Sfoglia per Autore
Machine Learning algorithms and public decision-making: A conceptual overview
In corso di stampa van KRIMPEN, FLORIS JUSTUS; de Bruijn, Hans; Arnaboldi, Michela
La governance dell’innovazione digitale nelle organizzazioni culturali: tre possibili configurazioni per il miglioramento delle performance digitali
2024-01-01 Arnaboldi, Michela; Carloni, Eleonora
Hybridizing arts with efficiency in an Italian government agency
2024-01-01 Carloni, Eleonora; Arnaboldi, Michela
2024-01-01 Dassi, Francesco; Carloni, Eleonora; Arnaboldi, Michela
Co-existence? NPM in a network world
2024-01-01 Agostino, D.; Arnaboldi, M.
The dilemmas of middle management in the digitalization of public sector: evidence from an Italian government agency
2023-01-01 Carloni, E.; Arnaboldi, M.
(In)Equality of Opportunity and cultural participation: how family background shapes individuals ability to achieve higher life satisfaction
2023-01-01 Lerouge, R.; Arnaboldi, M.
2023-01-01 Carloni, E.; Arnaboldi, M.; Lorenzini, E.; Amato, M.
Exploring Explainable Artificial Intelligence in Complex Public Processes
2023-01-01 van Krimpen, F. J.; Arnaboldi, M.; Querini, L.
(In)Equality of opportunity and cultural participation: how social background shapes individuals’ ability to achieve higher life satisfaction.
2023-01-01 Lerouge, R.; Arnaboldi, M.
Exploring Agile Working Practices in Italian Public Higher Education: A Study of Organizational Choices and Employee Satisfaction.
2023-01-01 Sinatra, A.; Arnaboldi, M.; Soncin, M.
The role played by government communication on the level of public fear in social media: An investigation into the Covid-19 crisis in Italy
2023-01-01 Lerouge, Romain; DIAZ LEMA, MELISA LUCIA; Arnaboldi, Michela
Corporate museums and performance measurement systems
2023-01-01 Carloni, E.; Arnaboldi, M.; Lorenzini, E.; Calabrò, A.
Valorizzazione dei beni culturali e turismo sostenibile
2022-01-01 Conte, E.; Anzani, A.; Arnaboldi, M.; Carrion, D.; Fanzini, D.; Garavaglia, E.; Lombardini, N.; Lorenzini, E.; Ponzini, D.; Riva, R.; Verga, E.
2022-01-01 Carloni, E.; Arnaboldi, M.
(In)Equality of opportunity and cultural participation: how family background shapes individuals’ ability to achieve higher outcomes.
2022-01-01 Lerouge, R.; Arnaboldi, M.
Economie locali: Valorizzazione del patrimonio materiale e immateriale
2022-01-01 Lombardini, N.; Arnaboldi, M.; Colorni, A.; Lentini, G.; Lorenzini, E.; Morello, E.
Intrapreneurship in Higher Education: The Digital Learning Challenge
2022-01-01 Soncin, M.; Arnaboldi, M.
On humans, algorithms and data
2022-01-01 Arnaboldi, Michela; de Bruijn, Hans; Steccolini, Ileana; Van der Voort, Haiko
How Arts Hybridise Efficiency: The case of Italian governmental agency
2021-01-01 Carloni, Eleonora; Arnaboldi, Michela
2021-01-01 Carloni, Eleonora; Arnaboldi, Michela
The dynamic role played by planning infrastructure in enhancing collaboration: evidence from La Scala Opera House
2021-01-01 Agostino, Deborah; Arnaboldi, Michela
Transforming a museum into an asset for value creation to corporation: the hybridization process
2021-01-01 Carloni, Eleonora; Arnaboldi, Michela
From cost accounting to strategic cost management: The experience of Italian higher education
2021-01-01 Agostino, Deborah; Arnaboldi, Michela
On the relevance of self-service business intelligence to university management
2021-01-01 Arnaboldi, M.; Robbiani, A.; Carlucci, P.
