Catalytic Upgrade of Pyrolysis Vapors: Bio-Fuels Production from Acetic Acid on Ru/TiO2 Catalyst
2022-01-01 Piazza, V.; Lietti, L.; Beretta, A.
H2 from biofuels and carriers: a kinetic investigation of formic acid decomposition on Rh/Al2O3 in the annular reactor
2022-01-01 Piazza, Veronica; Junior, Roberto B. S.; Gazzoli, Delia; Groppi, Gianpiero; Beretta, Alessandra
The effect of catalyst formulation and Rh dispersion on the performance of a CPO fuel processor investigated by operando sampling technique and predictive modelling analysis
2022-01-01 Junior, R. B. S.; Ferretti, A. M.; Carrera, A.; Beretta, A.; Groppi, G.
H2 from biofuels and carriers: gas-phase and surface ethanol conversion pathways on Rh/Al2O3 investigated by annular microreactor coupled with Raman and FTIR spectroscopy
2022-01-01 Piazza, Veronica; Junior, Roberto Batista S.; Luccisano, Giulia; Pietrogiacomi, Daniela; Groppi, Gianpiero; Gazzoli, Delia; Beretta, Alessandra
H2 production by methane steam reforming over Rh/Al2O3 catalyst packed in Cu foams: A strategy for the kinetic investigation in concentrated conditions
2022-01-01 Ambrosetti, M.; Bonincontro, D.; Balzarotti, R.; Beretta, A.; Groppi, G.; Tronconi, E.
2021-01-01 Beretta, A.; Groppi, G.; Romano, M.; Tronconi, E.; Ambrosetti, M.
Preface to the enrico tronconi festschrift
2021-01-01 Beretta, A.; Groppi, G.; Lietti, L.; Maestri, M.; Nova, I.
Catalytic partial oxidation of ethanol over Rh-coated monoliths investigated by the axially resolved sampling technique: Effect of H2O co-feed
2021-01-01 Mostafa, A.; Uysal, Y.; Junior, R. B. S.; Beretta, A.; Groppi, G.
A Numerical Investigation of Electrically-Heated Methane Steam Reforming Over Structured Catalysts
2021-01-01 Ambrosetti, Matteo; Beretta, Alessandra; Groppi, Gianpiero; Tronconi, Enrico
HCl-doping of V/TiO2-based catalysts reveals the promotion of NH3-SCR and the rate limiting role of NO oxidative activation
2021-01-01 Lanza, A.; Zheng, L.; Matarrese, R.; Lietti, L.; Grunwaldt, J. D.; Clave, S. A.; Collier, J.; Beretta, A.
Enhanced kinetics of NH3-SCR in the presence of HCl in the flue gas over V-based catalysts: investigations by activity and characterization experiments
2020-01-01 Lanza, A.; Alcove Clave, S.; Collier, J.; Lietti, L.; Matarrese, R.; Zheng, L.; Finocchio, E.; Busca, G.; Beretta, A.
A study on the interaction of DeNOx reactants on the oxychlorination of elemental mercury over V/Mo/Ti catalysts in NH3-SCR applications
2020-01-01 Lanza, A.; Alcove Clave, S.; Collier, J.; Lietti, L.; Matarrese, R.; Beretta, A.
Investigation of packed conductive foams as a novel reactor configuration for methane steam reforming
2020-01-01 Balzarotti, R.; Ambrosetti, M.; Beretta, A.; Groppi, G.; Tronconi, E.
New insight on the red-ox kinetic nature of Hg° oxidation: an investigation on O2, NO and NH3 effects over a SCR V/Mo/Ti catalyst
2019-01-01 Lanza, A.; Alcove Clave, S.; Collier, J.; Lietti, L.; Matarrese, R.; Beretta, A.
An investigation on Hg° oxidation kinetic over a SCR V/Mo/Ti catalyst: effects of O2, NO and NH3
2019-01-01 Lanza, A.; Alcove Clave, S.; Collier, J.; Lietti, L.; Matarrese, R.; Beretta, A.
