Sfoglia per Autore
Origin of Magnetism in a Supposedly Nonmagnetic Osmium Oxide
2024-01-01 Agrestini, S.; Borgatti, F.; Florio, P.; Frassineti, J.; Fiore Mosca, D.; Faure, Q.; Detlefs, B.; Sahle, C. J.; Francoual, S.; Choi, J.; Garcia-Fernandez, M.; Zhou, K. -J.; Mitrović, V. F.; Woodward, P. M.; Ghiringhelli, G.; Franchini, C.; Boscherini, F.; Sanna, S.; Moretti Sala, M.
Collective Nature of Orbital Excitations in Layered Cuprates in the Absence of Apical Oxygens
2024-01-01 Martinelli, Leonardo; Wohlfeld, Krzysztof; Pelliciari, Jonathan; Arpaia, Riccardo; Brookes, Nicholas B.; Di Castro, Daniele; Fernandez, Mirian G.; Kang, Mingu; Krockenberger, Yoshiharu; Kummer, Kurt; Mcnally, Daniel E.; Paris, Eugenio; Schmitt, Thorsten; Yamamoto, Hideki; Walters, Andrew; Zhou, Ke-Jin; Braicovich, Lucio; Comin, Riccardo; Moretti, Marco; Devereaux, Thomas P.; Daghofer, Maria; Ghiringhelli, Giacomo
A noticeable absence
2024-01-01 Ghiringhelli, Giacomo
Signature of quantum criticality in cuprates by charge density fluctuations
2023-01-01 Arpaia, Riccardo; Martinelli, Leonardo; Moretti, Marco; Caprara, Sergio; Nag, Abhishek; Brookes, Nicholas B; Camisa, Pietro; Qizhi, Li; Gao, Qiang; Zhou, Xingjiang; Garcia-Fernandez, Mirian; Zhou, Ke-Jin; Schierle, Enrico; Bauch, Thilo; Peng, Ying Ying; Di Castro, Carlo; Grilli, Marco; Lombardi, Floriana; Braicovich, Lucio; Ghiringhelli, Giacomo
Absence of localized electrons in interface superconductors
2023-01-01 Cai, Xinqiang; Kim, Jungho; Martinelli, Leonardo; Florio, Piero; Corti, Matteo; Qiao, Weiliang; Sun, Yanqiu; Niu, Jiasen; Faure, Quentin; Sahle, Christoph J.; Qiu, Qingzheng; Xiao, Qian; Zheng, Xiquan; Li, Qizhi; Zou, Changwei; Jiang, Xinyi; Ghiringhelli, Giacomo; Han, Wei; Xie, Yanwu; Lu, Yi; Moretti, Marco; Peng, Yingying
Prediction of ambient-pressure superconductivity in ternary hydride PdCuHx
2022-01-01 Vocaturo, R.; Tresca, C.; Ghiringhelli, G.; Profeta, G.
Charge and Spin Order Dichotomy in NdNiO_{2} Driven by the Capping Layer
2022-01-01 Krieger, G; Martinelli, L; Zeng, S; Chow, L E; Kummer, K; Arpaia, R; Moretti Sala, M; Brookes, N B; Ariando, A; Viart, N; Salluzzo, M; Ghiringhelli, G; Preziosi, D
Doping dependence of the electron-phonon coupling in two families of bilayer superconducting cuprates
2022-01-01 Peng, Y.; Martinelli, L.; Li, Q.; Rossi, M.; Mitrano, M.; Arpaia, R.; Sala, M. M.; Gao, Q.; Guo, X.; De Luca, G. M.; Walters, A.; Nag, A.; Barbour, A.; Gu, G.; Pelliciari, J.; Brookes, N. B.; Abbamonte, P.; Salluzzo, M.; Zhou, X.; Zhou, K. -J.; Bisogni, V.; Braicovich, L.; Johnston, S.; Ghiringhelli, G.
