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Inter-laboratory ring test for environmental DNA extraction protocols: implications for marine megafauna detection using three novel qPCR assays 1-gen-2025 Eleonora BarbacciaCaterina LanfrediArianna Azzellino +
Short-term impact assessment of ocean liming: A copepod exposure test 1-gen-2024 Caserini S.Barbaccia E.Azzellino A. +
From shower to table: fate of organic micropollutants in hydroponic systems for greywater treatment and lettuce cultivation 1-gen-2024 Azzellino A. +
Optimization of phosphorus wet acid extraction from sewage sludge ashes: Detailed process insight via multi-variate statistical techniques 1-gen-2024 Boniardi, GaiaPaini, EliaSeljak, TineAzzellino, AriannaVolonterio, AlessandroCanziani, RobertoTurolla, Andrea
From shower to table: fate of organic micropollutants in hydroponic systems for greywater treatment and lettuce cultivation 1-gen-2024 Azzellino A. +
Ocean liming effects on dissolved organic matter dynamics 1-gen-2024 Valsecchi S.Caserini S.Azzellino A. +
Soft vs. Hard Sustainability Approach in Marine Spatial Planning: Challenges and Solutions 1-gen-2024 Azzellino A. +
Are Membrane Bioreactors Really More Efficient in Removing Pharmaceutical Substances?—Variance Component Analysis Of Micropollutant Removal 1-gen-2024 Azzellino A.Malpei F.Buttiglieri G. +
Ocean liming in eutrophic water: a mesocosm scale approach 1-gen-2023 Azzellino, AriannaMacchi, PieroRaos, GuidoVarliero, Selene +
Water management practices in Euro-Mediterranean hotels and resorts 1-gen-2023 Azzellino AriannaButtiglieri Gianluigi +
Cetaceans in the Mediterranean Sea: Encounter Rate, Dominant Species, and Diversity Hotspots 1-gen-2023 Azzellino A. +
Shipping noise assessment in the Black Sea: insights from large-scale ASI CeNoBS survey data 1-gen-2023 Veronica FrassàArianna Azzellino +
Towards understanding environmental and cumulative impacts of floating wind farms: Lessons learned from the fixed-bottom offshore wind farms 1-gen-2023 Azzellino A. +
Cluster and multivariate analysis to study the diffuse contamination of emerging per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) in the Veneto Region plain (North-eastern Italy) 1-gen-2023 S. GiglioliL. ColomboA. Azzellino
The rapid spread of SARS-COV-2 Omicron variant in Italy reflected early through wastewater surveillance 1-gen-2022 Malpei FrancescaAzzellino AriannaTurolla AndreaAntonelli Manuela +
Decommissioning of Offshore Platforms in Adriatic Sea: The Total Removal Option from a Life Cycle Assessment Perspective 1-gen-2022 A. Azzellino +
The Seabed Makes the Dolphins: Physiographic Features Shape the Size and Structure of the Bottlenose Dolphin Geographical Units 1-gen-2022 Arianna Azzellino +
Removal of organic micropollutants in a drinking water treatment plant by powdered activated carbon followed by rapid sand filtration 1-gen-2022 Ebrahimzadeh SalmaAzzellino Arianna +
Combination of local sea winds/land breezes and nearshore wave energy resource: Case study at MaRELab (Naples, Italy) 1-gen-2022 Azzellino Arianna +
Emerging micropollutants and microplastics in water cycle: a focus on the state of knowledge in Lombardy 1-gen-2021 Antonelli M.Azzellino A.Malpei F. +
Inquinanti emergent e microplastiche in Lombardia 1-gen-2021 Azzellino A.Antonelli M.Malpei F. +
Carbamazepine levels related to the demographic indicators in groundwater of densely populated area 1-gen-2021 Ebrahimzadeh SalmaAzzellino Arianna +
Quantification and modelling of organic micropollutant removal by reverse osmosis (RO) drinking water treatment 1-gen-2021 Ebrahimzadeh SalmaAzzellino Arianna +
Raccolta, elaborazione ed interpretazione dei dati dei microinquinanti emergenti nelle acque lombarde 1-gen-2020 Azzellino AAntonelli M.Cantoni B.Giglioli S. +
Multi-Methodological Integrated Approach for the Assessment of Diffuse Pollution Background Levels (DPBLs) in Functional Urban Areas: The PCE Case in Milano NW Sector 1-gen-2020 Loris ColomboLuca AlbertiArianna Azzellino +
Source Apportionment Assessment of Marine Sediment Contamination in a Post-Industrial Area (Bagnoli, Naples) 1-gen-2020 Sara GiglioliLoris ColomboArianna Azzellino +
Combined exploitation of offshore wind and wave energy in the Italian seas: a spatial planning approach 1-gen-2019 A. AzzellinoC. LanfrediL. RiefoloDe SANTIS, VALERIA +
Development of statistical predictive models for estimating the methane yield of Italian municipal sludges from chemical composition: a preliminary study 1-gen-2019 Catenacci, AAzzellino, AMalpei, F
Diffuse contamination assessment for the groundwater quality protection in Functional Urban Areas (FUA) 1-gen-2019 L. AlbertiL. ColomboA. AzzellinoD. Balzarolo +
Groundwater diffuse pollution in functional urban areas: The need to define anthropogenic diffuse pollution background levels 1-gen-2019 Arianna, AzzellinoLoris, ColomboSilvia, LombiLuca, Alberti +
A statistical approach for estimating the methane yield of Italian municipal sludges from chemical composition: a preliminary study 1-gen-2018 A. CatenacciA. AzzellinoMalpei
Cetacean response to environmental and anthropogenic drivers of change: Results of a 25-year distribution study in the northwestern Mediterranean Sea 1-gen-2017 AZZELLINO, ARIANNALANFREDI, CATERINA +
Knowledge-based planning of groundwater treatment trains for an efficient drinking water supply system in urban areas 1-gen-2017 Antonelli, M.Azzellino, A.Ficara, E.Piazzoli, A.Saccani, G.