An investigation on the redox kinetics of NH3-SCR over a V/Mo/Ti catalyst: Evidence of a direct role of NO in the re-oxidation step
2019-01-01 Beretta, Alessandra; Lanza, Aldo; Lietti, Luca; Alcove Clave, Silvia; Collier, Jillian; Nash, Michael
Dry reforming of methane over nila-based catalysts: Influence of synthesis method and ba addition on catalytic properties and stability
2019-01-01 Gomes, Ruan; Costa, Denilson; BATISTA DA SILVA JUNIOR, Roberto; Santos, Milena; Rodella, Cristiane; Fréty, Roger; Beretta, Alessandra; Brandão, Soraia
A comparison between washcoated and packedcopper foams for the intensification of methanesteam reforming
2019-01-01 Balzarotti, Riccardo; Beretta, Alessandra; Groppi, Gianpiero; Tronconi, Enrico
Thermal deactivation of Rh/α-Al2O3 in the catalytic partial oxidation of iso-octane: Effect of flow rate
2019-01-01 BATISTA DA SILVA JUNIOR, Roberto; Carrera, A.; Beretta, A.; Groppi, G.
New Insights on the SCR reaction mechanism by FTIR operando spectroscopy
2018-01-01 Matarrese, R.; Lanza, A.; Lietti, L.; Beretta, A.; Alcove Clave, S.; Collier, J.
Metal Micro-Monoliths for the Kinetic Study and the Intensification of the Water Gas Shift Reaction
2018-01-01 García-Moncada, Nuria; Groppi, Gianpiero; Beretta, Alessandra; Romero-Sarria, Francisca; Odriozola, José
NH3-SCR and Hg-oxidation over V/Mo/Ti: effects of O2, NO, H2O, on V cycle investigated by activity, TPR-TPO and operando FTIR tests
2018-01-01 Beretta, A.; Matarrese, R.; Lanza, Aldo; Lietti, L.; Alcove Clave, S.; Collier, J.
Kinetics of Hg oxychlorination and NH3-SCR over V/Mo/Ti: evidence of an inhibing effect of NH3 and a promoting effect of NO
2018-01-01 Lanza, A.; Beretta, A.; Matarrese, R.; Lietti, L.; Alcove Clave, S.; Collier, J.
Development of a Catalytic Fuel Processor for a 10 kW Combined Heat and Power System: Experimental and Modeling Analysis of the Steam Reforming Unit
2018-01-01 Beretta, Alessandra; Groppi, Gianpiero; Ribani, Chiara; Fares, Giuseppe; Tregambe, Carlo
Analysis of the Impact of Gas-Phase Chemistry in Adiabatic CPO Reactors by Axially Resolved Measurements
2017-01-01 Beretta, Alessandra; Groppi, Gianpiero; Carrera, Andrea; Donazzi, Alessandro
Chemical pathways in the partial oxidation and steam reforming of acetic acid over a Rh-Al2O3 catalyst
2017-01-01 Batista da Silva, Roberto; Brandão, Soraia Teixeira; Lucotti, Andrea; Tommasini, MATTEO MARIA SAVERIO; Castiglioni, Chiara; Groppi, Gianpiero; Beretta, Alessandra
Catalytic partial oxidation of n-octane and iso-octane: Experimental and modeling results
2017-01-01 Carrera, Andrea; Pelucchi, Matteo; Stagni, Alessandro; Beretta, Alessandra; Groppi, Gianpiero
Catalytic Partial Oxidation of Iso-octane over Rh/α-Al2O3in an Adiabatic Reactor: An Experimental and Modeling Study
2017-01-01 Carrera, Andrea; Beretta, Alessandra; Groppi, Gianpiero
Annular reactor testing and Raman surface characterization of the CPO of i-octane and n-octane on Rh based catalyst
2016-01-01 Pagani, Davide; Batista, Roberto Jr; Moioli, Emanuele; Donazzi, Alessandro; Lucotti, Andrea; Tommasini, MATTEO MARIA SAVERIO; Castiglioni, Chiara; Brandao Teixeira, Soraia; Beretta, Alessandra; Groppi, Gianpiero
Kinetics of Hg degrees oxidation over a V2O5/MoO3/TiO2 catalyst: Experimental and modelling study under DeNO(X) inactive conditions
2016-01-01 Usberti, Nicola; Clave, Silvia Alcove; Nash, Michael; Beretta, Alessandra
Design of a "high-efficiency" NH3-SCR reactor for stationary applications. A kinetic study of NH3 oxidation and NH3-SCR over V-based catalysts
2015-01-01 Usberti, Nicola; Jablonska, Magdalena; Blasi, Miriam Di; Forzatti, Pio; Lietti, Luca; Beretta, Alessandra
Kinetic and Raman study in the CPO of C3H8, C3H6 and n-C8H18
2014-01-01 Donazzi, Alessandro; Pagani, Davide; Lucotti, Andrea; Tommasini, MATTEO MARIA SAVERIO; Beretta, Alessandra; Groppi, Gianpiero; Castiglioni, Chiara; Forzatti, Pio
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