Ferromagnetic Quasi-Two-Dimensional Electron Gas with Trigonal Crystal Field Splitting
2022-01-01 Chen, Y; D'Antuono, M; Brookes, Nb; De Luca, Gm; Di Capua, R; Di Gennaro, E; Ghiringhelli, G; Piamonteze, C; Preziosi, D; Jouault, B; Cabero, M; Gonzalez-Calbet, Jm; Leon, C; Santamaria, J; Sambri, A; Stornaiuolo, D; Salluzzo, M
Identification of a characteristic doping for charge order phenomena in Bi-2212 cuprates via RIXS
2022-01-01 Lu, Haiyu; Hashimoto, Makoto; Chen, Su-Di; Ishida, Shigeyuki; Song, Dongjoon; Eisaki, Hiroshi; Nag, Abhishek; Garcia-Fernandez, Mirian; Arpaia, Riccardo; Ghiringhelli, Giacomo; Braicovich, Lucio; Zaanen, Jan; Moritz, Brian; Kummer, Kurt; Brookes, Nicholas B.; Zhou, Ke-Jin; Shen, Zhi-Xun; Devereaux, Thomas P.; Lee, Wei-Sheng
Orbital selective switching of ferromagnetism in an oxide quasi two-dimensional electron gas
2022-01-01 Di Capua, R.; Verma, M.; Radovic, M.; Strocov, V. N.; Piamonteze, C.; Guedes, E. B.; Plumb, N. C.; Chen, Yu; D'Antuono, M.; De Luca, G. M.; Di Gennaro, E.; Stornaiuolo, D.; Preziosi, D.; Jouault, B.; Miletto Granozio, F.; Sambri, A.; Pentcheva, R.; Ghiringhelli, G.; Salluzzo, M.
Fractional Spin Excitations in the Infinite-Layer Cuprate CaCuO2
2022-01-01 Martinelli, Leonardo; Betto, Davide; Kummer, Kurt; Arpaia, Riccardo; Braicovich, Lucio; Di Castro, Daniele; Brookes, Nicholas B.; Moretti Sala, Marco; Ghiringhelli, Giacomo
Charge-Transfer and dd excitations in AgF2
2022-01-01 Bachar, Nimrod; Koteras, Kacper; Gawraczynski, Jakub; Trzci??ski, Waldemar; Paszula, J??zef; Piombo, Riccardo; Barone, Paolo; Mazej, Zoran; Ghiringhelli, GIACOMO CLAUDIO; Nag, Abhishek; Zhou, Ke-Jin; Lorenzana, Jos??; van der Marel, Dirk; Grochala, Wojciech
Evolution of spin excitations from bulk to monolayer FeSe
2021-01-01 Pelliciari, Jonathan; Karakuzu, Seher; Song, Qi; Arpaia, Riccardo; Nag, Abhishek; Rossi, Matteo; Li, Jiemin; Yu, Tianlun; Chen, Xiaoyang; Peng, Rui; García-Fernández, Mirian; Walters, Andrew C.; Wang, Qisi; Zhao, Jun; Ghiringhelli, Giacomo; Feng, Donglai; Maier, Thomas A.; Zhou, Ke-Jin; Johnston, Steven; Comin, Riccardo
Restored strange metal phase through suppression of charge density waves in underdoped YBa2Cu3O7–d
2021-01-01 Wahlberg, E.; Arpaia, R.; Seibold, G.; Rossi, M.; Fumagalli, R.; Trabaldo, E.; Brookes, N. B.; Braicovich, L.; Caprara, S.; Gran, U.; Ghiringhelli, G.; Bauch, T.; Lombardi, F.
Strange metal behaviour from charge density fluctuations in cuprates
2021-01-01 Seibold, G.; Arpaia, R.; Peng, Y. Y.; Fumagalli, R.; Braicovich, L.; Di Castro, C.; Grilli, M.; Ghiringhelli, G. C.; Caprara, S.
Bias polarization characterization of Al/CdTe/Pt Schottky X-ray detector for industrial applications
2021-01-01 Distefano, P.; Maraschi, M.; Macera, D.; Garavelli, B.; Sammartini, M.; Bertuccio, G.; Ghiringhelli, G.