Shaping cultural participation through social media
2021-01-01 Arnaboldi, M.; Diaz Lema, M. L.
The participatory turn in museums: The online facet
2021-01-01 Arnaboldi, M.; Diaz Lema, M. L.
New development: COVID-19 as an accelerator of digital transformation in public service delivery
2021-01-01 Agostino, D.; Arnaboldi, M.; Lema, Diaz
From preservation to entertainment: Accounting for the transformation of participation in Italian state museums
2021-01-01 Agostino, D.; Arnaboldi, M.
Understanding panic buying during COVID-19: A text analytics approach
2021-01-01 Barnes, S. J.; Diaz Lema, M.; Arnaboldi, M.
Verso un «new normal» dei musei post-COVID 19: quale ruolo per il digitale?
2020-01-01 Agostino, D.; Arnaboldi, M.; Lorenzini, E.
Big data for decision making: Are museums ready?
2020-01-01 Agostino, D.; Arnaboldi, M.; Carloni, E.
Exploring the importance of Facebook post writing as a museum engagement tool
2020-01-01 Agostino, D.; Arnaboldi, M.; Diaz, Lema.; Riva, P.
Italian state museums during the COVID-19 crisis: from onsite closure to online openness
2020-01-01 Agostino, D.; Arnaboldi, M.; Lampis, A.
Data science in the design of public policies: dispelling the obscurity in matching policy demand and data offer
2020-01-01 Arnaboldi, Michela; Azzone, Giovanni
The participative turn in Museum: The online facet
2020-01-01 Diaz Lema, M.; Arnaboldi, M.
Self-service Business Intelligence: a case of implementation in universities
2019-01-01 Arnaboldi, M.; Carlucci, P.; Robbiani, A.
Corporate entrepreneurship in higher education: the digital learning challenge
2019-01-01 Soncin, M.; Arnaboldi, M.
Università sostenibili
2019-01-01 Arnaboldi, M.; Azzone, G.; Periti, E.
Online Reviews for Public Service Personalization: The Case of Italian Museums
2019-01-01 Riva, Paola; Agostino, Deborah; Arnaboldi, Michela
Good Practice e la sostenibilità nei campus: evidenze empiriche
2019-01-01 Arnaboldi, M.; Bertoletti, A.; Soncin, M.
Rationality and politics of algorithms. Will the promise of big data survive the dynamics of public decision making?
2019-01-01 van der Voort, H. G.; Klievink, A. J.; Arnaboldi, M.; Meijer, A. J.
What can social media data add to the knowledge of arts and humanities? an empirical investigation on twitter at teatro alla scala
2019-01-01 Agostino, D.; Arnaboldi, M.
How to quantify social media influencers: An empirical application at the Teatro alla Scala
2019-01-01 Agostino, D.; Arnaboldi, M.; Calissano, A.
Towards analytics reporting in cultural institutions: balancing between contradiction and praxis
2018-01-01 Agostino, D.; Arnaboldi, M.; Carloni, Eleonora
Data driven estimation of trade promotion effect from transactional data: analysis of the Mexican beverage market
2018-01-01 Landro', Matteo; DIAZ LEMA, MELISA LUCIA; Arnaboldi, M.; Vantini, S.
The role of big data analytics in museums: balancing between contradictions and praxis”
2018-01-01 Agostino, D.; Arnaboldi, M.
Enhancing VFM Audit in Local Government: The Best Value Initiative
2018-01-01 Arnaboldi, M.; Lapsley, I.
Multimodal study of the urban sharing mobility network: A case of Milan
2018-01-01 Diaz Lema, M. L.; Robbiani, Andrea; Arnaboldi, M.; Vantini, S.
Performancemeasurement systems in public service networks. Thewhat, who, and how of control
2018-01-01 Agostino, D.; Arnaboldi, M.
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