Evaluation of a new technology for carbon dioxide submarine storage in glass capsules 1-gen-2017 CASERINI, STEFANODOLCI, GIOVANNIAZZELLINO, ARIANNALANFREDI, CATERINARIGAMONTI, LUCIAGROSSO, MARIO +
Knowledge-based planning of groundwater treatment trains for an efficient drinking water supply system in urban areas 1-gen-2016 ANTONELLI, MANUELAAZZELLINO, ARIANNAFICARA, ELENAPIAZZOLI, ANDREASACCANI, GIULIA
Key Oceanographic Characteristics of Cuvier’s Beaked Whale (Ziphius cavirostris) Habitat in the Gulf of Genoa (Ligurian Sea, NW Mediterranean). 1-gen-2016 LANFREDI, CATERINAAZZELLINO, ARIANNA
Offshore wind turbines: An overview of the effects on the marine environment 1-gen-2016 RIEFOLO, LUIGIALANFREDI, CATERINAAZZELLINO, ARIANNA +
Cuvier's Beaked Whale, Ziphius cavirostris, Distribution and Occurrence in the Mediterranean Sea: High-Use Areas and Conservation Threats 1-gen-2016 AZZELLINO, ARIANNALANFREDI, CATERINA +
Multivariate data analysis and numerical modeling: a combined approach to assess the Groundwater contamination in Milan Functional Urban Area 1-gen-2016 ALBERTI, LUCAAZZELLINO, ARIANNACOLOMBO, LORISCANTONE, MARTINOLOMBI, SILVIA
Risso's Dolphin, Grampus griseus, in the Western Ligurian Sea: Trends in Population Size and Habitat Use 1-gen-2016 AZZELLINO, ARIANNALANFREDI, CATERINA +
Marine renewables: Exploring the opportunity for combining wind and wave energy 1-gen-2015 AZZELLINO, ARIANNARIEFOLO, LUIGIALANFREDI, CATERINA +
Factor analysis to assess pollutant source apportionment and to investigate the relationship between catchment attributes and instream water quality 1-gen-2015 AZZELLINO, ARIANNA
Strategic Environmental Assessment Of Wave Energy Converters: A Review 1-gen-2015 RIEFOLO, LUIGIAAZZELLINO, ARIANNALANFREDI, CATERINA +
Wave flume-generated seiching analysis 1-gen-2015 RIEFOLO, LUIGIAAZZELLINO, ARIANNA +
SWAT meta-modeling as support of the management scenario analysis in large watersheds 1-gen-2015 AZZELLINO, ARIANNACEVIRGEN, SERAP +
Disentangling the multiple stressors acting on stream ecosystems to support restoration priorities 1-gen-2015 AZZELLINO, ARIANNA +
Long-term trend analysis of deep diving cetacean species occurring in the Pelagos Sanctuary (Northwestern Mediterranean Sea). 1-gen-2015 LANFREDI, CATERINAAZZELLINO, ARIANNA +
Disentangling the multiple stressors acting on stream ecosystems to support restoration priorities 1-gen-2014 AZZELLINO, ARIANNACEVIRGEN, SERAP +
Secondary effluent disinfection by combined peracetic acid and ultraviolet radiation 1-gen-2014 ANTONELLI, MANUELAAZZELLINO, ARIANNAPIAZZOLI, ANDREATUROLLA, ANDREA
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