Charge order at high temperature in cuprate superconductors
2021-01-01 Arpaia, R.; Ghiringhelli, G.
Crystalline and magnetic structure of Ba2CuO3+δ investigated by x-ray absorption spectroscopy and resonant inelastic x-ray scattering
2021-01-01 Fumagalli, Roberto; Nag, Abhishek; Agrestini, Stefano; Garcia-Fernandez, Mirian; Walters, Andrew C.; Betto, Davide; Brookes, Nicholas B.; Braicovich, Lucio; Zhou, Ke-Jin; Ghiringhelli, Giacomo; Moretti Sala, Marco
Multiple-magnon excitations shape the spin spectrum of cuprate parent compounds
2021-01-01 Betto, D.; Fumagalli, R.; Martinelli, L.; Rossi, M.; Piombo, R.; Yoshimi, K.; Di Castro, D.; Di Gennaro, E.; Sambri, A.; Bonn, D.; Sawatzky, G. A.; Braicovich, L.; Brookes, N. B.; Lorenzana, J.; Ghiringhelli, G.
Coherent, high repetition rate tender x-ray free-electron laser seeded by an extreme ultra-violet free-electron laser oscillator
2020-01-01 Petrillo, V; Opromolla, M; Bacci, A; Broggi, F; Drebot, I; Ghiringhelli, G; Puppin, E; Rossetti Conti, M; R Rossi, A; Ruijter, M; Samsam, S; Tagliaferri, A; Rossi, G; Serafini, L
Two-dimensional electron systems in perovskite oxide heterostructures: Role of the polarity-induced substitutional defects
2020-01-01 Lin, S. -C.; Kuo, C. -T.; Shao, Y. -C.; Chuang, Y. -D.; Geessinck, J.; Huijben, M.; Rueff, J. -P.; Graff, I. L.; Conti, G.; Peng, Y.; Bostwick, A.; Rotenberg, E.; Gullikson, E.; Nem+i+ik, S.; Vailionis, A.; Gauquelin, N.; Verbeeck, J.; Ghiringhelli, G.; Schneider, C. M.; Fadley, C. S.
Large polarons as key quasiparticles in SrTiO3 and SrTiO3-based heterostructures
2020-01-01 Geondzhian, A.; Sambri, A.; De Luca, G. M.; Di Capua, R.; Di Gennaro, E.; Betto, D.; Rossi, M.; Peng, Yingying.; Fumagalli, R.; Brookes, N. B.; Braicovich, L.; Gilmore, K.; Ghiringhelli, G.; Salluzzo, M.
Strain and electric field control of the orbital and spin order in multiferroic BiMnO3
2020-01-01 De Luca, G. M.; Perroni, C. A.; Di Capua, R.; Cataudella, V.; Chiarella, F.; Minola, M.; Brookes, N. B.; Salluzzo, M.; Ghiringhelli, G.
Mobile orbitons in Ca2CuO3: Crucial role of Hund's exchange
2020-01-01 Fumagalli, R.; Heverhagen, J.; Betto, D.; Arpaia, R.; Rossi, M.; Di Castro, D.; Brookes, N. B.; Moretti Sala, M.; Daghofer, M.; Braicovich, L.; Wohlfeld, K.; Ghiringhelli, G.
Determining the electron-phonon coupling in superconducting cuprates by resonant inelastic x-ray scattering: Methods and results on Nd1+xBa2−xCu3O7−δ
2020-01-01 Braicovich, Lucio; Rossi, Matteo; Fumagalli, Roberto; Peng, Yingying; Wang, Yan; Arpaia, Riccardo; Betto, Davide; De Luca, Gabriella M.; Di Castro, Daniele; Kummer, Kurt; Moretti Sala, Marco; Pagetti, Mattia; Balestrino, Giuseppe; Brookes, Nicholas B.; Salluzzo, Marco; Johnston, Steven; van den Brink, Jeroen; Ghiringhelli, Giacomo
Structural, Electronic and Magnetic Properties of a Few Nanometer-Thick Superconducting NdBa2Cu3O7 Films
2020-01-01 Moretti Sala, Marco; Salluzzo, Marco; Minola, Matteo; De Luca, Gabriella Maria; Dellea, Greta; Srot, Vesna; Wang, Yi; van Aken, Peter A.; Le Tacon, Matthieu; Keimer, Bernhard; Dallera, Claudia; Braicovich, Lucio; Ghiringhelli, Giacomo
High repetition rate and coherent free-electron laser in the x-rays range tailored for linear spectroscopy
2019-01-01 Petrillo, V.; Opromolla, M.; Bacci, A.; Drebot, I.; Ghiringhelli, G.; Petralia, A.; Puppin, E.; Conti, M. R.; Rossi, A. R.; Tagliaferri, A.; Samsam, S.; Serafini, L.; Rossi, G.
Resonant Inelastic Soft X-ray Scattering Study of Co-Doped Maghemite Nanoparticles
2019-01-01 Borgatti, Francesco; Pineider, Francesco; Moretti, Marco; Minola, Matteo; Fantechi, Elvira; Ghiringhelli, Giacomo; Brookes, Nicholas B; Braicovich, Lucio; Sangregorio, Claudio
Formation of Incommensurate Charge Density Waves in Cuprates
2019-01-01 Miao, H.; Fumagalli, R.; Rossi, M.; Lorenzana, J.; Seibold, G.; Yakhou-Harris, F.; Kummer, K.; Brookes, N. B.; Gu, G. D.; Braicovich, L.; Ghiringhelli, G.; Dean, M. P. M.
Two-pass two-way acceleration in a superconducting continuous wave linac to drive low jitter X-ray free electron lasers
2019-01-01 Bacci, A.; Rossetti Conti, M.; Bosotti, A.; Cialdi, S.; Di Mitri, S.; Drebot, I.; Faillace, L.; Ghiringhelli, G.; Michelato, P.; Monaco, L.; Opromolla, M.; Paparella, R.; Petrillo, V.; Placidi, M.; Puppin, E.; Rossi, A. R.; Rossi, G.; Sertore, D.; Serafini, L.
Polarization-resolved Cu L3-edge resonant inelastic X-ray scattering of orbital and spin excitations in NdBa2Cu3 O7-δ
2019-01-01 Fumagalli, R.; Braicovich, L.; Minola, M.; Peng, Y. Y.; Kummer, K.; Betto, D.; Rossi, M.; Lefrancois, E.; Morawe, C.; Salluzzo, M.; Suzuki, H.; Yakhou, F.; Le Tacon, M.; Keimer, B.; Brookes, N. B.; Sala, M. M.; Ghiringhelli, G.
Dynamical charge density fluctuations pervading the phase diagram of a Cu-based high-Tc superconductor
2019-01-01 Arpaia, R.; Caprara, S.; Fumagalli, R.; De Vecchi, G.; Peng, Y. Y.; Andersson, E.; Betto, D.; De Luca, G. M.; Brookes, N. B.; Lombardi, F.; Salluzzo, M.; Braicovich, L.; Di Castro, C.; Grilli, M.; Ghiringhelli, G.
Enhanced spatial resolution of commercial soft X-ray CCD detectors by single-photon centroid reconstruction: Technical Note
2019-01-01 Amorese, A.; Langini, C.; Dellea, G.; Kummer, K.; Brookes, N. B.; Braicovich, L.; Ghiringhelli, G.
XSpectra®: an Advanced Real-Time Food Contaminants Detector
2019-01-01 Garavelli, B.; Pozzi, P.; Macera, D.; Zanotti, L.; Mencarelli, A.; Bubba, G.; Bertoni, P.; Sammartini, M.; Bettelli, M.; Bertuccio, G.; Ghiringhelli, G.; Zappettini, A.
MariX, an advanced MHz-class repetition rate X-ray source for linear regime time-resolved spectroscopy and photon scattering
2019-01-01 Serafini, L.; Bacci, A.; Bellandi, A.; Bertucci, Michele; Bolognesi, M.; Bosotti, A.; Broggi, MORENO FRANCESCO; Calandrino, R.; Camera, F.; Canella, F.; Capra, S.; Cardarelli, P.; Carrara, M.; Cassou, K.; Castoldi, A.; Castriconi, R.; Cattaneo, G. M.; Cialdi, S.; Cianchi, A.; Coluccelli, N.; Curatolo, C.; DEL VECCHIO, Angelo; Di Mitri, S.; Drebot, I.; Dupraz, K.; Esposito, A.; Faillace, L.; Ferrario, M.; Fiorini, C.; Galzerano, G.; Gambaccini, M.; Ghiringhelli, G.; Giannotti, D.; Giove, D.; Groppi, F.; Guazzoni, C.; Laporta, P.; Leoni, Simone; Loria, TIZIANA ANTONIA; Mangili, P.; Martens, A.; Mazza, T.; Mazzotta, Z.; Meroni, CLAUDIA DOMENICA; Mettivier, G.; Michelato, P.; Monaco, L.; Morante, S.; Moretti Sala, M.; Nutarelli, D.; Olivares, S.; Onida, G.; Opromolla, M.; Pagani, C.; Paparella, Rocco; Paris, M. G. A.; Paroli, Bruno; Paternò, G.; Paulin, C.; Perini, L.; Petrarca, M.; Petrillo, V.; Pinotti, E.; Piseri, P.; Potenza, M. A. C.; Prelz, F.; Pullia, A.; Puppin, E.; Ragusa, F.; Ramponi, R.; Romè, M.; Rossetti Conti, M.; Rossi, A. R.; Rossi, L.; Ruijter, M.; Russo, Paolo; Samsam, S.; Sarno, A.; Sertore, D.; Sorbi, M.; Spataro, B.; Statera, M.; Stellato, F.; Suerra, E.; Tagliaferri, A.; Taibi, A.; Torri, V.; Turchetti, G.; Vaccarezza, C.; Valdagni, R.; Vanzulli, A.; Zomer, F.; Rossi, G.
Experimental Determination of Momentum-Resolved Electron-Phonon Coupling
2019-01-01 Rossi, Matteo; Arpaia, Riccardo; Fumagalli, Roberto; Moretti Sala, Marco; Betto, Davide; Kummer, Kurt; De Luca, Gabriella M; van den Brink, Jeroen; Salluzzo, Marco; Brookes, Nicholas B; Braicovich, Lucio; Ghiringhelli, Giacomo
Enhanced spatial resolution of commercial soft X-ray CCD detectors by single-photon centroid reconstruction
2019-01-01 Amorese, A.; Langini, C.; Dellea, G.; Kummer, K.; Brookes, N. B.; Braicovich, L.; Ghiringhelli, G.
Depth-resolved resonant inelastic x-ray scattering at a superconductor/half-metallic-ferromagnet interface through standing wave excitation
2018-01-01 Kuo, C. -T.; Lin, S. -C.; Ghiringhelli, G.; Peng, Y.; De Luca, G. M.; Di Castro, D.; Betto, D.; Gehlmann, M.; Wijnands, T.; Huijben, M.; Meyer-Ilse, J.; Gullikson, E.; Kortright, J. B.; Vailionis, A.; Gauquelin, N.; Verbeeck, J.; Gerber, T.; Balestrino, G.; Brookes, N. B.; Braicovich, L.; Fadley, C. S.
Three-dimensional collective charge excitations in electron-doped copper oxide superconductors
2018-01-01 Hepting, M.; Chaix, L.; Huang, E. W.; Fumagalli, R.; Peng, Y. Y.; Moritz, B.; Kummer, K.; Brookes, N. B.; Lee, W. C.; Hashimoto, M.; Sarkar, T.; He, J. -F.; Rotundu, C. R.; Lee, Y. S.; Greene, R. L.; Braicovich, L.; Ghiringhelli, G.; Shen, Z. X.; Devereaux, T. P.; Lee, W. S.
Probing the energy gap of high-temperature cuprate superconductors by resonant inelastic x-ray scattering
2018-01-01 Suzuki, H.; Minola, M.; Lu, Y.; Peng, Y.; Fumagalli, R.; Lefrancois, E.; Loew, T.; Porras, J.; Kummer, K.; Betto, D.; Ishida, S.; Eisaki, H.; Hu, C.; Zhou, X.; Haverkort, M. W.; Brookes, N. B.; Braicovich, L.; Ghiringhelli, G.; Le Tacon, M.; Keimer, B.
Re-entrant charge order in overdoped (Bi,Pb)2.12Sr1.88CuO6+δoutside the pseudogap regime
2018-01-01 Peng, Y. Y.; Fumagalli, Roberto; Ding, Yang; Minola, M.; Caprara, S.; Betto, D.; Bluschke, M.; De Luca, G. M.; Kummer, K.; Lefrançois, E.; Salluzzo, M.; Suzuki, H.; Le Tacon, M.; Zhou, X. J.; Brookes, N. B.; Keimer, B.; Braicovich, L.; Grilli, Marco; Ghiringhelli, G.
Symmetry breaking at the (111) interfaces of SrTiO3 hosting a two-dimensional electron system
2018-01-01 De Luca, G. M.; Di Capua, R.; Di Gennaro, E.; Sambri, A.; Granozio, F. M.; Ghiringhelli, G.; Betto, D.; Piamonteze, C.; Brookes, N. B.; Salluzzo, M.
Crystal electric field in CeRh2Si2 studied with high-resolution resonant inelastic soft x-ray scattering
2018-01-01 Amorese, A.; Caroca-Canales, N.; Seiro, S.; Krellner, C.; Ghiringhelli, G.; Brookes, N. B.; Vyalikh, D. V.; Geibel, C.; Kummer, K.
Oxides and their heterostructures studied with X-ray absorption spectroscopy and resonant inelastic X-ray scattering in the “Soft” energy range
2018-01-01 Salluzzo, M.; Ghiringhelli, G.
The beamline ID32 at the ESRF for soft X-ray high energy resolution resonant inelastic X-ray scattering and polarisation dependent X-ray absorption spectroscopy
2018-01-01 Brookes, N. B.; Yakhou-Harris, F.; Kummer, K.; Fondacaro, A.; Cezar, J. C.; Betto, D.; Velez-Fort, E.; Amorese, A.; Ghiringhelli, G.; Braicovich, L.; Barrett, R.; Berruyer, G.; Cianciosi, F.; Eybert, L.; Marion, P.; van der Linden, P.; Zhang, L.
Dispersion, damping, and intensity of spin excitations in the monolayer (Bi,Pb)2(Sr,La)2CuO6+δ cuprate superconductor family
2018-01-01 Peng, Y. Y.; Huang, E. W.; Fumagalli, R.; Minola, M.; Wang, Y.; Sun, X.; Ding, Y.; Kummer, K.; Zhou, X. J.; Brookes, N. B.; Moritz, B.; Braicovich, L.; Devereaux, T. P.; Ghiringhelli, G.
RixsToolBox: Software for the analysis of soft X-ray RIXS data acquired with 2D detectors
2017-01-01 Kummer, K; Tamborrino, A.; Amorese, A.; Minola, Matteo; Braicovich, Lucio; Brookes, N. B.; Ghiringhelli, GIACOMO CLAUDIO
Three-dimensional dispersion of spin waves measured in NiO by resonant inelastic x-ray scattering
2017-01-01 Betto, D.; Peng, Yingying; Porter, S. B.; Berti, Giulia; Calloni, Alberto; Ghiringhelli, GIACOMO CLAUDIO; Brookes, N. B.
Spin and charge excitations in artificial hole- and electron-doped infinite layer cuprate superconductors
2017-01-01 Dellea, G.; Minola, M.; Galdi, A.; Di Castro, D.; Aruta, C.; Brookes, N. B.; Jia, C. J.; Mazzoli, C.; Moretti Sala, M.; Moritz, B.; Orgiani, P.; Schlom, D. G.; Tebano, A.; Balestrino, G.; Braicovich, L.; Devereaux, T. P.; Maritato, L.; Ghiringhelli, GIACOMO CLAUDIO
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